Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Ecu

  1. I've decided to setup my own TerraFirmaCraft server and hope to establish a solid community here. The server will start without a whitelist in the hope that the community can manage themselves. PvP will be enabled, but excessively attacking other players without provocation will earn you a warning (and eventual ban). Since TFC updates often and I prefer to try the new features when they become available, do expect frequent updates with potential world resets when appropriate. Server should be up 24/7 bar any technical issues or bugs. I should be on the server often to assist with any issues as well. Connection Information IP/Port version Beta 2 Build 47bSmart Moving enabledServer Changelog7/30/2012 Server updated to B2B47f7/27/2012 Server updated to B2B47e7/25/2012 Server updated to B2B47b7/22/2012 Server updated to B2B46e7/21/2012 Initial server launch.Note: Seems B2B46d has some bugs with cooking. Expect issues.Main town (location -800, -350)The main town is a community project where people work together and fill various roles / jobs for the town. Donations It seems we have already ran into an instance of crashing the server due to overstepping our ram limit. To try an help improve the server, I am taking donations. There will be no special treatment for donating. Donations are purely a way to express your desire to help the server grow. Banned Players These are players who have been requested by the community to be kept off the server. If your name is on this list and you wish to dispute it, please contact me in a private message here on the forums. James_Cousins pattyorye39
  2. Thanks for the loyalty Ownage. XD ~laughs~ Naw, I don't blame ya really. I haven't been on much due to just being bored with TFC..
  3. Sounds like we've had some issues with thieves recently, and I just wanted to say that I'm not sure how much longer I'll be keeping the server TFC. TFC just doesn't have enough tools to really enjoy building with currently. Perhaps in the future after TFC has matured some more, I will consider putting it back. I'm thinking that I may go with Better than wovles as soon as it hits multiplayer compatible. Or perhaps RP2 + TC3 once they are updated to 1.3.1. Either way.. I think the server will be migrating away from TF within the next couple weeks.
  4. The following players have been banned from the server James_Cousins pattyorye39 I am sorry to have to do this, as I really want to avoid banning people if I can... but it seems they do not get along with the rest of the server and as such I would rather not have them on my server.
  5. Sorry, but because its beta and because I recently started a new job and do have a life outside of Minecraft... I cannot always promise updates within 24 hours. Its just not something that is feasible always. I can understand that you want to see the server grow, but honestly it isn't a primary focus for me. My goal is to offer a fun server where people can enjoy playing...and I feel like I'm doing that. I'll update often, to allow us all to make use of new updates of course, but don't expect it to be immediately or even within 24 hours every time. P.S. - Server has been updated to B2B47f
  6. I'ma wait a day or two before updating. I don't want to update only to have to update again a day or so later.
  7. Server has been updated to B2B47e Edit: I want to add that those living in the town should not be hording metals and resources in their personal chests. Part of being part of a town is sharing resources. Continuing to do so could be seen as mooching and could get you kicked out of the town.
  8. Heh. I went away for six hours and the town kinda went into chaos. ^-^; Oh well.. love that everyone is having a blast. P.S - I updated the town info in the OP.
  9. Server updated and world wiped. Welcome to the new world guys. Time to scout for good town locations.
  10. Alright guys/gals, it looks like Beta 2 Build 47 is right around the corner. This includes a totally new ore generation system and as such I bring the question to you all... should we do a world reset? I will update to B2B47 regardless as the plan for this server is to always keep it using the newest build until TFC is stable (and updates are slower). Personally, it'll be a bit sad to see the town go after we've worked so hard on it, but I am perfectly willing to start again. We'll just build a new town. ^-^
  11. Sorry about the downtime earlier (server should be up again). It seems we've already managed to push the server out of ram due to how popular the server got. I'm currently unemployed and cannot offer much more financially to increase the server myself. As such, I've decided to put a donate button at the end of the original post. No special treatment will be given to those that donate other then perhaps a personal thank you from myself. I just wanted to offer a way for the server to help itself improve. I'm happy everyone is enjoying the server and look forwards to continuing to play with you all.
  12. Thanks, and you'll have to talk to Endless about housing IN town. You're more then welcome to move a bit away from town and setup your own home there. We welcome anyone in the town. ^-^ The managers are basically just so that things are organized.
  13. Glad to hear it. The server is turning out pretty awesome so far. We've started to build a nice community living area. Still no metals at the time of posting this.. but we're working at it.
  14. Server updated to Beta 2 Build 46e, please make sure you have the new version.
  15. Yeah. The 46d campfire issue is rather awkward. I've managed to be able to cook things still.. but at incredibly slow speeds.
