Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Yoshari

  1. b58: Crash Checking Animal Gender

    Confirmed only if you're holding something in hand. If you have nothing in your hand, it should show gender. Edit: Only tested in B58, unconfirmed in B59, as of yet
  2. I would join, but I don't have too much experience with role playing and my writing isn't too great. Sort of on ECC's topic about lack of females: Can you choose to be any gender, or does it have to be specific to your own gender?
  3. Help with the first Stone Anvil?

    The first thing is to follow the rules. Hit, Hit, Hit is the rules for making an ingot, but the green arrow has to be within the margins of the red arrow to actually make something. The closer the green and red arrow are, the higher the durability of the final product. Ingots don't follow the durability rule. To clarify the rules, the metal you're working with "memorized" the last 3 actions on it. The rules apply to each of the actions. To create the product, all 3 rules have to apply to the "memorized" actions of the metal. You have to follow the rules to make it. Example: Making a pickaxe needs draw as third, bend as second, punch as last. So you first bring the green where you think the 3 next actions will bring it onto the red arrow or within the boundaries. Follow the 3 steps and you should have created a tool head (or an ingot). The animals being babies are being fixed, so you can wait until the next mini update for that. To mature babies, you have to wait a good year or so (following realism).
  4. Ore Underground? Beta 2 47f.

    Yes, it could even be gravel 1km away from the sluice, but you have to remember that the sluice checks the area it's in, not where you pulled the sand/gravel from.
  5. Ore Underground? Beta 2 47f.

    If you've been using a sluice and finding bismuth, you should dig around the 100x100x60 area that the sluice searches for ores. Chances are, there is an ore vein there since you stated that you got small bismuth, but It will take a bit of time to search for it.
  6. Amazing but HOW?!

    I believe it has to do with the way some of the terrain generation that causes it. The above picture was a water ravine on top with an open ravine below it. I've had this happen on a couple of seeds, including that server as well (before the server wipes). The water in the ravine hasn't updated so the water will "hang" until it get's updated. It makes for some interesting places, especially if you have more than two water ravines intersecting. On the side note, I placed those torches there a long whiles back, and from the look at Rei's minimap, you must've found our mini town.
  7. Prospecting Help

    Preliminary Start As of build 47, I find that marking flint rocks that yield small ores in Rei's minimap to be very useful. Once you have a good cluster in a single area, You can just dig down from a central area, propicking every 12 or so blocks (you could go for 25, but its just me). If you think this is risky, get a sluice and see if you can find ores (before digging down). If you get nothing after a good hour or so, then either the ore is very deep or it's just plain unlucky. I have had the problem that my sluice tells me that there is no Cassiterite when sluice is just a couple of blocks above it. Finding the Ores (if you dig straight down) My method is a bit different to Johnny Madhouse, but it works on a similar principle. When you find the an ore, you should backtrack to see how far the ore reading was. Once you reach the point where it becomes a small or traces, you should then go forward ~14 blocks and start the cardinal direction tunnels. The reason for backtracking is to limit where the ore is. If you think about it, a 25x25x25 is a large area to find, but if you can take out one of the directions, it becomes a 25x25x1 area(!). Cardinal Direction Digging This should only require 2 directions of digging, unless the ore size is huge such that you need an extra tunnel direction. I recommend digging in perpendicular to the tunnels. Dig about 12 blocks in the two directions, propick the end area there. If the readings are the same, you can generate a conclusion based on the readings where the ore cluster "should" be. Remember that since you determined the area from above, the ore cluster should be on the same level as the cardinal tunnels. With the two (or three) readings set, you should be able to determine the quadrant the ore cluster is. From there, you should dig out the perimeter of the ore sample and then dig out the midpoints in which you should have found ores at least. I could edit in some pictures of how I dug, but I need to take them. For now, this is how I find the ores, and it has worked (I have yet to find 2 of the same ore cluster in different quadrants) for me.
  8. cannot create stone pickaxe anymore? b2b74b

    Read the changelog, he removed them as of build 47. You get starter metals from the flint rocks, panning and sluices. You can still use metal picks, so don't worry about not having picks at all.
  9. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    Did something happen to the server? I'm getting a communications error.
  10. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    You would be partially to blame because lava in your stall can serve as a focus FOR griefing.Seldron made it clear from the chat in game that griefing is punishable, so he took extra precautions to minimize griefing in the town. You were not forced to put lava back in, it was deemed as dangerous to other stalls.In fact, a creeper exploded near your stall (which was in fact close to my stall as I am adjacent to your stall) that probably destroyed some of your walls and most of my stall. That was also a problem as well because you proved that it was dangerous by bringing it (the creeper) to the market. If you had lava in the structure, the damage could have been plenty worse. While I do believe Seldron is correct, it wasn't stated that greifing IS punishable in the main topic. But then again, it is HIS server, he can choose whether the server can stay up or will close by his will. I am sorry for your banning, and also for your friend as well. Your creations were wonderful. If you were on TeamSpeak (which, when this was going down, most of the people, including Seldron were in), you would have been able to argue a better case, or even listen to Seldron's reasoning behind it. While it is unfortunate that stealing is a constant reminder, it's harder to prevent (as it is not white-listed). Note: This was occurring when Seldron was up 25 hours (emergency call in his work) and slept only 3 hours at the time. Should you have had a better timing, this may not have been what it had.
  11. Dual-metal ores, how to handle these?

