Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by catanamu

  1. I propose making use of rotten flesh by adding a recipie to turn it into fertilizer
  2. There are several issues to be addressed here. First is the question of wether or not we want to start changing the core functions of tfc. If we should decide in favor of this we then need to figure out just how we want to go about it. Do we want to keep within the spirit of tfc or make it into something else. To answer that one must first answer this. What is the spirit of tfc, and is it worth keeping.
  3. Nope. Im on a cell so maby thats why. Do they look like their part of the layout or is an outside program adding them?Edit: i just checked the full site. No ads. It is most likely adware. There is an addon for firefox called lightbeam that shows what websites you are on are connecting to... very ilumenating.
  4. I now have a perfectly functioning technic launcher modpack for the applecraft tfc server... i have been extreamly busy with overtime work and working on my own tfc server but will be back on the applecraft server tonight after midnight and probably all day friday. If anyone wants the link to the technic launcher modpack for easy instilation just let me know and i can post it. If posting the link publicly on this forum is not prefered then please let me know the official policy on it.
  5. Journeymap rezes a very large area at once to generate the map. This causes massive amounts of client side lag while the new map is generating. I personally prefer mapwriter
  6. Btw if anyone is interested my skype is cata.namu and for my personal technic modpack just look up my name.
  7. Fair enough. Im pretty good at figuring out complex systems. I always have the standard launcher as a backup.
  8. Do yall mind if i make a hidden technic modpack for this? I use the technic launcher and it would make things much easier on me. I realise i could have done so without anyone knowing but i thought id ask anyway.
  9. Thanks. Ill give it a go when i get home from work.
  10. Application What is your IGN? Catanamu Do you like apples?yes very much so What do you like to do in Terrafirmacraft?i am a farmer at heart. Managing the food source for the comunity. How old are you?34 Where do you live? usa central texas (For time zones) Are you mature? Physically and mentally. Tell me about yourself? I am a very reliable and responsible person, kind to a fault. I am a security guard which leaves a lot of time to think. I also have my own tfc server im setting up with towny am2 bc te and tc4 using minetweaker to intigrate their recipies into tfc materials. Also im working with CustomNPC (3-5 sentences) Anything else I should know? Im available most fridays and saturdays.