  16. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    Seldron, I've read your side of things and I do understand that the reason Endless was banned was specifically the fact that he disobeyed an admin. However, I must state that from my perspective...the issue shouldn't have been an issue in the first place. It does not seem like the lava was causing any danger, except perceived potential griefing. I don't agree with making that kind of judgement call in the first place. Honestly, I'm on Endless's side. I understand his reason for being banned.. and I agree that disobeying an admin should result in a temporary ban at the very least, however, I disagree with the entire underlying issue. Honestly, if your worry about griefing is so high that you're going to place restrictions on how people build for fear that someone might use it to should really just whitelist. Edit: I want to add.. that the community's reaction to immediately ransack everything Endless made, destroy his creations, etc.. seems outright horrible. The fact that those that did suck aren't also getting a temporary ban.. does not sit well with me.
  17. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    I don't really agree with those that are stating the right decision was made. Outlawing lava being used in Endless's own creation seems rather restrictive in the first place. Sure, he disobeyed the admin. I get that.. but what else do you do when you feel an admin made a bad judgement call, but call them on it? Griefer's don't need his lava stall to grief. They could easily just drag creepers into the market and blow stuff up. They could also go mine a bit of iron, make a bucket and toss lava everywhere themselves. Banning someone for using their own creative vision, with the excuse that it could be used for griefing is.. in my opinion.. a very poor judgement call.
  18. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    Alright, this is kind of the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I've had issues with people messing with my builds, stealing my stuff, and now someone is being banned because they wanted to have a specific visual and someone MIGHT grief? This is rather silly. This is not how I expect a public server administrator to handle things. Especially when it seems like they want a community to flourish. I understand you have limited time, Seldron, but making a call like this really seems like a bad way to handle things. I've only got one side of the story, but it does not look to me like Endless was griefing himself/herself. Instead you banned them because of the potential griefing that others could cause to others by breaking Endless's stall? So you're punishing Endless for sticking up for himself/herself... Honestly.. it really doesn't sit well with me. Especially when combined with the fact that actual griefing has happened to many people. Punishing a loyal player that just wanted to make something look kewl is a really bad call. I don't feel comfortable playing on this server in its current state. So unless something is changed, ciao all... it was fun while it lasted.
  19. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    Alright, Seldron, I'll look into it. Since TFC isn't open source (as far as I know)... it might take a bit to get a logging setup working with it. I'll talk to my contacts though and see what I can come up with. ^-^
  20. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    Seldron, I could not offer any suggestions right now as I haven't been on the server long enough to really get to know everyone yet. Right now all I can offer is looking into getting some kind of TFC friendly log system together. It'll likely be limited to avoid conflicts with TFC updates, but perhaps I can at least have it do stuff like record a weeks worth of alterations to chests (or maybe even just a couple days), and who made the alterations. Something like that could help your few current mods better narrow in on troublemakers.
  21. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    Seldron, I appreciate the time you put into the server trying to maintain it and keep thing running smoothly. I wouldn't blame you for making the server white~list and only allowing your friends access. However, perhaps you just need to give yourself a few more moderators to help take the brunt of everything for you.. so you can enjoy things (Not me though, not offering). In addition to that, I am trying to look into getting you a mod that should allow for some type of minor logging which should help your moderators figure out who the thieves are, so they can be removed. I'm the designer / artist of Ender Storage and should be able to get something whipped up to help you out.. assuming you'd like the help. If its something you aren't interested in.. please let me know so I can avoid wasting my time. I have had a whole lot of fun on this server, and I'd really hate to see it be locked up. However, I've also had a few frustrating moments due to theft and younger players spamming in all caps. As chocmerc said though, I wasn't really bothered about the loss of resources (I have so much zinc, its really not an issue), but more about the fact that I was stolen from. If I can help make the server better by providing some tools to make moderation easier.. I'll gladly do so..
  22. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    I don't think just replacing lost items would be a good idea. It essentially ends up duplicating ores and such. Anyone could say they are having stuff stolen and get free stuff. I think we need some kind of protection mod of some sort. I'm going to talk around the modding community and see if I can find us a solution that already exists. If not, I'll talk to the modders I know and see if one of em can whip one up for us.
  23. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    Its a non~PvP server.. I shouldn't have to worry about hiding all my stuff secretly and building away from everyone. I thought the idea was to foster a community and such. Instead, I get stolen from, twice. As I said.. the sever makes for a nice place to play around with TFC and figure out how it works.. but I cannot recommend it for long term play in its current state.
  24. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    Well, I've played on this server for only like two days and it seems I've already run into thieves. I did a lil test by placing a zinc bar and 8 pieces of Sphalerite in a chest next to my forge, logged out for an hour, logged back in to find them gone. This is in addition to the 18 stacks of Sphalerite someone stole from me after I logged off last night. Doesn't seem like we have any moderation either.. so.. for right now at least.. I cannot recommend this server.