Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by achartran

  1. Planetside 2 anyone?

    Possibly, what are your IGNs? I may have killed you a few times before as well ;P
  2. Planetside 2 anyone?

    Hells YES! I was actually entertaining the idea of posting this same thing, but you beat me too it I'm already deeply entrenched over at SolTech fighting for the mighty Vanu Sovreignty if that sounds ok to you, I've been wanting to set-up an outfit there for a while now. So yeah, Lorbog, PM me and we can talk. TR SCUM! Technology is the future! Bow before it! (Translation: If we go TR you can count me out, Vanu until DEATH! Or... I'll just start my own Vanu outfit >:] )
  3. Yeah... I don't really have time to be on here all the time like I was before, and it will be that way for a while. Maybe after school is out for the summer I'll be around more often. But, until then you guys will just have to deal with the silence caused by my absence. (JOKES!) Serious(ish) time now, the solution is to be nice to newbies, really. We won't grow without them, and that means we will come to rely more and more on the grizzled vets who no longer have the time to dedicate to this forum that we used to (like me, and JAG up there). So yeah... be nice damnit!
  4. Name Me!

    Well... number 1 would be The Holmsian Event!, and number two would be the Great Meme Wars of the Dark Age. So this, The Nameless Event!, is the third in a line of major derails on the forum. (you could also count that lemon derail a long time ago, but that was before I got here )
  5. Name Me!

    Rivals The Holmsian Event!, not outdoes it, not by a long shot. I honestly don't even know how I did it... it's all a hazy, 60 post long blur. (I think it was 60 at least, it could have been more.)
  6. Well, I could muster my army of Sherlock Clones to enforce a strict policy of every man, woman, child, and lobster posting a minimum of 10 times a day. But, that would entail setting up a world-wide police state, and I'm much too lazy to bother with that.
  7. Name Me!

    Hmmm, this rivals The Holmsian Event!, but it is inferior in that it is only a single thread (not counting that Sherlock is the most awesome thing ever). I commend all of you on this achievement, and dub this derail "The Nameless Event!". Congratulations, you have made me proud. (If you guys can think of a better name, go ahead. Also, keep it going, this is much more entertaining than anything else I could be doing right now. )
  8. Looking for MMORPG suggestions! http-~~-// This link and video may help, but I can't give any more specific suggestions because, as I said, I'm not a huge MMO fan.
  9. Happy New Year!

    And the Goldmember reference was lost on all but it's creator...
  10. Making the Scene

    And where might you be from? Your location isn't all that helpful... Also, only Americans can use the term "'merica", it's our joke about ourselves, if you take that away all we have is our twinkies to wipe away the tears before we shove it down our throats as we sob into the now empty wrapper in despair as we realize that was the last Twinkie we will ever consume because Hostess went out of business. (Sarcasm wuz here, please do not take this to mean I am an obese, stereotypical, McDonald's worshiping American, or that those people make up the majority of my country. They don't.)
  11. Looking for MMORPG suggestions

    Realm of the Mad God It fits all (or most) of the things you listed. I'm not 100% positive that if fits everything (I only tried it once). But it seemed fun, just not quite the kind of game that I would stick with because I'm not a huge MMO fan, the only MMO to ever hold my attention has been Planetside 2 (it still has my attention ). I won't try to explain the game here because I don't know a whole lot about it, but a google search on your part will fix that quickly. Anyways, here's a link to Realm of the Mad God: Hope this helps
  12. Name Me!

    Lol, Igor the Indecisive made it to voting. You should pick that one, whatever the poll results may be. (Also, kimb, how did you vote on all of them?)
  13. For this community

    I know I'm not all that active anymore, mostly because of school, but I have noticed things have become worse around here. Derails happen always and get out of hand (we've always had derails, but they were often less destructive and generally more fun, and didn't always happen.) Believe it or not this place was really fun to be in, with scientific discussions mixed in with a few hilarious jokes, and a group of mature people talking about a mod they love. Some of this hasn't changed, but a lot has, it has gotten more hostile (Yes, eternal was always hostile, but he usually had a half-decent reason) and we reject newbies even more than before, gone are the days of every first post receiving a colorful welcome banner. Instead, we insult newcomers for making a simple mistake and drive them away. (The only way to become involved without getting shunned is to not post a topic for a long time, much like myself. I have made 2 topics, and that didn't happen until my 666th post.) I know I am not above the fray, I have had my share of raging at a some newbie who doesn't know better or who is being belligerent. I have certainly participated in crap tons of derails, and started probably the single largest one on the forum (see my sig) :/. I have been just as petty as others at times. But, killster is right, we need to change a few things, and I will do my damn fucking best to be a better member of this forum. We are all human (at least most of us ), so obviously we are going to make mistakes, and we are going to have the occasional derail now and again. We can limit this though by all moving our fun over to off topic, there is no reason we need to plague suggestions with our fun, off topic works just as well. I suggested a while back that maybe we make some organized roleplaying threads so that we can have our fun there, (the thread is called "A Few Roleplaying Threads... Maybe?"). We can make this community much more fun by making off topic active and keeping our behavior in suggestions on topic and friendly. So, let's all agree that we are all going to try our best to do better than we have in the past, and be nicer people. Ok? [P.S. - The #tfcraft IRC room on is fun too if you want to talk about random stuff and have some fun (or some interesting discussions/debates) with a lot of the people on this forum.] [Edit: I'm not sure harsher punishments is the best idea to keep the community vibrant and fun, but that is for the staff to decide.]
  14. New Developments

