Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by kaldskryke

  1. How to find ores easily without a pick?

    Are you talking about exposed ore blocks? I don't think anyone is (seriously) suggesting that. Running around to find surface nuggets and small ores, however, is not a terrible idea. As you said, staying in one place and panning is very safe because of spawn protection. Personally, I like to do a bit of exploration to find cows, sheep, and crops, learn my nearby rock types, etc. It's a bit more dangerous, but I'm inclined to restart with a new seed if I don't like my surroundings so I explore before anything else. While I'm exploring I almost always find enough surface nuggets to make my first few tools.
  2. General help

    Hey chadders. There is no single ideal latitude, so if you want to haveeverything you`ll have to explore.Personally, I'm fond of latitudes in the 8000 - 9000 range. You won't find any jungles, chickens, or kapok trees. However, you will probably find sheep, cows, and fruit.
  3. How to find ores easily without a pick?

    Before you have a pickaxe, you basically have three options: 1) Wander around and pick up surface nuggets 2) Use a gold pan (only provides copper and gold) 3) Find an exposed vein of ore, which is rare to begin with, lure a creeper nearby and coax him into exploding. You might get some ore from the blast. Okay, so that last option isn't any good at all. Jokes aside, it takesonly 10 copper nuggets to make a copper pick. Even if you're unlucky with surface nuggets, that shouldn't take more than 10 minutes of gold panning. Bronzes are nice, but you don'tneed them to make your first pick. For someone new to TFC, it might be a bit aggravating that making a first pickaxe isn't easy. Please keep in mind that some of the fun in TFC is learning how to survive in the stone age... maybe you don't want to rush.
  4. also saying Hi

    Welcome to the forums, Wiki
  5. Smithing

    Also, I've found it helpful to figure out the relative motion of each of the techniques. For example, a medium hit moves the indicator exactly twice as much as a light hit. With a bit of experimentation you can figure outpreciselyhow much a given "pattern" will move the indicator AND you can learn combinations to move the indicator to any position you want. What I often do for tricky patterns is: 1) line the two indicators up perfectly with any combination of techniques2) use my excel cheatsheet to figure out an "inverse" of the pattern3) use the actual pattern I'd offer to post my own results but I expect that would get me banned
  6. Can't light forge

    I would have agreed with Estaban, so I looked at the code forCheckSmokeStackValidity() again and I think I overlooked something the last time I posted about this, so hopefully this helps. When the wiki says that the "bend" in the chimney must be immediately above the forge, it isnot talking about a chimney made of solid blocks, it's talking about a path of air. If the forge can'tsee the sky, then the code is looks fornon-solid(ie air)blocks that can see the sky, but the positions it checks are 1 block higher than above the forge. I tried to illustrate an example, hopefully this makes sense if you assume the green wool is actually an air block. imgur gallery
  7. Is experience used at all in TFC?

    In TFC, experience levels increase your maximum health pool. I won't spoil this for you, but if you want to know exactly how much extra health you get, you can look at the TFC configuration file. Or alternatively you can use F3 to find your current health, but don't forget that your maximum health is also affected by nutrition.
  8. Replace scythe with sickle

    I don't think a sickle is necessarily the best term either. For a tool that is only useful for trimming trees, I think shears would be more appropriate... but I'm not particularly concerned about it.
  9. Breaking ice gives ice cubes

    What good is a cooled water jug? Heat exhaustion doesn't exist yet

    All of your suggestions sound good to me, AllenWL and dreadicon! Being able to 'taste' the food types is very intuitive (and thus its omission would be immersion breaking), but I'm worried that would take too much away from the value of experimentation. I'm not sure what a good compromise would be, but then again I'm not a game developer and the mechanics I've suggested were only half-baked. (Again with the puns!) While I don't necessarily want TFC to turn into Cooking Simulator 2014, I think anything that adds more depth the the current mechanic is a step in the right direction. I'm curious to hear what Bioxx's or Dunk's thoughts on the subject are.
  11. Quick question on bloomery/blast furnace

    Actually, the wiki blast furnace page currently states:
  12. Ease

    TFC is not made for players who want to be at end-game within a couple hours. Everything takes longer in TFC, and for me that's part of the charm. I really doubt Bioxx or Dunk is interested in spending time making an easy-mode when they could be adding new features and content. If you want a fast paced experience you ought to look elsewhere. There are other mods that make Minecraft more believable/challenging, such as Better than Wolves or Minecraft Is Too Easy.
  13. Waiting around at night

    Using beds to skip nights is like playing on Peaceful.. but then again so is hiding in a hole and alt-tabbing and I'm sometimes guilty of the latter. I'd be in favour of allowing earlier-game sleeping if there were a variety of random events that could happen while sleeping, such as- a bear or two spawns in your immediate area, and you are woken up early - a pack of angry wolves spawns in your immediate area, and you are woken up early - rats found your food! food stored in chests or vessels is replaced with rat droppings - nightmare! you wake up in the nether with none of your things. You respawn in the overworld with all of your items and experience if you die or are "woken by a rooster". *shrugs*

