Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by GCountach

  1. Javelin tweak: The atlatl

    Like this idea. With Enzer on the current jav nerf in order to fit this in. In their current state, javs seem really powerful. Their only weakness is their inability to stack. But they are powerful and cheap. If you were to allow auto-loading and/or stacking, some nerfing would have to be done.
  2. Boats!

    Related: Your idea of carving out a canoe has been discussed here. The straw raft though seems new.
  3. Trees should drop seeds instead of saplings

    I'm not fond of this idea, namely the flowering part... My worry is how long it'll take for a tree, once planted, to grow. While more realistic, it would halt basically everything else. Without trees, you don't have logs and sticks. Without logs, you don't have charcoal or support beams or a functional firepit which would result in a game that would stalemate quickly. Your only option at that point is just to cut down entire forests for your wood. While that is realistic, what isn't realistic is related to chunk loading. In real life, you could cut down a 2-3 mile radius forest and replant. Come back in 3-4 years and do it again. In minecraft, if you can't see the trees, they can't grow. That means you are artifically limited by the amount of trees you can replant by where you are working. Since you only have so many logs for what I mentioned above, you eithr 1.) Mine only in that area or 2.) Cut everything, leave nothing Option 1 seems unlikely as it requires the area to be rich in ores and option 2 would deforest SMP servers in a hurry. That said, having a nursery for growing saplings isn't a bad idea if it's just adding slightly more time/steps to your wood cutting operation. My concern would be that you're extending the time it takes between harvest and regrowth, which is what the flowering part has me concerned about. Maybe I'm just overreacting, but that's my concern.
  4. Finite Water and a Need for Aqueducts

    I believe the intelligent flow is the result of notch coding. It does that in vanilla minecraft too.
  5. Complete Noob Questions

    yes, pickaxe to pick up anvil.
  6. Crashing on login

    Believe if you can start an SP game without issue that its because your server and client are running different versions (47e and 47f for instance). Check that first.
  7. Server description still says 46c. Thought you'd wanna know.
  8. Saw + Plank block = 4 planks

    I'm GCountach, and I approve of this idea.
  9. Charcoal Stacks

    I was on an SMP server last night and ended up having to make like 2-3 pits before I managed to get my first yield. Really annoying. The sand idea I had didn't work at all. I must of just got lucky before when I was placing it, because it didn't fall when it was done. The only way I can do it now is set it up, light it, cover it, hit N and check the time of day, add 19 hours (I know it's 18, but I've came back at 18 before and it wasn't done), and then come back. That's assuming you don't sleep, which apparently no one in that server does. Until you get your first bit of charcoal anyway. Then you can replace some of the cover blocks with glass to see inside. Still, not a fan of the drop system.
  10. Charcoal Stacks

    Well, in light of the news about the timing being bugged, I absolutely agree with the charcoal stack block/pile/whatever. Short of constantly walking over to the pit and seeing if you can see smoke in there (or hear zombies in there), there's no easy way to see if the process is done or not. My current method is just to put a stack of sand on top and when it disappears, it's done. That doesn't really help though if I'm distracted for more than 5 minutes though.
  11. No, but I'm looking very forward to the day it is updated....
  12. Small Ore Chunks should heat faster

    It would also be nice if they used less charcoal in a bloomery. I just managed to get mine running and they still use 1:1 of charcoal to small ore, despite the far less return in the mold.
  13. Charcoal Stacks

    If the short time it takes to convert to charcoal currently is a bug, I defiently approve of this. If this is how it's going to be and it's intentional, there's no need.
  14. can't seem to craft double tin ingots

    Make sure you have a hammer and flux. I just tried it in creative and was able to weld 2 ingots.
  15. How do you feel about new charcoal mechanic?

    I was concerned about that too, until I tried it. It turns into charcoal in like 15-30 seconds tops. I throw a block of sand ontop of the log pile(s). When it falls, clean up the sand and get your charcoal. Don't know if its a bug or feature though.
  16. Sluice problem

    Here's what I've figured out with sluices so far. I've made a few pictures so it's easier to follow (hopefully...): Recipie: Can use any kind of planks, but they can't be the plank blocks Digging sluice area: The dark blue is a source water block. The lighter blue is just the flow from the source block. The brownish is the sluice, and the lightest blue is a pit that will autofill with water once the setup is complete, but has to be dug out. This is how it has to be made for the sluice to have water go over it and work. If you want to run multiple sluices, you must put a wall between them i.e. they can't be directly next to each other. Given the lack of pickaxes at the begining of the game, you will probably have to start out with building these out into the water instead of right on the edge or onto the shore. To place the sluice: Going by my previous picture, I'm standing on top of the 4th block from the left (the last flowing water block) facing away from the source water. The crosshair is where you aim to place. Presto, sluice-o.
  17. No, that answers all my questions extremely well. I believe we are both on the same page here and I appreciate your time answer them. My confusion in the mini-game was based off the coloring. I figured (incorrectly it would seem) that it would go stable->[insert random colors here]--> green-->yellow-->red. If you were aiming for green, it seemed like you had a decent amount of wiggle room. If the "wiggle room" is based off the quality of the gem and to get in the sweet spot would also put you dangerously close to TNTing yourself, that makes more sense in a risk-reward way. Having clicking the buttons increase the amount randomly would add to the risk. Something like playing primal energy blackjack. And for what it's worth, any kind of fiction can have allowances for hand-waving to explain certain things. Just make sure it's balanced so it's belivable.
  18. Small Ore Chunks should heat faster

