Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by GCountach

  1. The Poles Distance Poll

    Well, I completely missed that in the edited news topic. Shame on me. Thanks.
  2. Is fishing cheating?

    Agreed. At TFC current state, hunting is much easier and profitable than fishing. Once hunting becomes less valuable, then it may be time to reconsider. Espeically now that farming is nerfed out of usefulness.
  3. The Poles Distance Poll

    I feel the need to mention that 1.5k wasn't found through math, just experiment. That is, someone's house was 2k away and I started walking there at 5am and came up 500 short once the mobs started spawning. Terrain was fairly rough, but I was using smart move on easy. To quote the minecraft wiki: We'll just say 5.55 sprinting and 4.3 walking per second. Also, it should be noted that one minecraft day is 20min (longer if the server is lagging, but that's another thing) which I'm assuming is 10min of day, 10min of night. Now with that information, the maximum distance steve can travel in one day is 2,580 walking and 3,330 flat out sprinting, which is much higher than my 1.5k observed speed. Of course, this would only happen on flat ground with no water, large hills, trees, etc. and the sprinting speed doesn't take into account time spent eatting as you're hunger bar is draining at 10x its normal speed. Just wanted to make sure that was understood.I reread bioxx's post a few times and I understand that the X axis will not be finite, but I don't remember reading what the plan was once they reach the pole. Does it start going backwards til you're at equator like biomes or is it tundra for ever past 50k?
  4. Huge Mountains

    One quick search later, and I believe this is the mod you were talking about: It's apparently pretty buggy, I suspect will break a lot of mod compatability, and was long since abandoned, but it appears to allow up to 4096 height from 256. Seems reasonable enough for mountains. That said, I agree with Heiko. Adding it for the sake of adding it seems like a waste of resources. If you can't get ores up there, it's not flat enough to grow trees, plant crops, etc, whats the point? Removing some layers of rock from the bottom to add more height is one solution, but the difference in heights would be minimal and you remove a lot of possible ore spawning locations so it's not an ideal solution either. If the previous idea of "Cubic Chunks" were possible and could be implemented into TFCraft, that would certainly be great. If not, I can't see this idea being implementable. In case I wasn't clear, I do like the idea of mountains being mountains. The "hills" biomes seem to be decent at representing mountains (far more so than hills for sure), but they do seem to do that by just making them difficult to transverse more so than anything. Would also be good if draw distance could be improved alongside it. Otherwise, when you're at y=500, you look like you're just floating on an island which really ruins the effect.
  5. Chicken Eggs become Wheat when cooked

    Did you delete your configs? Because everyone's saying that fixed it for them.
  6. Can't get into my own server...

    By authenticaiton, I mean "online-mode". In online mode, people have to log in through mojang's servers before they can join. In offline, they don't... but people can in theory log in as someone else. It's usually only turned to false so non-legit players can join and when mojang's authentication servers are messing up (not as common now, thank goodness). Copy and pasting your and your console's contents (right-click the console, click "select all", then hit enter to do so if you didn't know) in spoiler tags here might help.
  7. Can't get into my own server... is a localhost IP, so I'm assuming the server is on the same computer as your client. If that's the case, no port fowarding or hamachi should matter. The problem has to be between the client and server program. Try turning off whitelisting and/or authentication and see if that helps.
  8. effective ways to mine?

    For a handy (though perhaps needing updating) list of ore locations, see this page: First off, for pro-picking, make sure you right-click on more than one block in an area. In fact, I'd recommend doing 5-6 hits in an area. The pro-pick lies and lies often. It will give you false negatives but will never give false positives. With that in mind, if you're in the right rock type (see link above), the best you can do is keep looking. This isn't like vanilla minecraft. The ores are hard to find and you can get a string of bad luck that makes it take a long time to find anything. That's just part of the gameplay. As for a lilst of "what rock is under what rock", that doesn't exist. The reason is because it's random. When a world is created as you know, there are certain biomes generated. There's your "base" biomes, such as taiga, desert, swamp, plains, etc., but whats important to note is that there's multiple types of those base biomes. So you could have plains1, plains2, plains3, ..., plains10, etc. Now this is important to note because each biome has a different rock formation under it. That is, each biome has 3 layers of stone and they are randomly generated when the map is. So plains1 could be diorite, basalt, shale and plains2 could be congolomerate, granite, and gabbro. This layering will only be correct for that world. If you created a new world, plains1 and plains2 could be something totally different still. Basically, the end result is when you create a new world, it's up to you to keep track of which biomes had which rocks so you know where to look or not to look when it comes time to look for a certian ore.
  9. Cave ins