    Wait... you have to buy Colloquy? I'm using it right now and I never bought it... o.O Anyways, on topic. Good luck Dunk! I'm sure you won't disappoint. (Also, good luck to Bioxx, it's a huge project, but I'm sure it will be awesome. Stick with it!)
  15. JohnSmith version 0.8 b75

    You are so awesome for giving us this texture pack. I use Jamziboy's JS Edit for all things Minecraft, and am very, very grateful that that can apply to Terrafirmacraft as well (at least, a very similar pack with those thatch textures I love so much . I just wish that getting lime green wool didn't require an epic quest to the equator, but this is TFC, so I'll deal with it. ) Anyways, great work, keep it up. I'll keep downloading it every update. Even though my SSP world Is actually stil b72. [Loosely related question: is the only way to get wool from sheep without killing them making wrought iron shears? Or is there an alternate method I'm not aware of? Also, breeding, I forget how it works in TFC, could someone remind me? Thanks in advance if you decide to answer these questions. If you didn't that's ok too, I don't want this thread to get derailed.]
  16. Name Me!

    Just a few suggestions I think will be of no help to you at all. Igor the Indecisive Hipster Vagueries H.dave ? abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba 0123456789 1234567890 TFC_FOERVER!!!11!!!11! _xXx_TCF_RULEZ_xXx_ xX_VMC_N3W8_SL4Y3R_Xx Loud Sig Lou Get The Hint Geoff (If you click this link I am not responsible for what you may find on the other side, I have not checked to see if it actually exists, nor will I. Also, I can't seem to remove the link quality of it, even after trying.) xX_11!N0_F15H34D5_R_GR055!11_Xx Ok, I'm done with the bad name suggestions. For now...duh, duh, duh(Why subscript? A better question is why not superscript. To which I will respond "why not subscript?" And so I shall have trapped you in an infinite loop of pointless questions! My evil plan is finally coming to fruition! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Unless of course you somehow manage to foil my plans by responding with "Why not zoidberg?", in which case you have exploited my one and only convenient weakness. But that is highly unlikely, it's not like my plan is similar in any way to either of the Death Stars)
  17. So.... What is My Gender?

    No, he just became even more manic-depressive than he already was (and he has always been a touch on the loony side) once people started thinking he was fictional and Watson died, It's sad really. He actually doesn't look any older than the day he became immortal, which depends on which Sherlock you are talking about, he is mostly seen in public now as a late twenty something, with a slightly odd haircut and wears a pea (Is that the correct word? the black/navy blue wool (?) coat thingies) coat instead of his traditional trench coat (he even flies to London every now and then to play himself some TV show that is about a younger modern version of him, its all very meta. But he insists that the guy playing Watson is nothing more than a worrisome nit-wit, so he is still lacking a suitable sidekick.). But he dresses as he is described in his biographies around the house, which seems less comfortable to me, but he says "it reminds him of the good old days", so I ignore the fact that a middle aged man in a trench coat and silly hat is walking around my house inspecting things with an equally ridiculously sized magnifying glass, and try to pretend he is a normal 19th century immortal detective, just like the rest of us.
  18. So.... What is My Gender?

    Well, I did, and thanks to wiktionary ( in languages with Norse roots (Danish, Norwegian, Swedish) "hane" has fairly male connotations if not direct meaing [in Swedish, it means "cock" (male rooster, not what you are all thinking as you read this...) and also straight up means "male" (albeit it is most often used to refer to animals, but the connection is easily made by anyone who is not one of the aforementioned animals the term refers to.)] Also, I'm good, how are you? Sherlock says he's good too. But I wouldn't believe him, he's a bit of a compulsive liar, although he would probably mumble something about "accepted social conventions" and other such nonsensical babblings if questioned on the matter.
  19. Nether fix for build 75

    Obviously I can't speak for the Devs, but I believe disabling the Nether was either intentional or a happy accident. Mostly because the Nether is to TFC as snow is to the Sun; they are so completely different that it doesn't make sense for them to be together.
  20. Anyone seen Peat lately?

    It doesn't. Now, for the grammar nazi in me... this would be a proper full sentence, that is grammatically correct: "I Haven't tested to see if it works in the forge." I'm not trying to be annoying and I don't want to make any assumptions, as I realize English may or may not be your first language, just putting it out there. And, of course, you don't have to listen to me at all.
  21. So.... What is My Gender?

    Voting after the answer, FTW! But I don't really see where the ruckus has come from, or why there is any sort of shame involved... o.O It was easy to plug "Hane" into google and find that in almost every language it either means male or refers to a masculine thing. Plus I would have guessed male just because, at least as far as I remember, you call people "sir" a lot, which I don't think many females make a habit of. (HAI! I'm back, didn't you guys miss me? Oh, you didn't? Well too bad, your stuck with me, deal with it.)
  22. Block Heads [0.79]

    Thanks That fixed it
  23. Happy Birthday Bioxx!

    Yeah, there was definitely a thread about this before, but yeah. Happy virtual birthday Bioxx!
  24. Villagers

    You would only be able to share this mod/addon at least until TFC is out of beta. The devs have said that they do not condone any modification of TFC that is not strictly for personal use. Now, considering that beta will last for a veerrry long time (likely) it might be a tad early to start talking about a mod/addon you plan on making, but that's your choice. Just know that you really shouldn't distribute it until the devs say it is ok for mods/add-ons to happen (if ever). (Also, it isn't that many of us are NPC "haters" (some of us are ) it is that we support the decisions of Bioxx and Dunk because it is their mod and they get to make the final decisions, for better or for worse. I personally don't like the idea of NPCs at all, so it works for me, but even if I did want NPCs I would respect the dev's wishes and support their decision.)
  25. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    Oh my, that is a massive charcoal pit.