    I swear you hadn't posted this yet before I started my previous post

    I'm inclined to agree here. Don't get me wrong,I like that tastiness can't be looked up on a wiki and requires some experimentation. It would be nice, however, if there was some kind of logic or minigame involved with the process so that experienced players could hone in on tasty recipes faster than blind luck. I'm envisioning some sort of system where every crop has 5 seed-randomized taste scores, such as Sweetness, Sourness, Bitterness, Saltiness, and Umami, or maybe just A, B, C, D, E. These individual scores are hidden from the player. When a meal is created, the contributions to each taste are summed up to determine the tastiness. Meals that have relatively equal scores of all tastes will say "Bland" on the tooltip and have zero satisfaction. Meals that score very high in one particular taste are "Too Sweet" or "Too Sour" and have poor satisfaction. The tastiest meals will have two or three very dominant tastes, which will be displayed on the tooltip like "Sweet and Sour". With this system a beginner player will still add foods at random. As the player creates more meals they can do experimentation todeduce an approximate taste score for each of their crops, ex "With this seed, meals created with Potatoes tend to be sweet, so I suspect it has a high sweetness score". If a player is able to become familiar with a variety of ingredients, he/she will be able to create tasty recipes with much less guessing involved. Edit: Some might say that the current system is already "complex", because it has so many combinations, so why should the developers add more complexity? One of the problems with the current mechanics is that you only need to find one good recipe and then you can stick to the same 4 ingredients the whole game. Both the above system and the current mechanics allow the player to get by on a small variety of crops once a tasty recipe is learned. The difference is that I think the above system would actually be fun, and provide incentive to continue experimenting even after the first tasty recipe. Some people, such as HonneyPlay, seem to spend a lot of time in TFC cooking. It would be nice to spice things up for them. Yes, pun intended. And speaking of spices... adding a pinch of salt or something to a created recipe would be a nice way to boost it's final tastiness
  16. Saying hello

    Neat. Teaching is a noble and vital profession, though tragically undervalued. I hope it works out for you.
  17. Gypsum Help!

    While currently useless, potential future uses of gypsum include plaster, mortar, fertilizer, and surprisingly, mead. Currently Sylvite is the only mineral used for fertilizer in TFC, but in real life Sylvite provides potassium, only one of the nutrients commonly found in fertilizer (such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium). Perhaps in future builds of TFC fertilizer will require a mix of Sylvite (for K), Gypsum (for Ca), Saltpeter (for N), and phosphate rock such as limestone.
  18. I can't say as I've really played much of BTW or MITE, but I should probably give them another try. I'm very fond of TFC's crafting overhaul and worldgen so I haven't really been interested in mods that are closer to vanilla. However, it would be nice to be challenged by hunger again. B78's new food system is nice, but since I play in single-player I constantly have more food than I can eat.
  19. Block placement lag

    A mouse issue could easily explain accidental double-clicks, but that would be very obvious when using other games or applications. Metamorfos, is there also a delay when you break or place blocks as well, or is it just a double-placement issue?
  20. Saying hello

    Hello, Kazeako, welcome to the forums! What made you want to teach English?
  21. Version #:78.16Suggested Name: Ceramic mold breaking sounds not synchronizedSuggested Category:MinorDescription: When emptying ceramic molds (creating an ingot), there is a chance the mold will break as expected. However, sometimes the breaking sound will play but the mold is still intact, and other times the mold will break without the sound being played. Seems like a client/server mismatch?Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: YesDo you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Yes
  22. Rest/Exhaustion.

    Fortunately, TFC works fairly well with Smart Moving, which implements a stamina system that is highly configurable. By default, stamina is lost and gained very quickly, but a more realistic resource-conservation style is easily set up by modifying the config file.In addition to the stamina system, Smart Moving adds a lot of swimming/jumping/crawling options that help you with mobility at the cost of stamina.
  23. Armor

    Thanks for the warning, but I'm struggling to know what kind of thing is or is not grounds for punishment. In this case, all I did was take the damage formula you posted and plug in the numbers on the armor provided by the in-game tooltip. If armor values take away from the magic of the experience, why are they included in the tooltip? I don't want to be confrontational here,.. it's just that I'm a numbers-focused type of player and I can see myself butting up against this kind of rule frequently. For example, in another thread I looked at the code to see how forge chimneys are determined to be valid because TomatoThief found it somewhat unintuitive. Should I be censoring myself in these situations?
  24. Can chickens restore their hunger?

    Thanks for the clarification, Kitty!
  25. Can chickens restore their hunger?

    I was watching Ethoplay TFC, and he sadly killed his pheasant by plucking feathers. I decided that I wanted to how often you can pluck a chicken's feathers without killing it, so I dove into the TFC deobfuscated dev build to see if I could learn anything.I've learned that: 1) Pheasants/chickens have 50 HP.2) Plucking feathers deals 25 HP of generic damage. 3) Each tick, they have a 1 in 100 chance of healing 1 point of health but only so long as they are not hungry (>144000 hunger points). At a tickrate of 20/s, it would take on average of 125 seconds between pluckings to keep the bird alive. Like most animals, pheasants/chickens are constantly losing hunger points. However, I can't seem to find a way in which they can regain those hunger points. - Unlike wolves, interacting with them with food in hand does not apply a hunger buff.- Birds have the grass-eating AI package, but unlike cows or sheep eating grass does not apply a hunger buff. Perhaps I'm missing something in the code. Does anyone have any experience with keeping chickens fed? Thanks