    You know how else you can cause a cave-in with 2x1 shafts? Digging one into a pre-generated cave if you dig into the ceiling. That's when supports are handy (if you hear zombies for example near you and you've lit your area up well). I rather not play the odds that I'll have a place to stand once the cave-in's start. Massive caves aren't necessary. The tiny ones full of water is enough.
  10. Can't log into server. :(

    Newest version can always be found here: Make sure to download the resources file with it, as they sometimes change.
  11. Not sure if my game is installed properly... should work.
  12. Can't log into server. :(

    Blackscreen in multiplayer and not in single player? Tell tale sign that the server version isn't the same as your client's version. Make sure you have the same client version as the server.
  13. Not sure if my game is installed properly...

    Hello and welcome to the forums. Flint, or at least flint tools, don't exist anymore. It has been replaced by surface rocks (they look like stone buttons on the ground) that you knapp into stone tools. I'm assuming you saw a lets play for this game. I don't know of any of them that are up to date with the changes present in 47. Keep in mind that the surface rocks don't seem to spawn in certain conditions, so you may have to walk a bit from spawn to start finding some. If you're joining a multiplayer server that has players in it, expect that distance to be further. The baby animals is a bug in build 48. Build 48 recently was released and it has a few issues that need to be sorted. I would recommend playing build 47f or waiting til the issues in build 48 are resolved. EDIT: Since you are new to TFCraft, I would recommend you look through the No nonsense, a stone-age guide article that's in the wiki. If you've watched a lets play video, a lot of it will look familiar, but with build 47+, you now have to use sluices to get your starter metals since you can't make stone prospecting picks or stone pickaxes. That's covered in this article.
  14. X-ray mods compatible with TFC?

    Pedonymous, check here: for a more reliable, more accurate, and much less hated method of determining that. Had that even been mentioned in your original thread the topic may of went differently. I'm not sure if you're joking or trying to raise a serious point, but I'll assume the later since I'm really bad at detecting sarcasm over the internet. Those videos are tutorials. Are they cheating? Well, yea. They're obtaining materials in a gameplay breaking manner (if they were doing creative+NEI than this is a mute point, since creative is designed just for this). However, the significant difference is they are doing it in single player which means it makes no difference to anyone else. Even if they have NEI in multiplayer, it is actually designed to not spawn anything for you unless you have OP privileges. Thus, it's only usefulness in SMP is for a quick reference of recipes (unless you're an admin). A wiki page opened in a second window would achieve the same result. Is optifine cheating? Well, no ofc not. Optifine optimizes (hence the opti- in the name) the rendering done in minecraft to be more efficient. The end result is increase in FPS. Gameplay however remains unchanged. Frankly, the worse part about it is that it exists at all. It should be part of minecraft from the get go. I'm fairly certain this was sarcasm at least, because it's so obviously not a cheat by any definition. Trains, tech mods, mod X that changes gameplay and requires a server mod to function aren't cheating despite the gameplay altering characteristics. The reason is the server is actually designed around the principle that you DO use them. Everyone has access to them so no one is at an advantage. Now client side only mods that can affect gameplay... that's tricky. X-ray is obviously cheating for the simple fact it gives you a huge advantage over someone who's not using it. It breaks gameplay in a server if someone is able to find otherwise rare materials with ease. There's an obvious advantage to having such a thing in a server and there's no way anyone could possibly think it's not cheating. Seriously.... Minimap and invtweaks... actually, I guess you could say they are cheats. They do alter gameplay, do offer the client using it something of an advantage over non-users, but the difference is how they affect gameplay. These mods are "convenience mods". The don't do anything you couldn't do yourself, they just make it easier. Being able to see through walls is not something people can do normally, but building a noob tower and getting the lay of land instead of using a mini-map? Possible. Moving a new pick into your quickbar when one breaks? Possible. Writing down coords to where you found small ores instead of making waypoints? Possible. That said, if a server doesn't allow them and you go in with them, you're cheating. I haven't seen any server that cares about people using such convenience mods though.
  15. Finding rock for flux