    Agreed so so much on this. I just made my first ingot from small bits of ore I found and the first thing I did was make a chisel. Screw melting those things in a fire. Think I spent 3 in-game days for just ONE ingot. What is that, an hour? That seems like too long a time when I read it, but it was certainly a while.
  19. Bug Report: Wood Piles

    It's not that big a deal, really. It's like a forum. If you have a bug you think merits reporting, you first search for it to make sure you're not making a duplicate and/or it's been resolved/etc. If it hasn't, you post a new one. If it has but it's missing some info (namely, how to replicate it), feel free to add that information provided you can. Otherwise, nothing to report. It's daunting...ness is merely because it looks like it was designed by a programmer for a programmer. Just go to view issues and search away.
  20. First off, your opening paragraph was great. Really pulls you in. In regards to your idea though, I'm a little confused. I'm assuming the goal is to "extract primal energy" by doing a balancing act between the 4 energies. Some things though I was hoping to clarify with you: 1.) When you are able to extract this energy, where does it go? Is there a tool/weapon/armor slot in the GUI that it's pulled into or is it put into jars or... ? On your fourth you say say: I would assume this means enchantments are attached directly to a item and you are able to somehow add more and more energy to a weapon/tool/armor, which I assume would increase it's enchantment power. Also, going by the 4th rule, you couldn't just keep throwing chipped gems at a weapon to get it's best enchantment, as you'd need the best quality gems to get the best level enchantments. Correct me if I'm wrong here.1a.) Are you able to use multiple gems on an item at all to improve its enchantment, or is it a one shot thing based off gem quality? As I think about it, I would say it has to be a one shot thing, else you risk an exploit with people reenchanting nearly broken items... assuming the programming can't keep the damage value. 2.) With there being different types of gems in the game, how will that factor into the equation? I'm assuming there's just one big bank of "primal energy", so would for example rubies say be less stable but higher energy or is there something I'm missing here? Do the gem types themselves determine what enchantment you get? Can I assume the quality of the gem determines how much energy you get out of it? 3.) Is the explosion size related to the quality of the gem? Logically, I would think it would or at least should, but I didn't see it stated. A chipped ruby going into the red shouldn't hurt nearly as much as a flawless (or whatever the best ones are). 4.) Where's the challenge in the mini-game? Because of the 5th rule, I assume if you open the GUI and just leave it alone, nothing happens. If you tap one energy once, it'll slowly float back to this point and then it'll be stable again. If that's true, surely one energy is related to another or something. Otherwise the name of the game is click all the buttons as fast as you can before you get into the red.... In case I'm coming off harsh, I'm not intending it. The concept seems broad currently, but I do like the ground work and think it could be a viable addition to the mod.
  21. Bug Report: Wood Piles relevant. It's been reported.
  22. Sluice problem

    plank item, not plank block. S X X P S X P P S P = Plank (not planks, the blocks) S = stick X = nothing Keep in mind if you are using build 47 and not 47b, you can only use oak plank to make them instead of any wood, so update if necessary.
  23. Black Screen when trying to join server

    No. That's my mistake. You don't need the resources in the server jar.
  24. Black Screen when trying to join server

    Why are you assuming it's the server jar? Whats the server log saying that would suggest that? Can you start a single player world? Make sure you follow the install directions to a tee. Download everything fresh from website. Delete your minecraft folder and download a fresh copy of v1.2.5.: Client: Delete meta-inf -> Forge Client -> PlayerAPI Client -> TFC Core Client -> TFC Resources All of it goes into the minecraft.jar. Server: Forge Server -> Forge Server -> PlayerAPI Server -> TFC Core Server All goes into the minecraft_server.jar. meta-inf is not deleted for the server I'm assuming you remembered the meta-inf thing, else you wouldn't of got as far as you have. Just reminding you. I've also read that Mac is weird about how it handles merging of folders. If you are using one, you'll have to manually merge the folders yourself. I believe if you try to copy a folder of the same name over on a mac, it'll delete the original and replace it with the copied one. You don't want that. EDIT: Fixed the server instructions
  25. 46c Experimentation: Ores

    If you want to provide the seeds I can try it on SMP, but given the recent upcoming changes in 47... Not sure if it matters. Guess it depends on how long it takes for 47 to release. Given the recent string of updates, I'm excepting sooner rather than later.