Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by WetCheerios

  1. Age: 21


       Minecraft Username: Minsi3


       Why would you like to join?: Because me and my friend would like to play on a server together :)


       What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: I played early on... beta 20-36ish but nothing since :(


       Any additional information that would help your case: Im very friendly. :)

      Also would my friend be able to join?

    Age: 15

      Username: Dr_Dick_Chop (his immature friend made the account Sorry about the username)


    Why would you like to join?  To play with me :)

    Previous experiance. Same as me

    Sorry mate, denied for now.


  2. Thanks for the consideration!


    Maybe in the future you'll think about it again.


    We were simply impressed by what your server had to offer - and we all live together.

    You know, flattery just might work.. *Yaaah.. my server is pretty impressive, ain't it...* I'll come back to your app here shortly if you stick around. I do think the server needs some humour in the mix of things, and it seems like you guys can offer that.


    *Edit: If it's possible, I would like to see apps from your buddy's, whether it be through your TFC account, or their own. It would be nice to get a judgment call on their personalities as well. 




  3. Hi, I'm looking to join.


    Age: 19    Minecraft Username: Fortified_    Why would you like to join?: I've been playing Minecraft since mid-beta and while I still love the game, I've grown very tired of the vanilla gameplay, so I've been looking into mods. TerraFirmaCraft interested me because I've been looking for more challenging and deep survival gameplay for a long time and after following a TFC Let's Play for a while, it seems perfect. I want to join a server because of course everything is more fun with a community to share it with.    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: Like I mentioned in the previous answer, I've been playing Minecraft pretty consistently since mid-beta. I've got plenty of experience with the base game along with some experience with Tekkit, FTB, etc. TFC is new to me, I've been watching through a Let's Play for a few days and I've only played it myself for an hour or so but I understand the basics.    Any additional information that would help your case: I'm not sure if this "helps my case", but I've recently graduated high school in the Southern California, LA area and I'm heading up to Berkeley in the fall to pursue a bachelor's in Environmental Earth Science. I have a lot of free time this summer and I'm looking for something to pass the time while I'm not out doing things.    Time zone, location, name(*Optional): PST, Los Angeles, Chris


    Thanks for taking the time to read it through!

    Nice app, definitely accepted.



    Age: 25


    Minecraft Username: Obsidiangun

    Why would you like to join?: To claim new - unspoiled land - for me and my comrades to thrive upon

    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: my TFC experience ends with full copper everything (I have 1.5 years of playing I just always restarted my single player world) 

    Any additional information that would help your case: I would be bringing other experienced players... I have followers who well.... follow me :3 (it's because i'm fun to play with :D)


    Time zone, location, name: US Central Time- Arkansas --- Call me Obs or alex




    IGN for me - Obsidiangun


    IGN for my comrades - Ky2bia, Soopavillan420


    I have Skype


    My age is 25


    Ky2bia is 23


    Soopavillan420 is 24


    Ky2bia and I have the most experience in all forms of minecraft. My account says it was started September of 2011, but I've played since summer of 2010... obsessed to some degree yes. I do have a life so I'm not as active as some.


    Our hours of activity vary, but typically we will be on 11 p.m. - 6 a.m. US Central Time.


    We as a group are neutral/hostile towards others (similar to pigmen - but more relentless)


    We will lighten up and make allies and friends even if the right things happen :3


    We stay to ourselves mostly and try to venture far away to unspoiled lands.




    If you think we would make an interesting and exciting addition to your server, and that your server would fit our playing style - we would be happy to join!




    Hmm, this app is a bit "risky". I'm going to have to deny this time, but thanks for the application!


  5. Age: 22


       Minecraft Username: Camshlom


       Why would you like to join?: New to TFC, I think the experience would be more fun to play with other people. And it could be a good way to learn the game faster.


       What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: Been Playing Minecraft since 1.2 Alpha and TFC for a few days


       Any additional information that would help your case: Just looking for a small Whitelisted community to play with, Learning the mod will be more fun with people to talk to and interact with. 


