Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by pop1040

  1. Sleep

    So I was thinking the other day (or night more like, at about 3:00 AM) and I realized that, in minecraft, sleep isn't mandatory but in real life, it is. So my suggestion is that some negative effects of not sleeping should be implemented. I think that the system should work so that there is a tiredness value for every player (and possibly animal). The value should increase slowly over time and should be affected by what you are doing at the time. For example, mining and sprinting would tire you out really fast. Things like sleeping would reduce the timer dependent on how late it was when you went to bed and if the timer wasn't reduced enough, you would "sleep in" a bit and wake with a couple of seconds of nausea. As you start to experience the effects of sleepiness, your screen would slowly get fuzzy around the edges and get a little darker. As the effects get worse, you will start to get the nausea effect when you try to do more tiring tasks like sprinting and eventually, you will collapse, (which I think should be animated by having the camera fall sideways and bounce slightly and then have the screen fade out like a bed does). Collapsing would use up hunger, water and a bit of health provided a monster didn't find you in the night (random chance based on the lived in factor of the chunk your in, if you are found by a monster, you will simply die), and will give you the nausea effect/unsteadiness (random tipping of the camera with movement in that direction) for a couple of seconds. Anyone like my idea?
  2. Sleep

  3. Sleep

    That is sortof what I was thinking, resting on grass or something soft would help but not completely cure the issue so eventually, it would be best to make a bed I was imagining that the time would be the main influence, the actions would be simply a modifier so a easy day wouldn't hit as hard I am a programmer to some extent, and it wouldn't be that hard, the game actually has a built in way of making the screen darker and the nausea effect is also vanilla (used for the nether portals) and there are tones of shaders out there that could be implemented for a fuzzing effect
  4. foot holds

    If you think about it, ladders in minecraft don't make too much sense, you just places them on a block and they will be magically anchored there and you can then clime up them. So here is my idea; If you right click with a pickax, it will act like when you are breaking a block and would play the breaking sounds but would not display the breaking texture and instead when the sound that playes when a stone block is broken, the side of the block would then have foot holds. the block would look like this: what do you think?
  5. foot holds

    I think this would only work on stone which would not retain the foothold when falling as it turns into cobble cobble would not work as it can be easily obtained and replaced because footholds would be mainly for getting around natural formations and not for buildings Also, when the block is mined, it would act like a normal stone but when it is carved out(as in removing the surrounding blocks) it would drop the same thing as if it had been mined how's that sound?
  6. foot holds

    actually this is meant as a change that would happen to the stone and therefor would be a damage value change, not a new block
  7. foot holds

    I did mean this as a sort-of replacement for ladders but I don't think they should be completely removed, I just was thinking it made more sense for spelunking and that ladders are really overpriced in the beginning of the game
  8. water physics/systems

    I have a suggestion My Idea is that you could Implement the finite water mods physics for water and lava and then make it so that any water with a line-of-sight to the sky will slowly evaporate(dependent on the biome) and will increase the water vapor level of the chunk which will determine the amount of cloud that is displayed and eventually, when the vapor level is high enough in the chunk(also dependent on the biome), It will start to rain until the vapor level is low enough. The vapor level will also spread in the same way the water does so that random chunks aren't raining while others aren't(maybe you could also implement the tornado mod and use the wind physics to determine vapor spread(because of clouds being blown around)) Like my Idea? --pop1040 Ps. Rain would have to spawn random small amounts of water and lower the vapor level at the same time so that water stays there and never runs out. Maybe large amounts of water could push on surrounding blocks and if enough force is applied(dependent on the block's hardness), you could use the tornado mods physics to have blocks pushed out or washed down stream so that rivers would actually flow and new ones created and houses could be flooded or the roofs could actually collapse and people could make dams and have to make sloped roofs ect... Just an idea and I think that the first part actually wouldn't be too hard.
  9. water physics/systems

    as mrpwase said, I just mean the concept of chunk based values that even out with each other, not copying code and, you have to admit, the idea of a dam bursting and water taking out buildings as it surges down hill is pretty dam cool and I just think it might just be worth the pain-in-the-ass it would be to code and to implement it into the game btw English is my only language and I'm just imitating all the other config files I've ever seen and that seems about how its done
  10. water physics/systems

    @Jasnatdic you could optimism so only water blocks touching more that water such as air or rock or dirt would be the only things simulated which might help also, you could put a option in a config file that would say something like: advancedphysics = false # this option when set to true will enable dynamic physics such as erosion #WARNING: do not enable unless you have a beast computer or are willing to risk melting down your computer #into the sort of thing they probably make lucky charms out of
  11. water physics/systems

    here is an idea for a less dynamic version of the second part, every water block would look to see if any solid blocks are next to it and if there are, it would check to see what its "force vector" is which would be a vector that's pointing strait down and its force is dependent on how much water is above the water block. Then the "force vector" would be offset by the water flow measured above it and the more flow, the more the force vector is offset. Then it would look at the blocks in front of the vector and next to it and see if it had any space in front of the blocks(relative to the vector) and if so, it would generate a random number(float or double) between 0 and 1and if the number is less than a value determined by the ratio between the vectors force and the block's hardness(on a random tick update like saplings), the bock would be turned into an entity like falling sand and gravel does and that entity would be given the initial velocity of the vector and this overall would create quite a challenge of avoiding structure from being eroded away and challenge of making any structure where water flows btw my initial idea with a water cycle thing would just be so that rivers and such like would actually flow without filling up the world with water creating a dynamic environment in which things like this can happen
  12. water physics/systems

    actually it would add a reason to make drainage canals and to be carfull about conserving water but this is my opinion
  13. water physics/systems

    I'm not trying to make it sound like you press this button and that one and your done, I'm just saying that it would probably take the same amount of time as alot of other coding takes witch is weeks or months and that I only ever thought the first part would ever be implemented and the last part is more of a fantasy than anything else and that I know alot of this code already and would be willing to help with my knowledge and ideas. for example, I wrote a water simulator along time ago in java and I could submit some of its code/concepts for water stuff. I'm just saying I understand what you mean like my mod has some issues with slimier code to steve's carts and I have to change things. sorry to get you mad ps glad you notified me about that mods issues on this fourm, I'm new here
  14. water physics/systems

    @EternalUndeath having chunks having a vapor level and it spreading wouldn't be to hard (thaumcraft does it with vis/taint) but the water code might be a little bit of a pain and evaporation isn't two hard, just a line-of sight to the sky and raining would be a pain but the rest would be vary difficult but I do have some ideas as how to do the background coding speaking as a coder myself so I can agree with you on the last part but I don't see to much of a rode block on the first part
  15. New way to chisel down stone

    it would have to be ether 16by16 or 8by8 because of the texture system but I like the idea of a gui and have the block be a custom block in the sense that you can pick it up and place it down again