Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Miner239

  1. Maybe the knight gets better knowledge on how to block effectively using his armor, not letting any attack strike true.
  2. Sounds

    Action music for action time? Sorta like Left 4 Dead's dynamic music. EDIT: Javelin throwing noise and crop planting noise.
  3. Injury

    Huh. I thought you would all come up with base-upgrade projects when you're wounded, because that's what I do in every game that has this kind of health system, but instead you lamented about how it should not be that debilitating. However... 1/4? I might as well play hardcore.
  4. Clay multiple ingot mold

    And maybe you could leave it to fill while you go fill another big mold, and so on.
  5. Encumberance Inventory system

    Andeerz, you hit the spot! CataDDA's inventory system was really great. Equipping storage items like barrels or vessels on your back should give you more space at the expense of less weight capacity (because the barrel itself is heavy), so you could choose between a backpack or a barrel. You could theoretically wear up to 10 piece per body part in CataDDA. Not exactly a hard limit, but you can't wear anything if it raises your encumbrance more than 6, and wearing two piece of clothing of the same layer will increase encumbrance.
  6. Clothing

    Yeah, stone age players would obviously have other means of regulating their body temperature. Spawned on the pole? Make a fire to warm yourself... then you find fitting clothing. Spawned on the equator? Find shade under trees, or get in contact with the nearest water source.
  7. Animal husbandry

    Um, um, um, would there be some kind of helper for single player? Obviously no one would do all trade by themselves without grinding every day. I was thinking about NPC that also lives its own life and might trade with you, and so on.
  8. Terrain generation

    Isn't islands already 'finite', like, limited to the size of the islands? We're talking about TFC2 here, not vanilla. That means... wait, I did remember that someone said the island will generate all at once.
  9. The Trades

    My suggestion is: 1. Make the charts digital for freedom of manipulation (and maybe make it in Google Docs spreadsheet and approving edits) 2. Change Forester into Gatherer 3. Change Adventurer into Hunter 4. Change Carpenter & Mason into Crafter .. then I'm all about supporting classification of trades. Also, that's six class, not five.
  10. Public TFC?

    To save you the time: Source
  11. Food + Taste + Hunger

    But there's no brightness color blind... What Darmo suggested can still be used even by B/W color blind people.
  12. Even adding piercing damage to skilled swordsman could give some difference... Or maybe armor-break, which would decrease armor for some time, kinda like Desolator on DotA.
  13. Magic!

    Because I have nothing else to do in the spare two weeks of dorm cleaning and score fixing(hooray for good grades), here we go: Manual Magic. The point of this system is you can choose to the detail how your spell would be. This would be achieved by utilizing the numpad, although 4 keys should be enough but tiresome. For example (note: arbitrary, random number): Firebolt: 7683196280Strong Firebolt: 768319298210Heal Self: 7624576240Heal Self+: 7624579360Heal Other, Nearest: 7626954280Now, what does these numbers mean? The first two numbers is your key to magic. You can only use your energy by magic usefully when you know your key. The next number is your element option. Here 7 means fire, 9 is air, 3 is water, and 1 is earth. Everything else inbetween is a valid option with its own set of spells. The next number is your magic stance. Here 2 means offensive, 4 is self, 8 is defensive, and 6 is other. Everything else inbetween is a valid option, too. The next two numbers is the spell's code. Fire-Air, Other-Offensive 19 is the firebolt spell. The next two numbers is the power code. The next numbers is the spell's effectivity code. Figuring out the code that gives you ~99% effectivity would be an advantage. The stronger the spell, the longer the code will be, and you will depend more on the right code to not burn yourself out of energy. The next numbers would be the parameters of the spell, but it's unneccessary for these simple spells. The zero casts your spell. Every player would have their stance and element key 'wheel' rotated and flipped, and their input keys randomized. However, the global code remains the same. If you found out that firebolt is 19 for you, and your friend know that your 1 is his 5 and your 9 is his 3, then firebolt would be 53 for your friend. Power codes follow this rule, too. Only effectivity, parameter codes and magic key are truly personal and thus must be discovered on your own. These spells would use energy, which comes from your energy pool/nutrition/nourishment/health, whichever is available, starting from the energy pool (but it's silly to use up your health to try healing yourself). Increase your energy pool by getting experience, skill, practicing on a daily basis, [crafting/smithing/obtaining] an energy container, or casting the 'raise energy pool' spell. Having enormous energy pool is critical for your survival while experimenting with spells, because you'll never know how much that spell costs. I'm pretty sure that 6561 (9^4) slots of spells would be more than enough to accommodate every spell that crosses anyone's mind. Heal? Check. Chuck someone off that cliff? Check. Firestorm? Check. Repair your armor? Check. Conjure flux? Check. Stone boulder roll? Check. Crop insta-grow? Check. Turn yourself to energy following E=mc2 like that guy in Inheritance? Why not? would crash, burn, and turn the server to wasteland, duh I'm pretty sure that I don't have enough dedication to update the OP, so, yeah. Heck, I can't even bring myself to finish that bottle of ketchup I bought 2 months ago, and it's still half full!
  14. Favorite Heavy Metal Band?

