Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by EstebanLB

  1. On 27/7/2016 at 8:15 PM, creeperCuller said:

    In modded Minecraft, redstone is often depicted as some by product of cinnabar. But redstone's properties are not similar  to those of cinnabar. Cinnabar is basically mercury ore, nothing very special about it, where as redstone is some sort of piezoelectric crystal. I say this because it's often powered when something bends and warps it, like a button pressing down on it or a lever bending it. 

    I figured that, due to it's interesting properties and it's colour, it's probably red tourmaline. Tourmaline is a piezoelectric crystal and comes in red varieties. So I suggest that instead of acquiring redstone from cinnabar and cryolite, it should come from crushing or refining tourmaline.

    You are giving Notch too much credit. Believe me when I say that he definitively  did not give that much thought when he added redstone


  2. I'm bumping this as to avoid creating another topic about the same.

    I don't know how much the 1.9 update brings compared to 1.8, I have only played 1.7 with TFC so far. So I'm asking if TFC2 will be playable in this latest version


  3. 8) Gems are useless? I know about protection meter, but something more with a lot of difference gems?

    There is an addon that give uses to gems -among other things-, they can be placed on blocks, (any side) and generate some ammount of light, depending on the gem quality


  4. Uploaded the new Build from the Download section and started a game just about an hour ago.  Survived two days and nights living off of cooked seaweed, some berries and some tomatoes I found.  Seem to be either on a large island or a series of linked island - following the coast because every time I went inland I found no animals and only a few items I could eat besides the sea weed.  And the only source of fresh water happens to be on the coast - one small area - that ALSO happens to be hard to get out as the landscape around it is crumbling into huge pits.  Lucky for me, found clay early, so am firing jars so I can starting to plan a series of quests to find a better spot.   No metals at ALL - that I can see on the surface.  


    Even building a small shelter at this point would be useless - I would have to tear it down in a few days anyway.


    It's perfect!  Just the kind of problems a human being should try to overcome.   :D


    I have to check the wiki about fishing.  Maybe I could live by the sea!  


    By now in regular Minecraft I would have a farm already going with a small cottage and maybe some farm animals.  I would be picking out which type of wood to make my doors out of and feasting on pumpkin pie.  How boring.... ^_^

    If you have spare resources, you can also leave the shelter there to come back later when you have a propick. Perhaps you found some ravines where you could descend and prospect the walls and the bottom of them when you get a propick. Or you might just want to get back there for the flowers or the trees that only grow there


  5. The idea breaks the purpouse of handling your hotbar. You are required to have both the chisel and the hammer to chisel blocks, you need to have the 5+ units of clay and leather to work it, you need 2+ rocks to knapp. Making the logs magically go from your inventory to your hand goes against that feel of hotbar=hands and inventory=pockets/backpack


  6. The sluice is a prospecting tool, you are not supossed to use it to get free ore, just samples to know what ore you have in a determined area. However, the gold pan IS indeed to get smaller ore pieces so you can craft your first tools.

    That's why the gold pan can be crafted in the stone age and the sluice only in the metal age, when you can already craft a saw and a pickaxe for the setup


  7. Why is the skill multiplier based off all of the smithing skills for everything? Shouldn't the multiplier for tools be just the average of tools and general, and the same for the weapon and armor smithing? This would make more sense. Why should your skill in forging armor effect the first time forging a sword, and why should the fact that you haven't trained one area of this drag down the durability of the items forged in the other areas?

    Yes, that is bugging my mind too Kitty



    Quick suggestion, even though the light leves for the gems are editable, the defaults should be waay lower; they don't burn out, don't need crafting, and very abundant over time. I'm setting them to make the best gem a bit brighter than a torch and the worst gem, half as bright than the torch

     And about the lanterns, would it be too dificult to alter the crafting so we can make them refillable?


  9. The biggest penalty for dying is losing your levels, which also increased your max health. So if you're low on dairy but have a lot of levels, killing yourself to replenish the dairy really is only going to decrease your max health because you lose the bonus from all of your levels. The nutrients reset on death to stop a starvation death loop. Otherwise a player might be completely starved, and only have 50 HP, which is low enough that everything is essentially a 1-hit kill, and then they die, but are still stuck at 50 HP and keep dying from 1-hit kills because they can't get their nutrition high enough before taking damage again.


    Unless a whole bunch of people post saying that they really want this, I'm not going to put in the effort to add it. And to those of you thinking "Oh I'll just make a PR for it" please remember to extensively test your changes and submit proof that you have extensively tested it, or else the PR will simply be closed. If I've decided to not put in the effort to add it, I've also decided to not put in the effort to double check your code for you.

    This is a much needed feature. But instead of spawning with the same values, they could be set not lower than a minimum. That way players won't explot it to get higer levels and no one will suffer from a staevation death loop. Everybody wins Kitty
