Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Two

  1. Some observations of how people play

    Just so there is no misunderstanding: the purpose of this thread is to gather some feedback for the devs, nothing else. Sometimes you design a good idea, implement it well, and then still everyone is doing it differently. There are always many reasons, like bugs preventing people from playing properly, people simply not finding the idea as good as you (the developer) do, but maybe you can upgrade it so people enjoy it more, sometimes players just don't understand the feature and it might need to be simplified or explained better, and sometimes a feature just doesn't turn out as planned and might get removed. As already mentioned: my view is very limited. A server with 10 players is hardly a solid base for any statistic or a complete change of plans, but it is feedback. And your views are adding to the picture. They are neither better or worse than anyone else's view, because it's your way of playing the game, and if it suits you, then no one can argue with that. So by all means: please continue the feedback. =)
  2. I am looking forward to the 79.8 update then.
  3. Version #:79.6 SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): SP Suggested Name: Familiarization with animals does not work Suggested Category: Severe Description: After feeding way too much grain to my sheep without them breeding I took a look at the source code and noticed that a bug is preventing the familiarization to happen as planned. Using as example: In line 362 it is specifically checked that the code is executing only on the client. In line 365 this.familiarize(player) is called to adjust the variables familiarity and familiarizedToday. But these variables are never synced to the server, so the server always considers those values to be 0/false. In addition in the handleFamiliarityUpdate method in line 687 it is checked if familiarity is between 30 and 80, and if that is true nothing is done. So that value will be stuck once it raises past 30 and can never reach a value >90 for the special baby case. Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: No
  4. how to compile (next try)

    When I try to set it up with gradlew all I get is an error message that Forge is unable to download the Forge files from the Minecraft Amazon servers. Not sure how to fix that.
  5. Looking for a part-time employee to feed my sheep every 20 minutes. Will pay sandwiches.
  6. To my experience sandwiches are one of the healthiest foods you can eat in USA. But that's not because they are especially healthy. I think it is the nutrition value of the dishes we constantly swallow whole together with the salad... While you are at it, could you fix that too please?
  7. I would like to join. IGN TwoThe Age 34 Why me? I really like the idea of playing with 4 nations. In addition I am an experienced and kind Minecrafter.
  8. This is very easy to do with Git: got a new idea? Create a branch for that idea, code and commit as you like. If at any time you like to work on something else, just switch the branch. This way you can have several half-ready ideas floating around while you still have a stable master. And if something is ready to be released, then just merge that branch into the master and release it.
  9. The build does lack a bit of testing that's for sure, but then it is marked beta, so that can be expected. Have you considered doing more frequent updates with less changes each? That way you could implement feature by feature, get feedback and bug reports for each, and people wouldn't be overwhelmed by a sudden change of everything.
  10. Version #: 79.6 SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): Suggested Name:Right click with empty barrel on full ceramic vessel destroys the liquid Suggested Category: Annoying Description: If you right-click with an empty barrel on a filled ceramic vessel, the liquid inside the vessel vanishes, but the barrel is not filled up. Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: No
  11. Torch Discussion

    I wonder how Minecraft feels like if mobs no longer spawn but are permanent. So if you kill them, they are dead, and if you don't kill them, they do weird stuff like reproducing.
  12. Torch Discussion

    Did I mention that lanterns would be a good idea?
  13. Well I got lucky then, I got 3 rock-salt spots, several andesite and gabbro and one quarzite area.
  14. Not to mention that you first need to find that many seeds to actually be able to grow them.
  15. I had a look at the sources so we can do some math: - Feeding an animal takes 5 oz away from the food - Oat growth to full on average in 32 days. - Oat drops on average 14 oz when harvested. If that is correct, then a single farm spot of oat will produce 0,4375 oz per day, and since you need 5 oz to feed an animal per day, each animal would require about 12 farmland spots growing oat minimum. A flock of 4 sheep would therefore require 48 spots minimum, which is about a 7x7 area of farmland. If you are very much on time with the harvesting and do not loose anything to decay, otherwise you would have to increase the farmland accordingly. I guess that given normal play-style and some decay, 16 farm spots (4x4) per animal would be a realistic number.
  16. Even if this was working as intended, with daily feeding just my 4 sheep would require a huge farm. The low growth rate of oat would force me to have a lot of backup-food, stored somehow so that it does not decay. This feels very excessive to me.
  17. Stable Build ETA?

    The stable version is always the previous version, as the current version is always marked beta. As this is no professional company development, no professional QA and release cycles can be expected. As well as no payment or compensation for the time spent by the devs.
  18. Torch Discussion

    But then still it wouldn't increase required block IDs by 100% but only by like 7%-10%. Reasonably possible. If it is worth the trouble however is a completely different question.
  19. b79 Staying ahead of the nutrition monster

    I very much appreciate that you aim this for multiplayer, as honest Minecraft is just more fun with more than one player. However some people prefer to play alone (or don't have a server), and the game should be reasonably playable for those people as well. In addition for example the people I usually play with are those "No I do it on my own!" type of guys, so again there wouldn't be a dedicated chef.
  20. [Intended][b79.6] Sulfur for daaays

    The main problem with vanilla explosions is the RAM usage, explosions eat a lot of that. If you want I made an alternate explosion calculation for one of my mods, which should work as an out-of-the-box replacement:
  21. In my world I searched an area of about 8000x8000 blocks around my spawn and haven't found neither. I just got lucky and stumbled over some surface Borax, otherwise I would still be in the stone age.
  22. Racing is not the correct word, cursing, throwing tantrums, rewriting everything from scratch *again*, but no racing. In case anyone doesn't know: in the launcher edit the profile, select "JVM arguments" and write "-Xmx2G" into the field, where 2 is the amount of gigabytes of RAM you want to use, you can write any number here that your PC can support.
  23. b79 Staying ahead of the nutrition monster

    But then to get cooking to adept you still need to cook a lot of meals. Cooking on a demand basis means you need about a year to get your skill to adept, during which your nutrition bar will have dropped to 0 several times already.
  24. Torch Discussion

    You could just use a bit in the metadata to mark a block as player placed. That would be almost no inconvenience at all and would work fast and reliable.
  25. The propick still works fine even with the new gravel layer, just the area you can find ore is much smaller now. On the other hand the world now has much more ravines than before, which will allow you to search underground often. You can as well scan around mountains, which will allow you to "peek" inside. And if everything else fails, you'll need to use a ladder and a hole to get down to the stone layer and prospect from there. Nuggets on the surface are a dead give-away that there is ore around, and the amount of nuggets tell you how close it will be to the surface. The downside is that some "ores" do not produce nuggets, most importantly graphite, kaolinite and borax. But then you will usually find enough ore by prospecting on the surface.