Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by kelik

  1. Anyone seen Peat lately?

    its around in the current build, it just looks like really dark dirt.
  2. [b75] intermediate crashing

    i updated and it still happens, editing first post with the crash log.
  3. [b75] intermediate crashing

    the latest recommended.... upon visiting the site i see that i am one version too low i'll see if updating fixes.
  4. i'm the one that originally submitted that value. the reason i did was because at the time (dunno if its still the case) you could still weld zinc for a few seconds after it cooled to **.
  5. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    i don't think i was clear, i meant, the gui would be no different. you can see your current level, but not how that affects any stats, your point stands, you want to know how high you can jump? then jump.
  6. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    seems reasonable, i can get behind those, maybe you can see the levels like you do now, but there would be no "bing! speed/jumping/etc. has increased!" message.
  7. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    awesome. I'm glad to hear that I have some support. I'm eager to read Random Name Change Guy's rebuttal, he's a decent debater and I want to see his next counterpoint.
  8. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    my idea mixes one of the suggested experience points ideas with the suggested "overall health" hidden stat idea, give it a read over if you haven't already, it's on page 6. essentially, by playing well and living for a long period of time, your character gets small benefits to speed, jumping ability, fall damage resistance, and underwater time. when you die, you lose all of your experience like in vanilla, so it is essentially a complex "discourage death by rewarding longevity" idea. when you die you lose what could have been a significant benefit and have to play for in-game days to earn it back. in my original idea post, i tried to prevent any ideas that would lead to experience being farmable quickly, instead trying to reward the player as they play normally. edit in response to: yeah i was worried that it would be close to rpg ideas, thats why i stressed that the benefits would be slow-building and that i did not approve of the "individual experience types" ideas. i want it to be something quiet that builds up as you play, that you might not even notice until you die and lose the benefits all at once, not a change that suddenly has people mining pointlessly to get higher levels or to improve their pickaxe proficiency or something. mcmmo already does that, i don't want it in tfc.
  9. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    you could easily say that in your dream theory, when you die in the dream you return to the dream at the last point where you either slept in a bed or where you started when you entered the dream. (spawnpoint)also, the "not fearing death" point holds little validity, IMO. I've had a few instances where i was lost in a cave, found awesome ore, then saw a creeper rushing at me. After I finished cursing at the screen, I knew I wouldn't get back to the vein in time to recover my mining, if i was even able to find my way back. I honestly don't see how having a short range backtrack teleport from your point of death is a progressive change in the death system. although it is true that it is easy to make a basic shelter, as soon as you walk out, you are potentially in danger again, unless you have a forest of torches. the new spawn mechanics only affect a single chunk, which is tiny and mobs will wander in from adjacent chunks. finally, with my suggestion seen a few posts up, the player character would actually die, and you could be said to be a new character, albeit one who conveniently woke up in a house. in gameplay, this makes sense, because i've never seen a game where when you die, you don't wake up either at a centralized spawn point, a place of your choosing, or your last save point. this mod is intended for more believability, not total realism at the cost of gameplay enjoyability. EDIT: also i think it would be quite taxing on the servers to track everyone's last viable respawn position. no more taxing than my suggestion, but it has far less gameplay value for the resources required, again, IMO.
  10. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    i don't believe teleporting when you die should be touched at all. the reason being, if you worked to make a safe place to spawn in, then you deserve that place. and it is completely irrelevant to the original issue at hand, which is removing situations where death is preferable. it is not viable as fast travel because you cannot take items with you when you die. meaning if you had anything valuable with you, you either need to go back and get it or risk losing it. if this were terraria, where you could take items with you when you died, then your suggestion would hold validity.
  11. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    i propose combining this with the suggestion involving experience points. so, as you all know, you start at level 0 on any new world or after you die. after accomplishing some physical labor, steve gets a bit stronger. also. this is the basis of the experience point system suggested earlier. first, what should be affected by experience? first, nothing that can be improved by getting better items. increase digging speed? nope, that's what better picks and shovels are for. more health? nope, armor artificially increases health. longer lasting hunger? eat steak. so what does that leave? well, off the top of my head, movement speed, jumping height, safe falling distance, length of underwater breathing (since you can't get the breathing enchant on a helmet), maximum weight carried if it is implemented,, and probably a few other things i can't think of. next, gaining experience should be rebalanced. there should be more ways to gain experience, and the current way (i think it is only killing things?) should be limited to hostile mobs and the amount gained should be decreased. ways to gain experience should be by doing things that require strength or dexterity on Steve's part, like killing hostile mobs, cutting trees, mining ore, and successfully smithing ingots and tools/armor (debatable, due to exploitablility in smithing then melting an ingot). NOT digging out blocks whose tool is the shovel, mining stone, or using the hoe. (due to exploitability) as well as by maintaining overall good health (read the quoted post for info on that.) so what happens when you level up? I'm glad you asked, reader! you gain a very small increase to the affected stats, maybe an increase of 1% of what the current standard is, so if steve can jump one block high now, at level 10 he would jump 1.1 blocks. not a large increase, but combined with the movement speed increase, he would jump farther as well, he would also be able to hold his breath 10% longer, and safely land a drop of a longer distance (i think you take damage at a 3 block drop, so at lvl 10 you would only take damage at a drop of 3.3 blocks) so if you are hit off of a cliff by a mob, you might take a little less damage upon landing. likewise, as detailed in the quoted post, you would also LOSE experience by doing things that would potentially weaken or cause illness to you. this includes taking damage, having low food, starving, burning, and drowning. dying would reset your level to 0, with the possibility of collecting a few levels of experience if you find your death spot in time. to prevent the "superhuman complex" issue raised earlier, there should be a level cap of 50 or 100. this way, you are maxed out at having 150%-200% of the current stats. experience required per level should be static, since the stats gained are also static (a percent of your lvl 0 stats, not your current) lastly, all numbers suggested are for demonstration purposes only, and i expect them to be changed to balance if implemented. that's everything i have as an original idea. other things that i DO SUPPORT basic level up system. (if mine isn't used) respawning after dying with same hunger amount (if you (can) die of starvation, then respawn with a minimum of 3 or so drumsticks, to prevent death ruts) things that i DO NOT SUPPORT skill specific levelling up. there are three major reasons for this. first, it makes players go into an "experience farming" mindset. i do not want to see people hopping in place because they want to be able to jump higher, yes it is realistic, but it is also exploitable. second, technical reasons. it requires a lot more work on bioxx's part to make those kinds of cause and effect rules, and would be more straining on a server to track 5 or 10 different experience values per player. third, it creates player expectations that are a nightmare for a mod author. if there is experience for running speed and jumping height, why isn't there one for damage resistance, weapon and tool proficiencies, etc. the "corpse chest" not only does this actually help people who would rather die than make food, but the potential for it turning into what is essentially a "super zombie" could lead to creative griefing and cause a "death rut" if it happens to be near your spawn point. tl;dr version. experience points are worth less individually, can be gained multiple ways, affect some base stats, can be lost, and amount required per level is static, rather than exponential. this is my long term idea, short term solution would be to have hunger after death reflect hunger at time of death, to a minimum of 3 drumsticks to prevent "death ruts"
  12. Wiki Discussion and Proposed Changes Thread