       Time zone, location, name(*Optional): EST, Maine, Cam

    Sorry man, denied.


  6. Hiya! 

    Please consider my application: 




    Minecraft Username:

     SyvarMSeione Why would you like to join?:

     I've been playing TFC (singleplayer) for awhile now, learning to play the game, but things are getting a bit lonely in my singplayer world... What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?:

     'Been playing Minecraft since early beta (lots of FTB too), and TFC off and on since b 0.69, I think? However the last few months I've been playing TFC regularly. Any additional information that would help your case:

     I'm very much looking for an engaging community to cooperate and trade with. Hoping to find it at your server. Plus, this sever doesn't require any extra mods / plugins, which is a big pro to me! Time zone, location, name:

    I'm in the Netherlands, so that'd be UTC+01:00 I believe. You can call me Syvar, or Syv ;)


    See ya!

    Going for "short and sweet" are yah, well I think I can live with that. Accepted.


  7. Age:



    Minecraft Username:



    Why would you like to join?:

    I would like to join because I would like to experience TerraFirmaCraft with a nice community. Its hard to find a server that doesn't prompt the players every 10 seconds to donate, or a server with admins that know what they're doing, so I feel a whitelisted server will be better because they are usually more controlled. and this one looks suitable for my tastes.



    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?:

    I first played Minecraft in Beta 1.1, but there have been periods where I ceased to play because the singleplayer gets boring after a few hours, Tekkit or Feed The Beast simply aren't complex enough to keep me hitched and the large majority of servers have abusive or otherwise useless admins-- largely driving me away from the game. I then heard of TerraFirma. Can't remember the build version it was at when I tried it, but I played it with a friend of mine up until the 'bronze era' in a game he was hosting using Hamachi. It got boring, however, as we were unable to find any iron and it was just the two of us. If there were more players, it would've been different, So here I am applying.



    Any additional information that would help your case:

    I'm a semi-good builder, I mainly enjoy doing the aesthetics of a build.



    Time zone, location, name(*Optional): Location:

    Saudi Arabia, Riyadh. Please note because of my strange location, I may not be online at the same times as most people. Time zone is: AST (Arabic Standard Time) - UTC/GMT +3 hours

    I'm not to worried about the times you are online, we have a pretty diverse community here, so there should be others online throughout the 24 hour day. Anyway, good app, accepted!


  8. Age: 18


       Minecraft Username: jake_the_odd


       Why would you like to join?: Got bored with HappyDiggers and wanted to try another server out


       What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: Approx. 8 months with TFC getting to steel in SP and red steel in MP, 2 years with vanilla


       Any additional information that would help your case: I'm not the kind of person that will just suddenly spam the chat with "Plees giv me some coper" I try to find it first and if I can't find it I'll trade handsomely for it. AKA I'm not a beggar/mooch and I also try to stay mature when I need to be.


       Time zone, location, name(*Optional): PST,Not comfortable with telling location, Cooper (had my name changed a while back)


    I also have a skype if you need to contact me when I'm on, if you need the username please PM me

    It was a tough one, but I'm going to have to deny this one for now. I appreciate the application, have a good one!




  9. Age: 26


    Minecraft Username: Trooff


    Why would you like to join?:   I have had more fun playing MC with smaller communities.   I tried TFC in public servers but found it was not too fun for my playstyle due to griefers and raiders.  I think vanilla MC is OK in public free for all servers but TFC multiplayer needs to be cooperative!  And you shouldn't have to worry about your stuff or whether its protected or what not.


    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?:  I have played MC for 2 years and TFC for about 2 months.  I have played on public servers and on smaller, white-listed servers with friends.


    Any additional information that would help your case:  I am currently working on a masters in finance and play minecraft in my off time to relax for about 2 hrs a day.  So if you need help with your investments I can also give advice!  Seriously though, I'm a generous, easy going, and very friendly guy and if you ever want to play just ping me on skype.


    Time zone, location, name(*Optional):  I live in Chicago which is GMT-6.  My friends call me Leo and I am always down to skype.




