Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by danagor

  1. Lapis is indeed found in TFC. It's one of the minerals you can find. And like snow, I think deserts are bugged?

    :o i thouht that all of the vanella ores were taken out from TFC sorry my bad...

    Too bad about deserts... i like them more than i like snow... i miss them


  2. Well i just know that TFC is on beta ATM and it's a really fun mod/game just give it some time, i'm sure Bioxx is going to find a very nice solution to all the SSP and SMP unbalance, right now we just need to wait his thoughts about the results of the poll, there's a lot of people playing SSP right now, about 53% so, we'll wait and see... i also wonder what Crysyn, Mead, Sinlust and the rest of Bioxx's team thinks about the poll and all the SSP SMP discussion so far, dunno just curious...


  3. fair warning: I'm not really set up to fix any bugs you encounter. You may find that the whole thing is bugged.

    No worries, i understand :) just want to help giving you as much info as i can

  4. did deserts desapear in TFC? i was explaining the uses of dye to a friend, and he wanted a blue carpet and i thougth i want a green one, well there's no lapiz lazuli or cactus(?) in TFC so i googled other sources for that color and found this:

    "Blue pigments can be obtained from cobalt oxide, phthalocyanine, aluminum silicate, zinc oxide and mixtures thereof.

    Prussian blue is obtained from Ferroferricianuro Iron."

    Don't know if that'll help TFC in any way but there it is, thou maybe a blue flower would do the trick :P


  5. i need to ask... how many people breed animals for food? i haven't tryed that yet but i'm getting a farm up and i'm planing to test the breeding system


  6. I wish i could donate something but in my country there's lots of restrictions with dollars, i already tryed to donate but no profit :( i guess i won't be able to support the development :( i was even going to help a servers comunity... :mellow:


  7. Sounds good to me, i do play solo but i´ll have to adapt sooner or later :) now about donations let me explain somehting, i´m from Venezuela, here whe have a limit of US Dolars we can use YEARLY no more that 400US Dolars so for me to donate it´s going to be dificult, thou if this is going to be a serius testers servers i won´t mind donating a month subcription for a server (depending on prices) and put murmur on my pc 24/7 so we can use mumble... make some nice rools and i´m in


  8. Well i wanted to do some tests on the ores but only copper is avalible trouh NEI i don't know why there are things missing but i wish i could see them all and be able to use them... Now i recall being able to see all the items on old builds of TFC but still i don't know why we can't now :( maybe NEI needs some kind of config or it was done on porpose by devs for whatever reason they have


  9. Wow i'm amazed of the poll results ATM 44% of solo players + 8% or Hardcore Solo players that's 52% of the people playing TFC!!! That's a lot more than i thought it would be O.o

    I wonder what Bioxx is going to do next after thous results... the blood thickens :P

    what do you people say that will happen? growth times decreased, breed time drecreased, calendar time speeds up?


  10. i dig down around 8 ro 12 maybe more blocks to find some ore veins on the first rock layer, of curse i dig where i found the small ores and with the help of a pro pick, usually i get a reading un the fisrt 5 blocks down i woudl start counting 10 blocks down and start making a small tunels about 15 or 20 long and start discarting the places where the propick readings get lower, if i cant find it at that high i would go down 5 more blcoks and repeat the process till i find the vein :) hope it helps


  11. i usually find ores close to rivers or other bodies of water other that the ocean so that's also a good place to look for them... and starting a sluice system to get as much as you can while building or doing something else :) you can try this seed if you want i found lots of ores close to the Spawning Point -2797195896540496815 you'll spwn in front of a river, just follow it and grab all the rocks around it :) good hunting


  12. umm... i haven't checked my world for high tier ores... i should go into creative and far away from my SpwnPnt and check...

    Good thing i did... i just dicovered that my world had no Gabbro!!! meaning i won't never ever find Nickel wich will cap me into the steel age... no nickel no black steel no blue or red steel...

    I'm getting tired of renewing my world so often... cheking every world gen in creative to make sure you'll get all the ores you need to het red & blues steels is time consuming and boring as hell...

    Oh well let's hope for some tips on how to know if your world gen is good or not...

    And here is Crysyn's answer to my question:

    "... for a good world there is no real way to just 'tell' its a good one.. I mean the first one we tried to do with everyone was 80% water... we spent around 2-3 hours until we gave up and started over? What this did do for us though was make us just be happy to have land of any kind :D"

    meaning that if you spawn on a world that is mostly water aint good :) thanks Crysyn i appreciate it ^_^


  13. This is something i do not consider a bug but it is interesting... i have two sluice systems one close to a vein of Nat. Copper and 50 or less blocks away another system close to a Cassiterite vein, the thing is that the system close to the Nat. Copper yields Cass and the other one close to Cass yields Nat. Copp... so i start counting blocks and found that both systems search range meet both veins, so i'm guessing that the sluices detects ores that are far away from them a lot better, why? dunno but my guess is that sluices search for ores on the long range first and then stars searching close to it until it finds ore, once it finds the ore the search mechanism resets and begins looking on the far range again, i say that because the sluice that i have colse to the nat copp has nerver yielded nat copp, same with the cass one...

    i imagine the search clockwise making a spiral till it finds ore or it gets to the center... :P interesting... of course the starting point of that spiral and the direction of search is random every time it resets because i don't allways get ores on one round, but i know the yield is going to be a little bit faster if the sluices are far away from th eore veins...


    By the way i still can't vote on the new poll it never finish loading after i push the vote button
