Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Status Updates posted by achartran

  1. Popping back in to see what's going on around here because it's been a while. So, if anyone happens to see this, what's up?

  2. Hmmm... I tried to change my avatar, but it seems any other image just doesn't work. Anyone else having the same issue?

    1. Kimbblesrath


      Extremely off topic, But I just realized that you joined these forums on my birthday. Yay!

    2. LordOfWolves


      I had the same issue, but with the status. I couldn't change the status so I kept the old one. Also, maybe this forum doesn't accept .jpg images, if I'm right...

  3. I'm back! (maybe)

  4. Got that virus that Menoch got a while back... fuck.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LordOfWolves


      Like reinstalling the OS. Well, I hope that all will be fixed. You can try asking to Menoch if he is still around. Maybe he found a good solution.

    3. achartran


      Oh god, I hope I don't have to re-install the OS D:

      The next step after the scan (if it fails) will be to attempt to locate the malicious files and to wipe out any trace of them.

    4. LordOfWolves


      You could search a complete list of libraries on internet for your PC, just in case that one of yours is infected.

  5. Happy end of the world!! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LordOfWolves



    3. Kimbblesrath


      No ending of the world. :P

    4. achartran


      Guess that the Mayans were just trolling us all along, but that means they must have predicted the internet too! :o

  6. Congrats on breaking 1,000 posts :)

    1. Kimbblesrath


      Thanks, i guess. :P

    2. Kimbblesrath


      Anyway, how do you do that, like direct a status to a member?

  7. D: Why did the kingdoms thread get unstuck?!?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LordOfWolves
    3. Kimbblesrath


      Un-stickied. The thread used to be stickied, but now it isn't.

    4. LordOfWolves


      Full of new posts?

  8. Welp, that escalated and ended really quickly. Fun though :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. achartran


      I get this when I try to:

      "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community."

    3. Kimbblesrath


      If youre not, use the IMG extension. If it isn't that, I got nothing.

    4. LordOfWolves


      You can post .jpg, .png and .gif. There are some extensions that you can't post.

  9. Crysyn is my hero right now. :)

    1. Kimbblesrath


      Locking threads, like a boss. Or is that not ehy?

    2. achartran


      Yeah, finally someone decided to silence that train wreck, I was getting really frustrated that people just wouldn't come off it.

    3. LordOfWolves


      See! He is back, little deadly kitty! So strong and powerful :D

  10. 737 posts... huh, does that mean I'm an airplane?

    1. LordOfWolves


      Yeah, achartran, but you're full of bugs. I will come back when you will be a 747 because now you're too dangerous. Seriously, do you know how many crashes the 737 did? Too many...

    2. achartran


      is a 767 a kind of plane? Because I'm almost there...

    3. LordOfWolves


      Why do you want to be a plane? Be a tank!

  11. I think I'm going to introduce a few new alter egos over the coming weeks and months, so keep your eyes peeled.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LordOfWolves


      A bad thing!!! You mustn't exaggerate now, because Sherlock was crazy enough. I agree if you introduce only 1 other alter ego, but more...too many to mantain them and you will lose your funny part making this. *Wolf runs away for no reason*

    3. achartran


      This all depends on the success or failure of the RP suggestion, I don't want to make the staff mad at me. Don't worry wolf, I have a way of making sure I only ever have two at a time that actually will make sense. Also, I have no idea right now who these people will be.

    4. LordOfWolves


      Are you thinking that I was angry with you? No, just kidding. Also when I rarely become angry, I write it in the post. :)

  12. Sherlock woke me up today at 4 in the morning screaming something about burnt toast and its correlation to flightspeeds or some dumb bird. Then just as I was getting back to sleep he came into my room and started throwing burnt toast at me. He's locked in the basement now, I think I'll leave him there for a bit, the crazy old coot.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LordOfWolves


      Wow, 600 posts man! Another pie? Fireworks? Some copper?

    3. achartran


      Nah, I don't celebrate every hundred, it would get annoying. Maybe I'll do it at 1,000...

    4. LordOfWolves


      But I have a cake here...

  13. I feel like 500 posts is an apt milestone to celebrate, anyone care for pie? Made from the finest rotten flesh this side of my mine.

    1. LordOfWolves


      Some of your posts were made by Sherlock, then you're still at about 4xx x=something

    2. achartran


      achartran: DAMN YOU SHERLOCK!!!

      Sherlock: Oi! Quite down in there, I nearly dropped my magnifying glass!

  14. Yeah, I'm done now.

  15. If you're wondering how long this Sherlock stunt is going to last, well ask me later, because I haven't a single clue.

  16. I've been a member of the TFC forums for exactly 100 days today, woot!

  17. Im on attempt #10 to get 52e to work. Considering sueing apple for having the clumsiest folder/file system ever.

  18. Eternal just liked my post in the mini-map thread 27 times, I feel slightly honored