Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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Strait Raider

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Everything posted by Strait Raider

  1. [0.2.4] TFC2 Prerelease

    Most issues I've encountered have already been reported, so I'll just say Excellent Work! Ocean water glitches might sometimes be related to decoration spawns. I found this area with lots of broken sugar cane in it (picked most of them up before I thought to screenshot)
  2. Underwater Plants and Mobs

    Hi all, Something that's bothered me in Minecraft for a long time (and carries over into TFC) is just how barren the oceans are. I saw that Dunk got underwater plants working (hooray!) and I've heard rumors that we might be getting a separation between fresh and salt water (no more squid in my swimming hole!) so I figured we might soon have the mechanics needed to expand the ecosystem a bit. I know there's a thread here about fishing but I didn't think this really fit. I'd like to brainstorm some more non-fish mobs and plants to spice up the ocean. Plants * Coral - Spawns in flat clusters on the ocean bottom, ideally a solid (dead) coral block base which can spawn live coral on top or sides, of multiple appearances. Perhaps increases fish spawn rates? Blocks of dead coral could be quarryable and usable as a fluxstone. * Mangrove Trees - Spawn in groups along shorelines in tropical regions. (118 countries have mangrove trees) Roots provide shelter for fish, perhaps increase fish spawn rates? * Kelp - grows in groups to as much as 30 and 80 blocks in height. Think how awesome a kelp forest would look. Slows movement like leaves? * Duckweed - could spread over the surface of swamps during the summer and revert during the winter using the same code as ice but with temperature values reversed. * Seagrass - to add some texture diversity to the bottom, a sand-and-seagrass texture that grows like normal grass, but only underwater in ocean biomes (if that is feasible). * Fucus/Laminaria - A couple of medium-sized (one-block) brown or green seaweeds would add some nice diversity. * Pondweed - spawns/grows 1-3 blocks high in non-river fresh water. Slows movement like leaves? Saltwater Mobs * Squid - This is just a pet peeve, but I'd love to see the squid with a new model and skin. Squid are typically very pale, not black, most species are a lot smaller in size and personally (I'd like to hear other's opinions on this) I think the blockiness is overdone on the squid model, it could do with having a narrower mantle, perhaps smaller at the front, with the addition of the fins. * Crabs - Easy to catch in shallow water, a quick way for a stone age gatherer to get a little protein. * Lobsters - More filling, but harder to catch by hand (darn things can swim surprisingly fast!) * Jellyfish - useless, but they'd be great for ambiance as jellies of various types are ubiquitous in the world's oceans. * Clams - wondering if these could be acquired when digging up sand blocks near the ocean, perhaps with some subtle visual cue when one is present * Seals - Slow on land, very fast in the water. May be found basking on land during the day or sleeping at night. May eat crabs/lobsters/clams/fish and may destroy traps or nets that have fish in them. Good eating, if you can catch one. Freshwater Mobs * Crayfish * Freshwater Clams Potential Dangerous Mobs * Stonefish - blend in on the bottom, passive but does not flee unless stepped on, major envenomation if stepped on. Edible if cooked. * Leopard Seals - Aggressive if approached, may occasionally chase or flee. Edible. * The usual suspects - Sharks, crocodiles, alligators or hippos. * Sharktopus What do you guys think? Got any good water plant/mob ideas?
  3. [B78.7] Horse Auto-Breeding INSANITY

    Nope. Just found horses in 78.8. The chunk had been loaded previously (but evidently I missed them the first time) and there was already one foal. When I came closer to investigate I witnessed two horses spontaneously enter the mating sequence, resulting in another pregnancy. So what we need is to be able to right-click stallions with a knife to make them a gelding...
  4. [B78.7] Horse Auto-Breeding INSANITY

    We've yet to encounter horses in our 0.78.5+ world, but I can confirm that this was happening as described in 0.78.3. Every female horse or donkey was pregnant when found.
  5. [Solved]Fake Food items

    Seems to be fixed for me in 0.78.7
  6. Gold Panning

    It does sound like it's the go-to method of getting early copper now. I hope in the future once they've remastered the sluice mechanics it will work like a mobile version of that - scan a large area around with a chance of providing a small piece of that ore. It would make it more of a prospecting tool than an automatic free (but slow) source of copper/gold/silver.
  7. [Solved]Fake Food items

    Seconded. Seems like it might only be happening with certain foods. Maise being the primary offender in my case. Can be successfully combined with other food, adds no weight.
  8. Pits of Death

    I'm loving build 78 so far, but the new terrain generation is bugging me a little bit. The surface-level ravines are pervasive. I'm guessing they spawn with the same regularity that they do underground, just unlocked so that they can reach the surface. One the surface where you can move faster, the effect is rather extreme. They're EVERYWHERE, and result in a lot of "oh sh-" moments when you're unexpectedly jumping over a 40-meter drop. They also seem to generate after the dirt layer does, because they are usually partly to completely covered with one-block-thick grass. Your first notice of many crevices is the ground crumbling away behind you, a little unsettling. The new hot springs and surface lava pockets have these issues too - both being very common and usually part-covered with dirt. Gameplay-wise it's kinda interesting, it really keeps you on your toes when you're travelling and it gives you a lot more (perhaps too many!) places to explore for quick ores. I personally think all the partly-covered ravines make the terrain look pretty ugly though, and it's pretty hard on the livestock too. Just wondering if there are any changes planned for this, whether it's feasible to change any of it, or whether it's working as intended.
  9. Hotfix #: 0.78.3 Suggested Name: Fresh Water Ice breaks to Salt Water Suggested Category: Annoying Description: Winter, camped by a freshwater river. River has completely frozen over. Break some ice to do some ice fishing. Later notice that ice which has reformed over hole is white instead of light blue like the rest. Cannot fill jugs from this water, and is repeatable when I break new holes in the ice. Bucket confirms the ice turns into salt water when broken. Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes Fixed in Version 0.78.4 [*]Fixed several issues with fresh and salt water freezing and unfreezing into the incorrect types.
  10. [Solved] Cobblestone acting like dirt.