    Indeed, there is luck involved. I would assume it's possible for those rock type to also spawn below the surface rock, which means you may have walked over it and not realized it.
  16. effective ways to mine? Unless you meant you didn't have the resources.... in which case I misunderstood.
  17. Missing Crop textures

    Make sure you downloaded the newest resource file. New crops were added in 48 along with deer, but the new resources weren't uploaded alongside it. This has been corrected. If your mob folder inside your jar only contains the bear.png and not the deer.png and deer_fawn.png, this is the problem.
  18. Why isn't minecraft as awesome as this ?

    Zombies are standard in every game now. First it was the nazi's during the WW2 craze, then the Russians, now it's zombies. I mean, just think about the number of games that have zombies in them. Now if he has a giant, green, hissing pen- thing.... or a skeleton archer, that's another story. Zombies though? Nah. Modability, low-end performance (by that I mean how well it runs on less that great hardware), and its take on survival mode is what will make or break this game. If it's purely creative, I don't see it being that successful. If it has all it's features it has now PLUS a great survival mode that is MP compatible? I'd certainly get it.
  19. Unable to walk in SMP build 48

    The problem with new animals and plants not having textures seems to be that the new resources haven't been updated with the 48 core client (see This Topic). The resources are still from the 47 builds. That should be fixed as soon as the new resources are uploaded.
  20. Anyone seen a deer yet?

    No, I walked about 50m from spawn and there they were. All babies with no mom to be seen. What the picture doesn't show is all the erratic running I was having to do.
  21. Why isn't minecraft as awesome as this ?

    I think if it's like Minecraft, but improved, people will go to it. Especially if it's engine allows it to run better across a wide range of hardware. Part of MC's success and failures is it's java origins. It allowed for windows, linux, and mac gamers to play it, though the engine itself left the game pretty unoptimized. The game would also have to allow for modding support, as the lack of it will almost certainly be the death of it. That said, people love minecraft and buy a lot of clones on it. Castleminer Z is, for all intensive purposes, a DayZ mod of minecraft sold on XBLA. While it is cheap at 1 dollar, its large selling numbers on a service that seems to offer absolutely no advertisement from microsoft (they seem to not ever advertise games from their indie section) makes me think the minecraft-like games still wanted. If they're identical, but cheaper, people will buy them. If they're the same price but better, people will flock to them.
  22. Unable to walk in SMP build 48

    Strange, the server and client were running on my windows 7 computer when I tried it.
  23. Anyone seen a deer yet?

    So tiny... and white.... Was the resources updated since I DLed 48? EDIT: I see bear the mobs folder of the resources, but no deer or deer2.
  24. Unable to walk in SMP build 48

    Humm.... I just tried making a 48 client and server. When I load up the SP, it runs fine. When I load up server and join it, I'm floating and jerking around in the air (similar to how you are when you're stuck) then eventually kicked for flying from the server. 2012-08-21 22:25:01 [iNFO] GCountach joined with: [MinecraftForge, TFC Beta 2 Build 48] 2012-08-21 22:25:08 [WARNING] GCountach was kicked for floating too long! PlayerManager Successfully removed player GCountach Doesn't show PlayerAPI, but I do have it. Guess it's not listed since it's not a forge mod. There's a bug report up now on it:
  25. Discussion: What is your first tool? :)

    I agree with the chisel camp. With how long it takes to make ingots in the firepit using small ores, it's worth it to me. Next tool is the pickaxe though. Third is pro-pick.