    Great app, accepted and added to the whitelist.


  10. Age: 17    Minecraft Username: dragonlover326    Why would you like to join?: I am looking for a server that I can play TerraFirmaCraft on so I can have a bit more fun than in single player  What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: With TerraFirmaCraft I have a little bit of experience but with minecraft I have been playing since release 1.2.5 and have been pretty knowledgeable with mods  Any additional information that would help your case: I'm really only looking for a clean world that is multiplayer to go to a little corner of the world to mess with TerraFirmaCraft and have a bit of fun in my freetime  Time zone, location, name(*Optional): Central Standard

    Sorry, denied.


  11. In response to your reply on my thread from earlier today, here's my application


    Age: 15

    Username: Skeith11

    Why would you like to join?: Your server sounds very dependent on community cooperation, and that's exactly what I was looking for. 


    Previous experience in TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: I've been playing Minecraft for a year or so, now, I mostly play Tekkit with a couple of friends every now and then. I've been playing TFC for a bit, and I'm very interested to try building on a bigger scale.

    Any additional information that will help your case?: I am mature, and like the idea of each person specializing in one task. I just kinda want to meet new people doing something fun at the same time

    You seem mature enough for your age, I think you would fit in nicely, accepted.


  12. Age:  14


       Minecraft Username: powerman913717


       Why would you like to join?: I would like to join a server with a nice whitelisted community, also the reset that your server has gone thru recently is good for me.


       What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: I haven't been playing minecraft for long....but I know the game inside and out. I also have a lot of knowledge with TFC, I just haven't been able to play in public with other players.


       Any additional information that would help your case: I'm a freshmen entering high school this upcoming term. I also know the basic of javascript and can program minor things.("game inside and out") I'm also a great builder, plus TFC gives me more creative freedom to build.


       Time zone, location, name(*Optional): 

    Eastern time,

    Virginia, USA

    Name: Jared

    Sorry, you just don't quite meet the age requirements, that's not to say I can't push them a bit but not this much. I appreciate you being honest, denied.


  13. Age: 25


    MC Username: Srgntcuddles


    Why I want to join: I've played MC most of the time alone, which can get boring after a while. I just wish to play with others. Everything is better with a friend! Plus this seems like an okay server. It's vanilla, which is what I prefer. So I think I'd enjoy the environment a ton!


    Experience: 5+ years of MC. Less than a week of actual TFC gameplay, but I've watched loads of videos about it.


    Additional info: I'm a friendly and supportive person that can get along with ANYone. Really. Some people find me funny, but I've been called modest many times.  I'm easy going and a gamer at heart. I just like to have fun.

    Sorry, denied.


  14.  Age: 18

    Minecraft Username: djlapio93litlbro   Why would you like to join?: Cause the game is boring other wise, and very difficult. What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: Does it mater? Any additional information that would help your case: I'm lazy douchebag and I'm very honest Time zone, location, name(*Optional): GMT+/--3:00, Finland, Ljubomir

    I don't know, does it matter? Denied.


  15. Do not open until July 7th, OR before the reset occurs. Thank you.




       Minecraft Username:



       Why would you like to join?:

    It's been a while since I played TFC- I think I heard something a patch making bloomeries mandatory for iron smelting now;

    I began my hiatus from TFC before the aforementioned patch -and I'm willing to get back into it.



       What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?:

    Got Minecraft back in Beta 1.3, which sadly means I'm no Alpha veteran, but I've seen my fair share of shenanigans, let me tell you.

    Tried TerraFirmaCraft in around Beta 1.6, I think, but because it's CPU heavy and because I was playing on a craptop at the time...

    Well, ketchup and icecream don't mix. That's a pretty accurate description of why I took my hiatus after trying to work with 12 FPS.

    When I got a proper gaming computer, Minecraft was probably in late Beta 1.8; 1.0/beta 1.9 candidates/snapshots were being released. 

    That's when I got back into Minecraft. I uh... Well, I forgot TerraFirmaCraft existed and started playing Tekkit...

