Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by kelik

  1. maybe im doin it wrong, but i seem to be unable to work tin in the new version. after melting the ore, i wait for it to cool to a workable temp, but it seems to jump from "very hot (liquid)" to unheated. im pretty sure it can't be worked into an ingot while liquid, is this a new glitch, or am i doin it rong?
  2. assistance setting up an economy system?

    well, we started using this system in the nessaja server, so far it seems to be working fine, the final numbers we decided upon were: chipped = 5 gp, flawed = 10 gp, normal = 20 gp, unflawed = 50 gp, and exquisite = 100 gp we are recommending the value of a stack of charcoal to be 40 gp, to have a value backing of the economy. this gives everyone an idea of what everything is worth, though we had one guy try to sell a set of steel armor for 10k >.<
  3. some people on the server i play on are trying to set up a basic economy system using the (currently useless) gems. so far what we've come up with are as follows: chipped gems are worth 5 gp (gem points) flawed gems are 10 gp normal gems are 20 gp flawless gems are 50 gp exquisite gems are 100 gp the type of gem doesn't matter, because they appear with different frequencies depending on the rock you mine, so it would be too difficult to determine the true value of each gem type. for comparison, we are thinking the approximate value of a stack of charcoal would be 20gp. meaning 4 chipped, 2 flawed, or a normal gem. my question to you, the forum, is; do the numbers match up with the approximate rarity of each gem quality, and do you think the value of charcoal that i gave matches to the amount of time it would take to find the appropriate gems? also, if you've been on a server that used a similar economy, please describe your server's economy system and what you thought were its strengths and weaknesses.
  4. assistance setting up an economy system?

    you could be right. i've issued a test on my server, and i'd like to issue it here to fellow forum members as well. to better get an idea of value of gems vs charcoal, anyone who is interested should try making a batch of charcoal and timing how long on average it takes to collect and burn the logs, then see how much gp worth of gems they can find in that same time, the goal is that i want to see if the average amount of gp found in that time equals the approx value of 2.25 stacks of charcoal, which seems to be the average amount of charcoal per batch. also, based on your experiences on the rarity of the different gem qualities, are the amounts of gp assigned to each quality level consistent with their rarity?
  5. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    i suggest you have a PM conversation with choc about it. we nominated him based on his interest and willingness to aid the community and apparent leadership skills. i am unsure of his technical capability to handle op tools, so he may need some training beforehand. if he is a capable learner though (which i think he would be) he would definitely reduce your workload at least in being able to police the server or some other small mundane chores that you need to do relating to the server, we want you to enjoy the server as much as we do, after all!
  6. assistance setting up an economy system?

    i am very interested in the results of your tests. please post them here or link to your topic when you have results from observations made on my server and personal experience, a fully loaded charcoal pit will yield anywhere between 1 and 3 full stacks of charcoal, with an average of about 2 and a quarter stacks. so far this seems about equal to the amount of time it would take to get the equivalent value of gems (2 and a quarter stacks of charcoal equals 45 gp currently, depending on your luck you may have found a few normal gems or even a flawless gem in the time it would take to gather and burn that wood). there is a bit of luck involved in both processes, but so far this is what those on my server have observed to be roughly equivalent. though with further thought it might be prudent to increase the value of charcoal to 30 gp per stack rather than 20 gp. though i like the number 20 since someone could sell in incrememnts of quarter-stacks at 5 gp each. discuss?
  7. assistance setting up an economy system?

    the reason those of us that want this think it's a good idea is because of gems being somewhat farmable. people who have nothing to offer others in barter can offer gems, however, those that don't like mining or something can do another job and sell whatever product they are making. this is why i want the value of gems to be consistent with the value of charcoal. it allows us to have a base value to judge the value of gems against (if charcoal is worth 20gp per stack, than someone selling copper could come up with an estimated value for copper) i also want to make sure that the value of charcoal vs gems is balanced in the amount of time it would take to earn one or the other, so a player has to choose "do i try to farm for gems, or do i try to farm charcoal to sell for gems?" you are right in saying barter is valuable, but not everyone has goods that can be bartered. using your example of someone searching for specific saplings. what if he finds someone that has the right saplings, but is only willing to trade them for cassiterite. the buyer of saplings only has bismuthinite. he does find someone willing to sell casseterite, but they, again, only want to trade for something specific. and the one other guy that wants to buy bismuthinite will only give sphalerite. this leaves the buyer of saplings with the issue, he could trade away his bismuthinite, but get back something equally worthless to him that doesnt help him toward his goal of new saplings. with gem economy in place, he could sell his b ismuthinite to the one guy for gems, then use said gems to buy whatever he wants, including new saplings. barter might still be offered as a backup (one guy selling saplings for X gp with a discount if you bring a certain item to the table) but having a single currency stops complex "trading games" from happening just so you can supply someone else's demand to get what you wanted.
  8. assistance setting up an economy system?

    this is what we have drafted so far, but we need input from others to see if it all makes sense based on other's experiences.
  9. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    some of us have been trying to set up a basic economy with gems, seeing as they are currently useless. i posted a general discussion topic to get input from other servers in case they had good systems in place. please visit the thread to add your input as well.
  10. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    sel, i just want to say that despite the recent argument that broke out here, i believe that chocmerc should be interviewed for admin or moderator status as he has been working hard to improve the community, he is basically considered the leader of the server's main town.
  11. yeah from what i understand more open storage like how logs work are coming into place, as well as reduced player carrying capacity and some rumors of a backpack system.
  12. Disillusioned with TFCraft

    i was starting to wonder why i wasnt finding any more surface deposits, i'll have to check my height coords.