Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by joawsome1

  1. When you spawn in the world the first thing you may notice are the new trees, min stones on the ground, different dirt, and hollow leaves. You will notice that you cannot break the wood as you can in vanilla Minecraft. So what do you do?

    First you need stone to begin harvesting, gathering, and slaughtering animals.

    1. as you notice there are small little blocks on the ground, if you break it (which is relatively easy) you will get an item that is called a stone. There are multiple different kinds but you only need 2 of the same to begin.

    2. The leaves in the game are quite unusual. But breaking them still provides saplings, as well as a higher chance to drop sticks. Collect as many as you can for tools and much more.

    3. now that you have your two main components in tool creation, your going to need 2 of those stones you harvested earlier. Put both in your crafting grid anywhere you want. Then select the output, which is still the same stone, but opens a new screen. This is called knapping, and only wastes one stone in the process. No re-do's and no restarts, only one chance. to make tool heads you need to form them as they are in the plans.

    Tool heads :

    *Note: "x" is where the stone needs to be left in place

    **Note: "o" is where you have to remove the stone from the grid

    ***Note: Drawings not to scale, simply copy each row down as you see it in game

    - Pickaxe Head :

    O O O O O

    O X X X O The basic tool od Minecraft And Terrafirmacraft. Mining to find stone and ore.

    X O O O X

    O O O O O

    O O O O O

    - Axe Head :

    O X O O O

    X X X X O An axe can be used as a weapon, stronger than the knife but still used mainly for wood. Its the only way to cut down trees.

    X X X X X

    X X X X O

    O X O O O

    - Prospectors Pick Head

    O O O O O

    O X X X X Helps you find ore quickly, although it may not be the easiest tool to use.

    X O O O X

    O O O O X

    O O O O O

    - Shovel Head

    O X X X O

    O X X X O Dig dirt faaster han with your fist.

    O X X X O

    O X X X O

    O O X O O

    - Hoe Head

    O O O O O

    X X X X X Used for farming, plant wheat after tilling the land.

    O O O X X

    O O O O O

    O O O O O

    - Knife Blade

    O O X O O

    O X X O O A knife is a semi-useful weapon. its not as strong as an axe, but does have its own uses. its simply a weapon, nothing else.

    O X X O O

    O X X O O

    O X X O O

    Now that you have created your axe, pickaxe, and any other possible tools. Its time to gather some rescourses. Lets start with wood, you can break the leaves to collect sticks and saplings. Or simply cut it down, now you may notice the wood isnt really called "wood" but they're logs. These can be but in your crafting grid with an Axe to split them into planks. Once you get 4 planks you can make your basic crafting table! with the crafting table you can now make more tools, or blocks!

    Now to find your new home, your going to want easy access to resources, so a desert wouldn't be the best choice. Forests have the most resources, but can be a pain to live in sometimes. In my experience with this mod i realized that the best place to set up a home would be near water and in a forest. but make sure there is either a jungle or swamp nearby as well. If you don't like the overpopulated forests, then you can always live in the plains, where animals tend to spawn and the lands are easier to live on and create what you want with all the space.

    Once you have found an area that is satisfying enough for you, its time to start building your house. You can use wood or stone, but notice that cobble and dirt act like sand now. but you can use support beams to hold some of it up.They are crafted by either placing an axe and 2 logs on top of or next to each other.

    once you have completed the construction of your house you can go fishing if theres water nearby, breed animals, or farm wheat. Any means of survival necessary can be used.


  2. yes add a whitelist, it would be for the best. And theNISH I was the only person on the server the most, and honestly i dont know what happened to your house or our village. All i can say is that i logged off for 1 - 2 hours and when i got back the whole village was destroyed everyone was grifed, and all the animals slaughtered. So a whitelist would make it easier for us to know who plays this server.


  3. Well no one on the server is a griefer, but for some reason theNISH had his house burned, mwolfert had his house griefd and torn apart, and then within the past 2 hours smeone griefed me. The whole village has been robbed of anything valuble. Food, Beds, Coal, Wood, pats of houses have been taken, and chests too. but it all happens when no one is online? and theyre lighting fire somehow to burn stuff down too. but since the time you replied, who ever is destroying peoples stuff seems to have been on recently after you posted. Nonw of this happened when NISH was here, but now it is?


  4. this is a great server. No lag at all (unless your computer happens to be slow) and i haven't experienced any bugs yet, but several others have. Although the only difference is that they use several other mods.

    I was also going to ask you if i could possibly advertise this server? maybe get a few other people to join!