    Working as intended. As IRL, you can use it for fences or the base for a wall. Gotta use brick or cut stone if you want to go higher.
  11. B78 Pre-Release Live-Steam 04/08/14!!!

    That would kind of defeat the purpose, which I assume is to make variety in your diet important. If they just filled less hunger, the solution would just be to increase production slightly of whatever food source you're using. If it helps, don't think of it as debuffs for bad nutrition, think of it as buffs for good nutrition.
  12. Metric vs imperial

    Hey, imperial units make sense for a game set in the stone age.
  13. Underwater Plants and Mobs

    Squid can definitely be a bit broken now. In our current world we have several people living solely off squid because they spawn in the shallow rivers and lakes nearby where they are very east to hunt. When we get the salt/fresh water division they shouldn't spawn in most of that very shallow fresh water where they're so easy to hunt, which would go a long way towards balancing them. It also appears as though they aren't coded to flee players, which would make them exceedingly difficult to catch without rod and tackle.
  14. More uses for tin?

    It would be kind of neat if you could dip tool heads in molten tin to confer a durability bonus to them. Something like level one unbreaking from vanilla minecraft. Probably a fair bit of work for a minor thing though, and only really makes sense for iron and higher tools, as bronze and copper are naturally resistant to corrosion. (they form a protective patina) The tin can wasn't invented until the 1800s, which I think puts it a fair way outside of what TFC aims for.
  15. Underwater Plants and Mobs

    Thanks for the welcome. If you ever do work on aquafirmacraft let me know, I might be able to make some models.
  16. Fishing

    From the depths of 2013, I resurrect thee, thread! Coming from the East Coast, I'm (obviously) from a fishing family. However we don't go diving for squid and hit them with swords, and we almost never use rod and tackle. What we do use for various species, off the top of my head is: Crab, lobster - traps Clams - digging Oysters - raked off the bottom Herring - Gill net Gaspereau, Eels - Diversion to cage Smelts - Box net through ice Mackerel - Handlining I know there's some work being done on improving fishing rods, so this will probably be pretty low priority if it's ever considered, but it would be great if we could get some new methods for fishing. While rod and tackle has been around for at least 8000 years or so it doesn't seem to be the first method we had, certainly isn't the best, and judging by current "primitive" fishing cultures doesn't seem to be our go-to fishing solution. I know I'm paraphrasing a lot of what has been said here already, but it would be great to be able to spear-fish, Just bandying some thoughts around for how some of this might be done. Simplest thing would probably be spearfishing, practiced in many, many cultures and basically how we already hunt squid in-game. If fish don't alert until swimming characters are quite close they could be melee'd. Or if they alert at greater distances they could be hunted with thrown javelins. Or as a more complicated mechanic they could add a dedicated fish-spear weapon with a reach of two tiles or so, very low damage and no knockback. (making it useless as a combat weapon) Weir blocks could be "woven" from a 3x3 grid of sticks and be placed like fences but use Dunk's awesome new object-in-water magic that he can do to make a visually appealing fish diversion. With this we could make simple weirs, diversions, and cages to corral fish into spearing-distance. If we wanted to be fancy, perhaps crafting a circle of weir blocks could make a one-way weir block, but I'm not sure if it is feasible to do one-way blocks in Minecraft. Come to think of it, a woven stick fence would be a more stone-age appropriate alternative to the vanilla-style post-and-rail fences... Weir blocks in a U-shape could perhaps be crafted into traps/pots for bottom-dwelling crabs/lobsters/crayfish, but I imagine that would require a LOT of special coding to allow live capture trapping of only certain animals, and allowing traps to be baited. Net blocks could perhaps be woven out of 3x3 yarn and placed to create gill nets, which would be placed like weirs to catch fish that swum into it. Might need a durability component to avoid being overpowered. (Nets need to be frequently mended, even with modern materials) Perhaps nets could then be crafted with stones at each corner of a 3x3 grid to make cast nets, tools which could capture fish in a small area in which it is thrown. Probably requires quite a lot of special coding though, when rod and tackle and potentially spearfishing or weirs already exist.
  17. Underwater Plants and Mobs

    I hadn't really thought about the actual depth of Minecraft's oceans. Giant kelp can grow up to 80 meters, but scaled for Minecraft oceans a height of 20-30 seems more reasonable I suppose. Kelp can reach the surface in some areas. I dunno if I'd have clams 2-3 meters down, one block is probably deep enough. I certainly don't dig a meter down when I'm clam digging! I know there will always be competing priorities and a lot of this stuff isn't simple to add, but I think this could tie in well after the food overhaul. If finding protein to supplement your agricultural grains and vegetables becomes important, the ocean could be a critical source, as it was to many cultures historically. And after all, we know water plants work now and there's been some work done on new fish mechanics. That and the oceans do look depressingly barren compared to the impressive work that's been done on both the land and the underground rock layers and caves. Addendums: Kelp forests should only be found in temperate or colder areas (no kelp forests in the tropics) Kelp forests could increase creature spawns (if this is possible) as they provide food and shelter. Coral reefs should be concentrated in the tropics If you look at the wikipedia articles for kelp forests and coral reefs, the areas where they are generally found are almost perfect inverses of each other.