Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by MDub

  1. [Solved] Crashing on World Generation

    I could be wrong but im not noticing any player API in that output at all. Did you install it along with your other mods?
  2. [BUG LIST] Post your bugs below

    This is just a side note and I wouldnt really call it a bug... but users could probably gain from a more descriptive error maybe by way of some validation logic at startup... In the event that something is missing from the file, or there is some error in syntax, and the properties file is in this state BEFORE world generation occurs for a server, you will invariably receive an invalid cast exception while the world is generating. Its something along the lines of "Could not cast yw to type WorldGenerator" or something, but it happens 100% of the time. Like I said before, not a huge bug, and it isnt unreasonable to expect users to make proper files for their server, but perhaps validation could occur on the logic which reads form this file to inform the user of a problem, so they dont spend forever trying to track down this bug.
  3. 1.4.6
  4. Kerbal Space Program

    KSP is pretty freaking awesome... I would say TFC is better though, if only for want of a career mode in KSP
  5. If you guys are having trouble setting up TFC, because of the 1.4.6 update, you could try using this app I wrote it to install mods a while back, and recently updated it to work with .1.4+ versions. You still have to manually download your mods, and pick them for the installer, but you dont have to have a specific version of MC, it will download the files it needs for you, all you have to do is pick a minecraft version from a drop down. It works like multiMC where each client it builds you is distinct from the others, and from your installed version of minecraft. It asks for Core mods and Mods. Core mods get installed into the jar file (eg. Forge, and Player API) Mods get installed to the mods folder (eg. Terrafirmacraft, smart moving). If you want the source code let me know and ill post a link.
  6. SMP Bugs

    So ive ran into a few annoying bugs on SMP I wanted to post about. First is the calendar is hosed, or at least easy to hose. Alot of people forget to set their calendar values before loggin in, and after they change their configs and rejoin, their calendar does indeed change, but it isnt consistant across all the players on the map. Some players will share a date, and others will share another. This is with the value set to be consistant with the servers. I dont know if this would happen if everyone logged in with the right value the first time, because in all honesty, is that ever really going to happen? The second is with the new doors. The vanilla door works fine, and I rarely have any issues with it, but the new doors have a state bug in them, where one player will update its state, and the door will open and animate for other players nearby but the state of the door doesnt change, so you end up running into door thats close, because it looks open. Teleporting is sorta bugged two. If your an admin, and you try to tp a player who is currently in a boat (and with TFC's giant oceans, who isnt at some point?), it will eject them from the boat but not tp them. When you do actually teleport them, more often than not the player becomes invisible for you, and sometimes you become invisible to them as well. Players need to relog in order for them to become visible to one another again. Hope this helps
  8. Build 72 - Game isn`t launching

    Looks to me like youre missing the player api, and using the wrong forge version. See the download page for the correct version of forge, and install the player API . As a side note and edit, I dont have much luck with NEI. I did back in the day, but lately I cant make it work with TFC at all. If you happen to get it to work, could you post the exact version you used to do so? -Another edit- I see API in your list now, missed it the first time, but the forge version is wrong TFC 72 was "Built using Forge".
  9. We reset the map to check out the new boulders, and because metals were becoming an issue what with tens of thousands of blocks worth of mineshafts, and one in particular covering 7k blocks in a strait line and not even the smallest hint of nickel.
  10. In regards to dimix69, I will unban you tonight, thanks to samaban's information.
  11. Question of Time.

    Im pretty sure year length affects the growth rate of crops. I sorta tweaked mine up and down when I first brought this server back up in an attempt to make it so that crops take a few real days to grow, so that people wouldnt constantly lose their crops over night. It seems to have worked, so if thats not how it functions, then ive lost my mind 0.0. My servers year length is 276
  12. Animals!

    Is dunk aware that breeding and AI on the animals are still hosed? (build 69)
  13. @ dimix69 I banned you. Sorry man, but twice in a row you logged in and the server crashed hard from whatever it was youre doing. The first time it was you and another person, the second time it was only you on the server. So its pretty obvious youre dicking around somehow.
  14. I brought it back up, we moved a ton of stuff around while I was bulding my new pc and rebuilding sarahs. Sorry about the inconvience
  15. Saplings Diffusion

    I couldnt get sapplings to grow on soils that werent their own... they would just vanish a few ingame days after planing them. I transplanted the soil from where I got the tree, and they grew fine, but only on the soil I moved.
  16. [B69] Cave generation under lakes

    I too see this alot, particularly with underground rivers and ravines, where they intersect. Large expanses of water suspended in awkward floating positions. I havent really given it much thought, because you see this on vanilla as well, typically around areas where caves meet the ocean in the sides of hills and mountains.
  17. Question about the Hoe and it's modes.

    Ive been farming lately on my server, and IMHO, I think the nutrient consumption rates need work. As it stands, a single growth cycle for a given crops appears to consume ALL of the nutrients in the soil im growing on. In addition, having different cycle types next to one another doesnt seem to help at all. Im not seeing any diffusion of excess nutrients into adjacent blocks at all. It just seems to me that the crops shouldnt consume as much nutrient as they currently do to grow to maturity, and that adjacent complementary cycle types should have an effect on the soils nutrient recharge rates (obviously no so much that two complementary crops being adjacent to eachother would eliminate the need for crop rotation). I dont know much about agriculture, but I imagine that you could grow the same crop on the same land for more than a single year. If you decide you want to set up a house in a location with relatively poor soil, your looking at a few partial growth cycles of crops before you actually start getting crops to grow to maturity before winter hits and f's it all up, or at least thats how it worked out for me. In addition, given that you cant see nutrient levels until you have a metal hoe, this sort of forces us to relocate to a new area after progressing a bit in the tech tree. The last bit is just knit picking, and in all honesty, I relocated alot anyway . Do you guys feel the same, or do my farming skills just need work?
  18. Chicken AI

    It seems the chicken AI is broken. They just stand there and do nothing in the same spot. If you hit them they move around a bit but as soon as they eat grass, they enter their statue mode again.. Anyone else seeing this?
  19. Sorry bout the wait got rather busy with work and whatnot, and vastly overestimated the amount of effort required .
  20. [BUG LIST] Post your bugs below

    Digging dirt below a sappling yeilds that sappling and an oak sappling as drops.
  21. 68 - Textures for bricks

    Textures missing on bricks on build 68. Apart from the bloomery crash everything else seems fine so far. Anyone else seeing this or know a fix?
  22. 68 - Textures for bricks

    Not running any texture packs but default, fresh build of TFC. No NEI, only other mods are smart moving and REI's Minimap
  23. ????

    ... you should be happy that its not consuming ram