Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by EstebanLB

  1. chisel and stair corner

    Indeed, this is much needed in TFC
  2. Not a TFC bug, help with compatibility

    You have SO MANy mods that it's difficult to tell. You might need to take them all out and start adding them one by one to see wich one causes the issue
  3. [Solved] No Nutrient mode?

    You also need to read the changelog before posting
  4. [Solved] Flint?

    mmm, the uild 79 did brought new gravel types, perhaps Bioxx had an oversight with that
  5. Bone tools have bone handles

    They where removed for some reason
  6. Ottomic, any progress on this? I'm giving it a try too, looking at the config files now
  7. Some observations of how people play

    Kitty, what happens when we combine stacks of the same food item but with different flavors? for example fruits from different areas or meat from different animals. Do they get averaged, the flavor of one replaces the other or something else?
  8. [Solved] Dynamic Lights in TFC 0.79

    One of the files will have to be left untouched, the one that uses ":" for the light levels, as you need the ":" in the "terrafirmacraft:torch" name. I think it's the one of mobs holding the item
  9. Bone tools have bone handles

    That was a thing with stone tools some time ago
  10. @Emris_Morath, I still haven't found them. Can you post a screenshot of them?
  11. no Inventory

    Also, cattails are a rare find and can only be found on fresh water. An alternative with TALL grass would be a better option.
  12. no Inventory

    It may be realistic but not balanced at all. The player in TFC is supposed to gather many items during the first day and having that kind of inventory nerf kills the game. Not to mention that working with barrels, large vessels and anvil would be an impossible task. Unless the basket can be easily put down and picked up, unlike how currently the barrels and vessels works. BTW, excellent job with the suggestion, you really put an effort with the drawings. This is how suggestions are made
  13. Question about clay

    Yeah, I noticed this too. Although I like the new terrain generation with more real ground, a single layer of dirt over the stone layer, the golden root trolling us is not fun ¬¬
  14. [Solved] Salads

    And to only have a chance to break like the ceramic jugs
  15. Update the mod. And use the menctioned Forge version, you are using a different one
  16. Decay rates in large vessels & barrels

    They do not. However, you can put the food inside the small vessel and then that vessell inside the large ones and barrels
  17. Food/Water Poll

    mmm. And the poll?
  18. What you see now is pondweed and only grows on 2+ block deep fresh water lakes and rivers Cattails are in fact not spawning perhaps, but they were having problems in previous versions. They are the same block though, it renders diferently depending on the location, I think
  19. [Can't Fix] Boats break into vanilla sticks

    Known issue
  20. [0.79] Eating is useless

    Still not a bug, but a feature. You can close this thread and comment it in the Discussion forums, I think that there are topics created already for this
  21. Torch Poll

    I like the mechanic a lot, but 2 days is a bit short I think. They should have a random value between 3 and 5 days
  22. Large ceramic vessel dupes liquid

    Tried on Creative or Survival?
  23. bug css in forum

    I think that they are aware of this
  24. Pumpkins to become (temporarily) valuable?

    They are even more valuable as constructions block for emergency shelters when there is not enough wood nearby
  25. [Solved] Large Vessels hold both solids and liquids

    I like this idea