    thanks, flamestrider for all of your work on the wiki. the community thanks you, as do i for posting in this topic, thus keeping it bumped. added your page to the front post.
  13. welp, i better embed my bed in obsidian or something, i dun wanna respawn 20km away again
  14. Wiki Discussion and Proposed Changes Thread

    as flamestrider has stated, great find. personally i am staying away from making any updates to the generation information due to how rapidly that info is changing in-game, plus sluicing makes it relatively easy to find rare ores anyway.
  15. damnit, why are you being so siggable lately?
  16. i am SOOO sigging that. Priceless.
  17. Wiki Discussion and Proposed Changes Thread

    Hey everyone, sorry for my leave of absence from this topic. I had stuff going on in life and didn't really have time to play minecraft. Now I'm back and have updated the topic post with the work you guys have been doing. Special thanks to flamestrider, Kreicus, GCountach, and Chezzik for keeping this topic relatively alive while I was gone.
  18. nope, im getting 503 after trying to log in after death.
  19. is there something wrong with the server? i see 0 players connected and i can't connect.
  20. Wiki Discussion and Proposed Changes Thread

    wow guys, sorry for the leave of absence,i'm glad that this topic finally picked up popularity. tomorrow after work when i have more time i'm going to properly update the OP and do some work on the wiki. thanks for all of your suggestions and contributions. keep em coming!
  21. Wiki Discussion and Proposed Changes Thread

    i just looked over the pages mentioned and i have to say... well done, guys!
  22. Wiki Discussion and Proposed Changes Thread

    hi kreicus! your additions are great and i hope to see more from you! the new getting started guide is pretty good, i'm just going to add a link to the stone age guide at the bottom as it seems to be the logical next step. also, yes. each small ore or nugget is 1/4 the value of a regular ore.
  23. Wiki Discussion and Proposed Changes Thread

    added to the OP as a medium priority. it'll be tough for me to do alone, as i dont have any mods that will advance the calendar, but maybe my server will help me. edit: my server-mates brought to my attention that Not-Enough-Items has a time adjustment feature that is compatible with TFC's calendar, will investigate within the next few days.
  24. Wiki Discussion and Proposed Changes Thread

    were the ambient temperatures different? cuz i think altitude affects temperature, which affects burning heat. bioxx was "supposed" to have removed altitude from the fire heat equation.
  25. Wiki Discussion and Proposed Changes Thread

    the only effect altitude currently has on heat in general is that bloomeries lose heat if they are below a certain height. forges and fire pits lost the effect from height in 45 or 46.