Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by buzzy613

  1. This is pretty cool, but in regards to lava you're going to have to do more than change how it reacts with water.  How do you propose to get rid of it after an eruption ends?


  2. Posted Image


    Greetings and Salutations!

    Here, for the first time, I present my texturepack, Small Stones.




    I eventually hope to change all blocks.


    This pack is 8x8 because I like it and there aren't any others.


    Download Here!




    See Arkia's post below. Can't seem to embed the album.



    Comments and constructive criticism welcome, but it's staying 8x.


    Please, if you use this send me screenshots of cliffs and such to put here.


  3. I would like to propose that bronze armor be cast. 


    In real life (irrelevant, i know), bronze is hard. Really hard. Like cast iron hard. This is what made it useful for tools. This also makes it completely impossible to forge, since hitting it at any temperature below melting will crack it or do nothing.  As such, historically, anything made of bronze was cast, then filed/sanded/polished to whatever finish was needed.


    That being said, I would like Terrafirmacraft to follow suit, with cast bronze armor.  The patterns for leather armor could be used to make the molds, requiring considerably more metal to fill than tool molds.  If the devs want to keep the anvil in the formula, perhaps the armor pieces could be made from two cast parts each riveted together on the anvil.


    Of course, this does make bronze armor a bit cheaper in terms of effort (less forging, though the casting makes it perhaps more involved), so perhaps to balance things the durability of these armors could be lessened (on account of hardness).


    Regarding believability:  This would certainly help for me, but would probably have a merely educational effect on those with a lesser knowledge of metallurgy.


  4. A leather strap seems to me a very bad idea for a bow string. Maybe sinew, but that's something entirely different.  Use leather for a bowstring and it will snap, and the bow will literally explode in your face.


  5. We can make the British mechanical space whales and fuel them with the fat of the organic ones we kill.  It is clear these aether-fairing abominations must die, and no cultural anomalies will stand in our way.


  6. one advantage of building with wood is that it holds its shape while it burns.  If a steel structure catches on fire, the steel heats up and bends, and the building falls down.  If a wooden house catches fire, it will stay standing until the bottom floor is mostly ash, giving you time to gtfo


  7. Ach. Gloom. That was, in my opinion, one of the worst things about BTW.  I think caves get sufficient tension from not being able to see mobs and holes.  Portable lights would be nice tho.
