Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by kotoroshinoto

  1. The lava buckets are a 'believability - realistic' issue. The manganese not being added has the same reasoning as why guns won't be added into TFC. Time window issues.

    time of discovery != technology being able to handle the material.


  2. So I have to spend the night passing the time listening to monsters just outside my straw hut? Because there's nothing else to do until morning. (If I want to live, at least.)


    I think the solution is to bring back the old vanilla bed mechanic: if you sleep in a place where monsters may access or spawn, you can get woken up by a monster in the middle of the night. That way, you skip right to the chase.

    doesnt achieve the result, being that you dont get to skip the duration of night. The only point of it is to set your spawn. If you have a secure house you'll still be safe, but its up to you whether to hide or go out and do something.



    Did It without git aswell, no errors, just normal minecraft launch. reset the entire project like five times, still can't figure it out. (This sounds nooby but oh well,) Maybe I could have a tutorial saying "and do this by clicking example/example/example and then checking everything to this and that.


    My brain stopped comprehending your meaning at


    "Download the API from the downloads page

    Only link the API stuff from the api zip, make sure you link it to the directory containing the TFC directory and not the TFC directory itself"


    Please as detailed as possible, and I have decided against git, Just because it seems too wierd to figure out.


    if you're unable to understand git version control you might not be at a competence stage where your're ready to produce a mod. Its really not that hard to use, your mistake wasn't actually a git error, but an eclipse link problem. (plus Bioxx's strange directory setup)


  4. Starting from fresh start, so jump in wherever you happen to be:


    you need:


    I'm not sure if the installer cares whether you have python2 or python3,

    I have both installed because I actually develop some stuff in python.

    java SDK (JDK)


    Some kind of git client (if on windows I recommend tortoise git)

    pick one of these:

    To set up TFC or TFC API with eclipse and forge source:

    Download forge source

    unzip it

    run install.bat (if on windows) or (if you're on mac or linux/unix)

    once that is complete,

    obtain Eclipse IDE and run it.

    workspace is forge/mcp/eclipse


    either way, git or no git:

    download the dev build from downloads page 

    put a copy of the dev build file in forge/mcp/lib


    if you're going to use git:

    obtain the TFC source from git

    TFC's git repo:

    use git checkout command with the correct tag for the current release version. (you can list tags by just using git tag)

    to link the TFC source folders in, right click the Minecraft project and go to "Build Path"->"Link Source"

    You dont just add tfc from the top directory, you add the following directories under TFCraft

    "TFC API"

    "TFC Resources"


    change this one's name in the link-source wizard so it doesnt conflict with the minecraft project's directory.


    if not using git (you'll only get access to the exposed API):

    download the API from the downloads page

    Only link the API stuff from the api zip, make sure you link it to the directory containing the TFC directory and not the TFC directory itself

    TFC API contains a directory named "TFC" that itself will contain a directory named "API" you need to link it so that the higher level directory containing "TFC" is the target.

    put a copy of the dev build file into forge/mcp/jars/mods (create the mods directory if you have to)




    when TFC version changes:

    if using git you should run a pull on your source directory and use checkout on the newest version tag

    you need to update the dev build file in forge/mcp/lib and forge/mcp/jars/mods (if you're not using the git repo)



    To create your project:

    if you're going to use version control, such as git, cvs, or svn, create & initialize the repository and checkout an empty copy of it into your desired location.

    Use "build path" -> "link source" to link in the top-level source directory of your repository.

    From that point do your development in your source directory. Don't change anything in TFC code if you're using the git repo, because that won't be reflected in the released version.


    To build your mod:

    copy your source files into forge/mcp/src/minecraft and run the shell scripts in forge/mcp

    recompile (.sh or .bat)

    reobfuscate (.sh or .bat)


    assuming these completed without errors, if there are errors you have to fix your code and try again


    put any assets, resources, META-INF directory and additional text files like or pack.mcmeta that need to be in the mod package together with the class files in forge/mcp/reobf and either zip them up or use the jar binary from JDK to put them into a jar package.


    after this is done, remove your copied source code from forge/mcp/src/minecraft so it doesnt interfere with your eclipse builds.


    you can write a script to automate this for you in .bat or .sh shell language if you want.


