Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Miner239

  1. Conjured stuff does not really need to be complicated. I envision spectral blades(courtesy of Brogue) that have fixed, upgradable linear speed and a limited turn speed. These will chase any hostile or targeted entities.


    Speaking of magic, I have improved upon my modular magic model...


    I feel guilty from abandoning this thread.


  2. Sweating should be hooked into body temp, not fatigue. Well ventilated clothing(duster, light clothing) would make sweating effective in losing heat. Try imagining a water-cooled plate armor.


  3. Um... I'm currently not playing any Minecraft at all. I used to stay away from pork in-game, tho. Not sure why, it's a game anyway. Well, self-imposed rules do spice up life, ingame or not, don't they?


  4. 8 hours ago, Kittychanley said:

    Just going to point out a few flaws with this suggestion. First of all, there's a good chance there won't be any detailed mode chiseling in TFC2, primarily because of the complicated render and 1.8's overhaul with block models. Even if we did manage to get chiseled blocks working with a custom renderer, it would be just that much harder to try and get gem rendering in that as well.

    I'm also fairly certain that colored light also isn't theoretically feasible in Minecraft. Mojang had a hard enough time with the transparency of colored stained glass, let alone trying to add something to the lighting engine as well. As far as I know, there hasn't been a single mod out there that successfully adds different colored light to Minecraft. There's colored lamps where the block itself is a different color, but the light it emits is just normal white light.

    Nuh uh.


    It's a bit outdated, though...


  5. 2 hours ago, PlatinumAltaria said:





    On 11/13/2015 at 9:58 PM, Bioxx said:
    • So one granite block is equal to 1 stone. Lighter stones such as Shale might be 0.8 stone per unit. Other lighter items such as a ceramic jug might only be 0.1 stone.
    • Player has some number as the default carry capacity. Lets use 256 as our max capacity just for discussions sake.

    Bioxx said that.


  6. There's a reason why the daily upvote quota exist, logwet. We all have different standard on what to upvote. I upvote when the poster has a clever idea. It's up to you, really. Almost all posts contribute to the idea, but I think those that stand out and are generally better than the rest are the posts you should upvote. Honestly, it felt like a bot visited here and blanket us all with votes.



  7. 8 hours ago, Donjons said:

    Not forgetting the possibility of using pack animals or animal-driven carts, which would reduce the need to carry around stones. And I'd be quite thrilled with the idea of quarries for construction materials :)

    That is if you have animals in the first place. If you can only carry 1 stone block, then by density you can only carry 3 logs. We're talking early game here, when people scurry around looking for materials, ores, crops, and animals because they have none, and if they find it but can't carry it then... what? Settle here and there? TFC ain't Civilization, mate. You've got more islands to conquer and more fancy building to build.

    Though now TFC2's going to have hex tiles too... Hmmm...

    However, I kinda like the idea because it almost forces you to build a base to progress. Familiarizing an animal without a base is very difficult if you don't pen the animal or be there all the time for weeks, but once you get a pack animal, you could continue with the nomadic lifestyle (if you choose one).


  8. 5 hours ago, logwet said:

    I just think that it's too much work for the player to have to make cobble at the start for light.

    Um, you make cobble from 4 rocks in the crafting grid (at least in TFC1). It's primitively easy, like what Darmo said.

    I envision fat to be mid-game lighting, before plant oil, alcohol and something more sophisticated like lava, magic or dedicated chemicals, and after wood.

    Does crude oil counts as animal fat?

    EDIT: It seems like somebody upvoted all posts but logwet's (but one). Are you doing that, logwet?


  9. 2 hours ago, TonyLiberatto said:

    The rudimentary candles we are talking about here would be inside a clay bowl. We call it candle, but is more like a lamp.

    Alright, alright, now I get what y'all mean. 

    4 hours ago, logwet said:

    Even though candles IRL don't give off a lot of light, if they were to be added to TFC2 they should at least be as bright as torches, because otherwise there wouldn't be any incentive to make them.

    I'd say that making candles would be safer than torches and firepit at the cost of slightly dimmer light.



  10. 5 hours ago, logwet said:

    I can understand how torches could light things on fire, after all, it's just a stick on fire that has been stuck in a wall. It could easily fall out. Candles however, are a lot safer. At its most crude form, candles would be an enclosed, controlled burn inside a ceramic bowl. Unless the bowl spills, or unless if the fumes it emits are hot enough, I can't see how it could light wood or even thatch on fire.

    If torches light wood on fire, the player still needs something to light up their homes. And in the Stone Age, the player doesn't have access to stone and other non-flammable blocks. I'd prefer it if the player didn't have to constantly worry about their roof burning out when their away from home, or even worse, when their still inside.

    Of course, this is just my personal opinion and others have theirs, so please contribute, criticise or comment your thoughts!

    I don't think candle fire is enough lighting(i'd say 8/15, stronger than the moonlight yet so weak), and a fire big enough for lighting and is an open fire should still be considered a fire hazard.

    Another alternative would be to build a clay hut instead of a wooden one, then pour all your fuel into a container and burn it.

    And who the heck doesn't blow off candles when going out?

    You can easily beat fire one-on-one. It's annoying, but that's my point.


  11. 2 hours ago, Diego il Catanico Jr said:

    Miner, building will be a lot more gratifyinfg and interesting, for me at least, if I can carry only one stone block at time, or 4 planks at time.

    Now in minecraft you can build a small refuge in literally 1-2 minutes.

    Well, I'm a miner and a fighter, so don't quote me on that.

    Making players only be able to hold 1 stone block at a time would make even simple construction take days, days that quick-players like me usually don't have.


  12. I, for one, would advocate for blocks (and logs) having quite small weight and volume. You see that blocks in item form is small, right? Let's just assume that it's light. A stone block would be lighter and smaller than a metal tool. Please do care about those who care about building.


  13. 1 hour ago, Bioxx said:

    That would probably be rather confusing honestly.

    Um, how? Just think of the small bar as the zoomed-in version of the pixel above the green arrow on the big bar (yes, make the two bars distinct to make it more intuitive). The closer you can get to the actual value of the red arrow, the better. Stray too far and you'll get what is practically a lump of metal. Stray even further and your character refuses to call it a tool head, and urges you to keep working. 

    With this, casual smith who doesn't want the extra work to ensure that the green arrow land close to the red on the little bar would get good tools, but those who work out how their moves move both green arrows and land the green arrow very close to the red arrow would get masterwork tools. People who care little would just outright pretend not to see the little bar, and get 'random' quality tools.

    For this, maybe, maybe, the reward for those who got the skill levels(not actual skill) should be more move variants, emulating the smith having more control/technique over the moves.


  14. Um, regarding the integer/decimal values, why not just have two bars, one with a big scale and one with a small scale? That way you can fit more (integer) values. That way, there would also be two red arrows, one on the big bar, and one on the small that only shows when the green arrow lines up with the red arrow on the big bar.


  15. Seeing as you triple posted in the span of one hour, might as well edit it into one big post, no? Clutters the thread.

    I would rather have meteoric metal as one tier below procedural alloys, making it the best metal available and a high-tier alloy ingredient. Collecting the gunpowder necessary for the powder keg would be worth it.


  16. Hello, don't forget about weapon charge time! Charge time should also be taken into consideration when thinking about balance. Let's say, a broadsword would have more damage than a short sword (yet same proportion of damage types), but it would take longer to fully charge, resulting in only a slight increase in DPS. A gladius would have more piercing proportion than a sword but less than a spear. Et cetera.


  17. 3 hours ago, lJuanGB said:

    If meteors were added they should be some kind of "biome". Bioxx is basing the world gen in "features" the islands can have, for example, a "valley". Maybe, one rare feature would be a pretty rounded depression in the terrain, sometimes filled with water, and others just taken over by nature. In the stone layer bellow this feature meteorite ores would spawn. This way you are making meteorite findings much difficult, as you dont just have to read "traces of meteorite". You have to study the enviroment to detect if a collision was possible, and then find the centre and start digging down.

    Also, if this were added, it must be purple and be called Iridium ;)

    That is interesting. A hidden biome hex containing a used-to-be crater, and you might just have skipped through it had you not notice the shallow ridges and odd stone structure...


  18. 2 hours ago, Diego il Catanico Jr said:

    I think you all focus too much on magic.

    Fantasy does not mean magic.

    First of all, the Player should not be able to use magic when he wants. Remember the Player is human and, in my opinion, magic should be something rare and couldn't be used everywhere. Nobody should be able to work with magic, turning to a mage, but only to utilize it for specific events and places.

    No-one wants TerraFirmaCraft2 have things like magic staffs of Better Dungeons or Ender eyes thrown to the sky to see where is the portal, no?

    Um, dude. This thread is literally titled Magic. What do you expect, we talking about how spirits alters probabilities through the RNG?

    Magic has always been fascinating mankind since the dawn of time. And, as with all resources, mankind needs to control it. It's only a discussion of how to implement it in TFC, since there's so many kinds of magic that *kinda* existed.
