Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by MDub

  1. Disillusioned with TFCraft

    Man I so agree about the ores. Me and a few friends started a new map on 45 and we found just enough zinc to make some tools, and a single copper vien deep down. After making a few dozen tools and a set of armor, the vein is almost gone, and ive spend 7 or 8 full stacks of torches exploring tens of thousands of meters of cave systems at the supposed ore generation level and ive manage to only find 6... thats right 6 blocks of cassidarite on the wall of an underground river. Funny that you guys say 'build random house, dig down' because thats exactly what Ive been doing. I've yet to find any surface ore on 45, and my objective on a new map has been to get away from spawn, build a crappy house, and dig strait down an hope I break through to a cave before hitting around 20-30 depth. Even when I do find the cave, way way more often than not, its just a hole for me to crawl in and die from the mobs, rather than a source of resources .
  2. I stand corrected, Smart Moving worked without ModLoader. Sorry bout that kotor . It appears that the issue was the order of forge vs the render player api, and not modloader.
  3. Come to think of it, I made a mistake while I was installing smart moving the first time around and cant remember specifically if smart moving worked or not without ModLoader... I will try this and see.
  4. Smart moving requires Modloader and TFC's built in one does not function for it. I've personally had to work around this. If they are using more than just TFC, and the mods download/instructions page says to install it, its a good idea to install it. Knowing the correct order to install them is is a must, ergo I posted it here...
  5. Epic! Butchering would be a spectacular addition to the game. Looking forward to this Also on a personal note, _'s suck in variable names unless they are contants Not that ur code smells or anything... Perhaps I spend to much time in .NET.
  6. It certainly doesnt, but many other mods do. Do you run just TFC?
  7. on the release notes for 46b hotfix it states Fixed an issue where I wasn’t syncing the server files with the client files for the past few patches.does this mean the issue is solved?I will try the SMP server tonight with some friends, just wanted to know I would be wasting my time or not.
  8. a year

    Agreed, The progression of the years just seems painfully slow. It allows for a lot of wasted time on the part of the player. When fall hits you still have an enormous amount of time to prepare food for the winter. Seems like setting up a farm, and only really using it on an 'as needed' basis until nearly a hundred hours of gameplay is met seems a little less 'believeable' than TFC typically offers.
  9. So SMP for TFC build 46 is 'broken'?
  10. Religion

    I've been 'praying' for minecraft statues for ever.... Perhaps the shrines could be 2 block tall 1 block wide and deep craftable items, which look like statues and have a slot in them when opened like a crafting table, which one could place a potion in over night and have the effects duration/power increased slightly from a standard potion? Maybe that second part was a poor idea, but the shrines/statues thing would be killer... Can anyway say Castle Gargoyles?
  11. Religion

    While I sorta like the idea of having shrines either spawn or as craftable objects in the game, and receiving buffs for them, I think a critical element is lacking. In games like Elders Scrolls and others where you typically do some type of dungeon diving, or RP, the effects of the 'shrine of talos' sorta of thing fits, because it matches the mythos of the rest of the game. Gods and the like are critical aspects of the story line for those games. While this might have been a great idea had TFC been built as a RPG, the fact is, its not. It would be adding a superfluous game mechanic. While im totally in favor of finding elegant ways to introduce buffs on the characters such as slightly increased armor, fire immunity, or increase health regen.. the potions mechanic accomplishes that already. I havent really tried anything with potions in TFC, but if they are not currently working, and no plans exist to include them, perhaps this thread could be reborn under 'Potions' to make it slightly less hot button-ish.
  12. I played around with this a bit, and it seems that if you install ModLoader first, then mineforge, then your other mod files (like player API Render API, etc) it will work. I had to fight with the order to get smart moving working but the solution was to install Modloader, then forge, then the other mods (for the ones I had the order didnt seem to matter beyond ML and forge)
  13. All of the blocks are either white or green.

    A texture pack might also cause problems with the textures rendering on the blocks. If youre running one, try default.
  14. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    That sounds like a decent solution. The main reason I am still running the tool I made on my bukkit server is that is restarts the server on an automated schedule, CoreProtect does all I need for logging . If you already have backups from your startup script then this would be pretty useless for you (cept for maybe that it sends out an email when its finished letting you know if it completed or not). It may be possible to write some mod for the server which just subscribes to events (block placed, destroyed, item used, etc) and logs ID's and stuff via SQL to accomplish block logging, but unfortunately, I know pretty much Zero about the TFC object model (or any flavor of minecraft for that matter) and... I hate java (not that I cant write in it... it can just be mind numbingly stupid sometimes) so I wouldn't be able to write it without doing tons of reading, and I likely wouldnt be able to keep up with Bioxx in terms of developement cuz my job keeps me pretty busy... Maybe when TFC is more stable I'll explore this solution a bit more. Also Congrats to Choco!
  15. Improved Stone Knapping Interface

    Great idea! In addition, the player being able to drop the junk pieces of knapped stone onto the ground is sort of annoying. I guess it doesnt really cause any problems, but perhaps the knapping interface could simply delete the knapped pieces of stone, instead of putting them in the players hand. Also, for me, I sometimes accidentally am holding the shift key when I click the stone to open the knapping interface (second nature to move crafted items into the inventory with shift), and this usually results in a crash. Ive yet to narrow it down enough to submit a bug, but worth noting.
  16. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    That sucks about the griefing problem, and my house going up in flames . I wrote a utility that I use for my bukkit server a few months ago which stops the server, and zips up the entire server directory every 6 hours or so (configurable), then restarts the server. This was just something quick I put together while I figured out how to use CoreProtect. Its not the best way to maintain backups of a server, but its better than having to deal with losing everything from griefers. The tool doesnt need to use bukkit, its basically a shell, and would be no different from you manually stopping the server every so often, zipping up the server folder as a backup then restarting it, although it is quite a bit faster. You can have this for the server until there is an actual block logging utility to use if you want, but remember... restoring a backup from a zip means everyone loses all progress from the current time to the last backup, which if the backup interval is a day or something, could be a substantial amount of work.
  17. This is a nice server. Sorta quiet at times, but the map is good, plenty of ores, and the people were friendly. I dont really have time to do any recording, but I think ill keep playing here.
  18. Having Problems Installing Beta 2 Build 44 On A Mac

    Mac's strike again! So for future reference, the Safari brower's default is to extract safe files (evidently including zips) when they finish downloading, and in addition, Mac's dont merge folders, they overwrite them? The one and only time I had to use a mac, I nearly threw the thing out the window, because copying data from from a disk to the HD didnt actually copy, it just create a shortcut, or symlink or whatever they are called on Mac's. The hex value for the WEP key was case sensative, and it was the only mac in the building.... I program in .NET, and around our office we call Mac users Macholes..... no offence intended
  19. Go to hell

    Copper (Bsb), I am not a 'Kid'. I happen to be a 25 year old computer programmer with my bachelors degree in computer science, and four years professional experience, but you make an excellent point in your advice to Eternal. Perhaps if the world didnt revolve around his ideas, and he idk knew what tact was, we might not have found ourselves in this position. Maybe I reached the conclusion before him, but my point was that in no way is spending a large amount of time and effort building a mob trap, or complex redstone creation equivilent to sitting in a hole. The point of games is to reward people for effort. And incase it isnt clear, sitting in a hole = no effort, building a mob trap = effort. If its still not clear, google equivocation fallacy. Granted it is technically an exploit, they are by no means the same thing, or even comparable. Thats just a non sequitur, and a moments though by any reasonable person would make that clear. By comparing my idea to such a rediculous non sequitur over simplification of my idea, he implicitly belittled my opinion, for the SECOND time in less than two days. If you had read my post I though they could fall from the sky or something, which would make the concept of a mob trab considerably harder to implement, especially if said mobs did something like make a crater on impact. Any number of small tweaks to the idea coudl work around this potential exploit. As far as im concerned, if a player wants to think hard enough, is good enough, and survives long enough in the nether to build an effective mob trap, hes earned his drops. And now im done Edit - In retrospect, this came across a bit hostile toward you Bsb, and I apologize if you took any offence. I didnt meant to be hostile toward you, and said the above statement with no anger or animosity
  20. Go to hell

    well when you're that transparent....
  21. Go to hell

    I assure you, it was because I said it, and it had nothing to do with the validity of the idea. Not sure what his problem is with me... It wont stop me from trying to help people on the forum and continuing to submit bugs as I find them, I just have a troll to avoid is all :/
  22. Go to hell

    You didnt point out flaws in my idea... you compared the efforts of a player building an elaborate mob trap and remarkably complex redstone creations to a person digging a hole and afking next to a magic source. Since the very first post I've made you've gone out of your way to cut down my opinions. Even your other peers have pointed this out to you (need I remind you of my previous post in suggests, and the public apology you made for being a dick?). Regardless, youre a troll. At least to me anyway, and I dont have time for people who have nothing better to do than cut down honest opinions needlessless on forums. Im done paying any attention to you. Get a life, or perhaps a job.
  23. Antigriefing

    Ive been playing on one of the servers listed here, just to get a feel for how other people have been doing it, and it seems you guys are right. They just have moved thousands of blocks from the spawn. Whether this is an antigriefing effort, or a result of trying to find starter ore yielding rocks is open to debate. Its not 100%, but then again I guess it doesnt have to be considering the relatively small number of people who are keeping up with the builds and actively joining servers. As for Bukkit, im not sure how this would even work with most of the bukkit mods I have on my server anyway. I think ill stick with the 1k+ distance from spawn general rule of thumb for the time being. Thanks again for the advice
  24. Antigriefing

    So I made a server for TFC basically the same day I discovered the mod. Me and a few friends have been playing on it, but I would like to start posting messages about it on my bukkit server, or perhaps even list the address for my TFC server on my servers list sites. Before I do this though, I would like to know what sort of options I have for block logging, or something like epiczones for bukkit. I just dont want to risk griefing on a server like this. The impact of griefing would seem to be considerably higher on TFC considering how long it takes to get anything. Any advice, or should I just hold off for a bukkit plugin?
  25. Go to hell

    You're an asshat... why is it that the only responces you've had to my comments havent even been constructively critical, you've just been a douche to me since day one? For chirsts sake, get off my back, and stop being an asshole. Obviously people can build a mod trap, but the they have to work for it beyond building a 1x1x2 hole to hide in. You dont have anything constructive so say for critiquing my comments, why go out of your way to be a dick to me?