  5. Pretty much everything you said is already "planned". Except Saw Mill, because current wood mechanics already gives you more planks than you ever need. Maybe if manual saw given less planks and some recipes replaced sticks with planks (ladder, fence, etc..), then maybe it would make sense.

    not true at all, have you tried constructing houses with specific wood types to keep to a theme, or used carpenter's blocks? <--- horrendous woodsink carpenters blocks is. you need the block AND the wood to use as a cover on the block


  6. if you're adding these hammer + item -> dye recipes, dont you think the vanilla version that gives 2 ought to be removed?


    also are the red/yellow flower clone items being added by you? The method used for kingsblood doesnt seem to work.

    (discovered its a grid recipe)


    you can probably insert/add a method to the class with ASM editing or edit the onBlockActivated method to act like the one from kingsblood if player is holding a knife. its a coremod thing, but its doable.


  7. I'm  going to see if I can insert some logic using ASM to make his mod treat wool cloth as if it were being given a wool block and return the wool cloth item when such is removed.


    ^ Actually, may make the above use carpets because they already HAVE color metadata like woolblocks.


    As for now, I made grass overlay use grass that you get from using shears on tallgrass.


    I had some crashing while developing this feature due to difficulty of ASM modification and combining a coremod and a fmlmod into one jar for a novice modder. Please put the pastebin url of any crashes you get in here and I'll fix it.


    It SHOULD be stable though.




    forgot to revert changes to carpenter's block source code before testing, dye problem not fixed, will be implementing fix and pushing the update with the carpets change.



    dye is fixed again, carpets work as covers, straw/grass both work as overlays


  8. I really like carpenter's blocks:
    So i decided to create a compatibility addon for it that provides recipes for .carpenter's hammer, carpenter's chisel, & carpenter's bed (it already recognizes TFC wood so the recipes using wood/sticks are already functional).
    I have changed several recipes and more changes might follow. I will post the new recipes here once I am able to generate the images.

    • [*]

    • [*]Current version requires TFC build 0.77.17+ and Carpenter's blocks version 1.91

    --Known issues--

    • [*]can't obtain nether quartz, until TFC provides an alternate recipe for solar detector, i'm not sure what to do for this. [*]Follow my progress and report other issues at github: [*]Ladders & Smart moving have issues I created a mod to adjust for this problem:

    --Changed Recipes--

    Posted Image <-- Single planks instead of sticks, 5->3 for 1:1 wood block ratio

    Posted Image <---Wrought Iron Hammer Head

    Posted Image <--- Wrought Iron Chisel Head

    Posted Image <-- Vertical and Horizontal Supports instead of sticks

    Posted Image <-- Vertical Supports instead of sticks

    Posted Image <-- Single Planks instead of sticks

    Posted Image <-- TFC's wool cloth instead of wool block



    Carpenter's blocks containing white birch painted with various dyes (last one doesnt have dye, can't use bonemeal)

    Posted Image


    --Other Changes---

    • Use grass blocks obtained from shearing tallgrass to get grass overlay instead of vanilla seeds
    • Compares IDs instead of class identity for dyes so TFC's custom dyes work.
      • Treat dyes as a stain for tfc blocks not paint, it applies color but doesnt cover up natural color, thus dying blocks with dark hues will net you a color that may not be desirable..
    • For wool cover & side cover functionality from Carpenter's blocks, use carpets
    • Updated calls to methods so they now work with carpentersblock's facing support.

    --Possible Future Ideas---

    • [*]I'm also considering providing TFC metals versions of the carpenter's hammer/chisel that use the carpenter's block as their "handle" and the tfc hammer/chisel heads. I need to figure out how to subclass the items and make them have sane damage value limits in accordance with TFC metal value.
      • [*]However I'm not an artist, I would be completely unable to do the sprites/textures or whatever you call it for the new-color version of those items, so i'd need to rely on somebody else to help.

    --question to forum users--

    • [*]For the solar sensor, what should I replace the nether quartz with for a compatible recipe? [*]If you need me to relax the TFC version requirement let me know, be careful though it might cause crashes as I dont develop against old versions.

    Feel free to suggest changes to the recipes I thought of or any other alternate ideas.


  9. totally missing knapped stone arrowheads, it ought to be easy enough to add given that you put in the stuff for metal & shaped recipe for plans


    adobe should  be colored by the sand-type that you used instead of just being 1 standard color. Adobe structures ought to blend in with their background terrain. (it also shouldn't actually LOOK modern-brick-ish, adobe generally looks more solid)


    or maybe you could leave them looking bricking at first and we have to apply the wall covering, we could apply wet adobe to the walls somehow, maybe a shifted right click (have it use a portion of the handful and decrease from a dmg bar maybe so multiple blocks can be made to look smoothened with 1 adobe item?)