    But Tekkit has the exact same problem stock Minecraft does! After you get your initial resources, albeit for getting a hint of beef or wheat, there's no more challenge.

    So then I took a hiatus from Minecraft itself... and now we're here.


       Any additional information that would help your case:

    -Reliable- with a borrowed pickaxe, for example,

    either I'll bring them back the pickaxe or a new one that I made with the ore I mined using the old one. I won't ask for something if I'm not giving it back.

     -Constantly on- I 'don't have much of a life', as the kids would put it these days, or at least I do but it's just been... slow, as of late.


    Time zone, location, name:

    EST/Eastern Timezone, US

    Virginia, US


    Haha, good idea with the spoiler and note. You have been added to the whitelist.



  16. Age:    Minecraft Username: The0newithnogame    Why would you like to join?: its a fresh server    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: minecraft done it all, TFC Pro up to steel    Any additional information that would help your case:i am an semi expert crafter and smith and vary willing to work with others in maksift towns    Time zone, location, name(*Optional):EST time zone

    Applications are closed, also age is required for an app.


  17. Age: 15

    Minecraft Username: Lock0n09 (i don't have minecraft account :( )

    Why would you like to join: i want a team mates who help me on doing such things

    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: i played terrafirmacraft fore long time and i dont want to be alone anymore :)

    Any additional information that would help your case: I can help people as long as i can and also friendly

    Applications will open back up soon, also how do you play Minecraft if you don't have a Minecraft account, friends account?


  18. As far as darkness goes, if you wanted a a realistic light level you should try a shader, they really add to the effect of TFC in my opinion and most of them seem to work bug free with TFC (Heh.. "Bug free with TFC").

    When it comes to the portable lighting I totally agree. I would love to be walking through the woods in the middle of the night, torch in hand, lighting up the area around me.

    Some good ideas, thanks for sharing.


  19. I do like the idea of this new block, however I must agree with anttimatergizmo in the fact that it shouldn't necessarily be made from wool. I agree that kind of a block is a nice addition to the game, and I hope it does get added however it may be crafter, weather that be wool, cobble or most intriguing to me, the method you suggested with a wooden frame and drying clay onto it. I understand there are limited uses for wool currently, and it would be a fantastic use, but I'm not sure how realistic that would be. However, it would be great to see new uses for wool that were(are) actual used in the history of man kind, such as wool clothing. I really hope to see it being used in B 79 with the new body temperature system having been implemented, having some sort of protection from the cold using wool clothing would be a realistic use in my mind.


  20. So I've heard it tossed around that Build 79 is going to "break B 78 worlds" and I just wanted to know if this is at all true, or if it's so early in development that it would be impossible to tell. Obviously I doubt it would be at all intentional, and the developers would try to avoid it as best possible, but I just wanted to hear back from the staffs perspective if that is a potential threat? I was hoping to plan a new world for our server, but if it's just going to get bugged out in the near future then, you know...


  21.  Age: 19


       Minecraft Username: zZwinterZz


       Why would you like to join?: I would like to join because i would like to play Terrafirmacraft on a server where there is not 9 year olds crying about dying. 


       What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: yes i have play tekkit, tekkit classic, tekkit original, hexxit, big dig, regular minecraft, craft mine, and yeah alot of mods :D.


       Any additional information that would help your case: Im nice...


       Time zone, location, name(*Optional): Mountain time. Utah. Carter.

    Currently not accepting applications.


  22. most taste comes from odour, which hasn't been included. The table is complete for flavour. Taste is flavour + odour. (remove the "u"s if you live in america, that sentence had a lot of them :))

    Yah that's what it's missing! I'm perfectly happy with it in that case, and yes, I am Canadian so we also favoUr the "U's".


  23. Just looking at the chart, Garlic and a Potato have nearly the same taste pallet.. other then a dash of salt. There must be some other kind of value to drastically separate their tastes considering garlic is used pretty much as a spice, not to be eaten by the pound.  Is spiciness not something that could be added to this table?