    Obsidian Shell.
  15. Encumberance Inventory system

    It won't be 2 tons, just... 300 pounds, maybe. Of course, we can set the progression so that it won't that overpowered. How about a HUD redesign?
  16. Encumberance Inventory system

    Just to restate Bioxx and remind myself, the standard weight would be 1 ordinary stone block: 1s and players would have max capacity of 256s. Done. Now, as I'm really keen on having size as another measurement/limit/whatever, let's say the standard would be a block: 1 block, and the max capacity(without any container equipment) is 512b. As wood would be something like 0.1s per log(my countings), then the player would not be able to carry 40 stacks of log, but only 8 stacks. Would that be better?
  17. Lemonade beverage

    'Galena, Jet, Gypsum etc.' you mentioned did have some effort put into it, you just haven't ever used it. To be fair, me neither. Still, your sarcasm isn't worth it. Heck, you really want to add it? Just do it. if you know how! ha!
  18. Encumberance Inventory system

    A gauge and the slowness should suffice, I think. How about making encumbrance divided into 4 sections like ADOM? The linear movement penalty would still hold, and being over-encumbered still makes you immobile. But then more penalty would go to those who hover just below the limit. Encumbrance system would change combat greatly, I think.
  19. Weighted Uncountable Material

    Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the suggestions forum? (Yes/No):ja Answering "no" to the above question will result in your post being deleted. Basically, uncountable material gets weighted. AFAIK, that includes (food is in TFC1) clay, unrefined ore, clothing material, rock(but not the block form), unrefined lumber, gems( along with Darmo's suggestion), fuel, and flux. Metal and water are quantized in TFC1(liquid in Forge), as in separated into countable units(quantum).
  20. Weighted Uncountable Material

    Um, so it's not as simple as replacing decreaseStackSize(x)/something into decreaseWeight(x)? /j Despite that, wouldn't making an encumbrance system in place makes a weight entry on each item already? Which would then be gotten by all/some containers? What would be the difference? If you can shed some light on that, maybe I can help you. And, you might be the one telling me this, but I remind you that crafting with weighted items should not be combined with vanilla crafting matrix. And blocks still stacks to 64/32, but my point right above still stands.
  21. Crafting Table 2.0

    That is a general workbench GUI. There might be no tabbing. It's not in the inventory. Deviance range stands for the range at which your expected output will change, which in this case, it would be 95-55%. No, you're not going to refine ore without a surface to work on. Maybe, I'm just pointing out the possibilities from integrating weight into raw items.
  22. Crafting Table 2.0

    Refining. Conceptually, you pick out the stone and keep the bands of oxide as much as possible, and the possible output depends on your dexterity, prospecting skill, and encumbrance. And that is how I imagine crafting with weighted materials should be. That gif essentially combines three ideas into one. The possibilities should be plenty. Darmo mentions time being a resource, so I made crafting timed. Will be affected by skills, attributes, tools, material, and encumbrance. Top bar is the ratio display. below it is the ratio multiplier input box, and beside it is the expected efficiency, which is 75%. Below it is the progress bar and the output slot. Below it is the toolbar, the deviance range(40%), and the tool switches. You might notice that the output has 70% weight of the input. Beside the inventory is the scroll bar. No need for an explanation, I think. Below it is the encumbrance bars. The buttons beside it is used to change the display mode of the bar labels. Right above the info buttons is the hand slot. Used for extremely heavy object, like an anvil, a full barrel, or a carcass. All slots on the inventory and your hand contributes to your encumbrance, hence the bar not decreasing before you place the item into the matrix. As for the measurements: Weight :: 1 stone : 1024 wood Volume/Size :: 1 block : 4096 pixel : 4096*256 crystal 2s of ore takes up 512p. Regular stone would weigh 1s:512p. Propick takes 80p and weighs 1s. Very heavy comparing to stone. Chisel weighs 1s and takes 70p. That stick is 2w:8p. Will translate to 128w:512p per log, placing consideration in space instead of weight. Wood rubble would have higher size per weight, accounting for it's bulkiness. 5x5 crafting matrix would open up even more possibilities, yes, but I'm concerned about the size of recipe entries, as making a recipe accommodate weighted would double the size of the entry, and making it 5x5 would nearly triple it. I'll probably make more gifs. Probably. That gif took 1 hour to figure out how to make one in Gimp, 1 hour to make the assets, and 1 hour to actually make 3024 frames. Now I know how difficult it is to make graphics for games. Djakuta, just Google it.
  23. Encumberance Inventory system

    Dropping this here, too.
  24. Crafting Table 2.0

    Dropping this here: