Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Demorus

  1. Hello everyone! I just wanted to say I will be doing an Let's Play of the TerraFirmaCraft mod! I have done a series of this mod before but it has changed so much that I decided to hop back in and kick off season 2. I plan to attempt a full playthrough of the mod with the goal of creating an area large enough to support 10 or more people despite the fact it is a single player server. I also want to explore the world and see if I can find everything the mod has to offer in terms of adventure and biomes. Thanks, Demorus (DemoTKS) YouTube -DemoTheKeySmasher Twitter -@DemoTKS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Check out a few of my other Minecraft series... Attack of the B-Team(Modded Minecraft) This is now a multiplayer series featuring the Attack of the B-Team modpack by Technik. Join the Blocknauts as we take on the crazy adventure this modpack has to offer. Attack of the B-Team - Playlist Blocknauts(Minecraft Multiplayer) The Blocknaut series is a vanilla Minecraft series filled with building, adventure, and redstone contraptions. Join me as I turn the landscape into a fun and exciting environment for my friends to live and enjoy. Blocknauts - Playlist Blood N' Bones(Modded Minecraft) Blood N' Bones is a Feed the Beast modpack focused on making basic survival a hardcore challenge. The mobs are deadly, the food has diminishing returns, and basic crafting doesn't exist. It takes time, luck, and skill to survive. Join me in this series to find out if I have any of the three. Blood N' Bones - Playlist Crack Pack(Modded Minecraft) Crack Pack is a AT Launcher modpack focused on PvP. This modpack contains a lot of mods that add weapons, magic, and base defenses that can be used for war. My focus is exploring all the mods in this pack and optimizing my setups. Crack Pack - Playlist TerraFirmaCraft(Modded Minecraft) TerraFirmaCraft is a mod that focuses on making Minecraft survival realistic. What was once easy is now difficult. Join me as I travel from the stone age to being a master of steel and construct an empire. TerraFirmaCraft - Playlist
  2. Episode 13 is out! The new blacksmith gets some attention this episode. TerraFirmaCraft - E13 - The Blacksmith (Modded Minecraft)
  3. Episode 12 is out! Time get get a barn and fill it with animals. TerraFirmaCraft - E12 - Barns and Blacksmiths (Modded Minecraft)
  4. Episode 11 is out! Winter is coming and our house isn't complete...time to get busy. TerraFirmaCraft - E11 - Winter and the Wrong Way Window (Modded Minecraft)
  5. Episode 10 is out now! Time to get a horse and a house. TerraFirmaCraft - E10 - Horse and House (Modded Minecraft)
  6. Episode 9 is out! Corruption claimed my last world so it is time to start fresh...what a good start it was.Minecraft TerraFirmaCraft - E9 - Good Bad News (Modded Minecraft)
  7. Episode 8 is out! Time to get some leather work done and finish that barn! TerraFirmaCraft - E8 - Leather Working and Barn Building (Modded Minecraft)
  8. I took a short break but I am back in action with a new episode coming out in an hour! Be sure to check it out at my channel DemoTheKeySmasher.
  9. Episode 7 is out! Time to see if I can even blacksmith... TerraFirmaCraft - E7 - Bad Bad Blacksmith (Modded Minecraft)
  10. Episode 6 is out! Things are finally starting to come along nicely. I found some new food sources and make a step up into a new tier. TerraFirmaCraft - E6 - Fruit and Loot (Modded Minecraft)
  11. Episode 5 is out! Time to make some leather and get a bellows so we can start forging! TerraFirmaCraft - E5 - Building and Bellows (Modded Minecraft)
  12. Episode 4 is out! Things became kind of derpy during the recording of this episode. TerraFirmaCraft - E4 - The Derpisode (Modded Minecraft)
  13. Episode 3 is now out! Time for some metal tools, mining, and planning for the future. TerraFirmaCraft - E3 - Metalworking and Mining (Modded Minecraft)
  14. Thanks! Welcome to the channel.
  15. Episode 2 is now out! Time to make use of the pit kiln so we can survive! TerraFirmaCraft - E2 - Pit Kiln and Ceramics (Modded Minecraft)
  16. If all goes well there should be another episode out tonight!