    Dual metal ores (tetrahedrite for example) will smelt in a bloomery fine, but the dual metal output will mean that there will be 2 outputs, but only the primary will be first, and the secondary will be after. The total of both is added and displayed on the output. Example: With a fully smelted stack of magnetite, it will produce both pig iron and platinum with pig iron being the primary and platinum the secondary when it is outputted to molds. The total values are summed up in the bloomery, so you cannot tell how much exactly you have of either until you take one completely out.
  12. Ore???

    If you believe that no ores are spawning in your maps, try using the seeds in the forums. They will show if your ores are spawning or you must've messed up installing the mods. Most likely though, it's a matter of luck and patience.
  13. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    With the new pick update, it should be much more easier to do some surface searching for ores. Tunnelling will also be good too. Pinning the ore location will be a pain though. Just as a reminder to everyone, remember that getting ores is all about time, patience, and a great deal of luck.
  14. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    Well, if its related to the current build, then the areas that we have covered so far SHOULD have ores. I have already found Lignite, Bismuth, and some Copper as well before logging out. Too bad I'm not at home atm, or I would show where it is located.
  15. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    Yeah, the server crashed. Hopefully it will be back up later.
  16. Ore finding Tips & Tricks

    Can i go with copper right away when i don't find a tier 0 ore? How can i melt it with a fireplace? I think you can try smelting copper in a forge since it can reach higher temperatures, but you'll need charcoal for using it. You can go straight through to copper this way. I'm in a rock layer where zinc is supposed to be available and no matter how much i try to look for it i won't find a single vein even with the propick nor if i go and make a quarry blindly and start digging randomly because i don't know what else to do? It isn't recommended to just hunker down and dig. The best way is to propick the sides of mountains. Once you detect one of the metals, you should start to narrow down its area and then dig right in. Is zinc available in the world? Is it worth it? Zinc is available. I found some easily after creating a new world, but it could just be luck. Cassiterite may be a better bet to get if you want to advance to bronze faster, but any starter metal is worth it until you hit the upper tiered metals. Should i forget that biome and move to another till i find some substitute for it? You should always explore other biomes because specific biomes hold certain metals, its randomly generated in terrain (I think).
  17. Did you also include Player API? It was in the installation instructions.
  18. Game time based on system time!?

    You could have it pull and save the current time of the system, but the problem would be that the system time can be altered so that you can be on exactly the right month to harvest fruits and then just repeat until you have an almost infinite supply of fruit. Also, if you were to have it based on current time, the game itself would have to remember the previous time, so that it would not always be the first day of January. There was another similar topic on this forum Here. This suggestion was almost the same deal, except without basing on current time and just changing how long the seasons/months are.
  19. defuq did i just find?

    The witching hour is normally described as 12AM or 12 PM. This is often represented when the sun or the moon lies directly above you.
  20. Option to change year/seasons duration

    Currently, the duration of months and years in TFCraft are lengthy in SSP. I don't think that there is a need to change how long days are, but I think the months can be changed. I believe a good solution is to have the months based on the moon cycle (Referring to the moon transitions in a realistic sense). It would make it easier for SSP since seasons would pass much more rapidly. This also benefits SMP when people are only on at specific times of the day because of the extra time length which equates to ~ 3 months difference, which always puts them in a different season when they log back on. Not to dump math in here, but some data of current times and my proposed time changes: Current Time: 1 full minecraft day ~ 20 mins 30 full minecraft days = 1 full minecraft month ~ 600 mins = 10 hours 12 minecraft months = 1 full minecraft year ~ 7200 = 120 hours = 5 days Proposed Time Change: (8 Moon Transitions) 1 full minecraft day ~ 20 mins 8 full minecraft days = 1 full minecraft month ~ 160 mins < 3 hours 12 full minecraft months = 1 full minecraft year ~ 1920 mins = 32 hours = 1.25 days I am not including half days (Sleeping at night) since it is about half the full time. This might make fruit trees a very easy supply of food being available almost every real life day, but you also have to consider that you reduce the number of days that you can harvest the fruit from the tree from 30 minecraft days to 8 minecraft days. I believe this is a good way to balance out how long the months are and how plentiful fruit are when they are ripe for picking.