Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Scooterdanny

  1. Encumbrance

    Hmm, i agree with the steel vs wrought iron, it would definitely add an incentive to make the higher tier armors.
  2. Spoiling Food

    I suggest that certain foods, such as raw and cooked meats to spoil over time, reducing their effectiveness/converting them to rotten flesh, I am not sure if this is possible as it might involve adding timers to items, but if possible, i saw that unsalted/untreated foods should degress into rotten/spoiled food after several days after being created. Back in the day, people would salt their food heavily, to keep it (Somewhat) Fresh and edible, and it was a large problem to lands without enough sunlight for salt to occur on shores. So this could open up the realm of treating foods and storing them effectively, as well as add an interesting layer of tactics to food management, as it is, i can slaughter 3 animals and be set for months ingame. in real life, the majority would rot before that time. Of course not only meat is susceptible to spoilage, it merely is the quickest due to the nature of it's origin. Also, bread, milk, and similar products should have expiration possibilities.
  3. Spoiling Food

    Axh, confounded search bar searching food returned nothing (beforehand) searching spoil (just now) turns it up, well what the hell... Thanks for the info Eternal.
  4. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    What could be done, is allow the player to have an inefficient method of creating paper by hand, by say, using a hammer with many pieces of the cane/Flax(if added) and mixing it with water and heating it. then after obtaining the one piece of paper he could go onto scribing tables to make plans, but i also like your guys' ideas about paper as well.
  5. New Alloy: Electrum

    Agreed, currency that's intrinsically valued, is a great idea, especially for large servers, i would love to have piles of coins in my house, just cause... As well as the fact that i don't have to make an extremely complicated barter
  6. Ah well, i just sampled a bit of your psuedocode in another thread, bravo But, i apologize for the rehash, i was unaware of the previous statement.
  7. While repairing INFINITELY is somewhat ridiculous, i strongly approve of the management system, as i watch my metal tools far into disrepair, i lament that the metal used in it's forging is unsalvageable. which is another good idea, throwing a used tool in a forge/bloomery should remelt the metal with an intrinsic loss of material + wear. So, if you have a tin tool, but don't want to waste the metal, why not remelt it into bronze, or another tool.
  8. Dirt Roads

    I say, increase the speed of transit, have you tried to go running of in random fields? the inconsistency of the the medium makes you tire faster as well as go slower. I know for a fact, that adding a speed bonus to blocks is possible, not too sure about stamina however, but when you have a mine to visit that is quite far away, have a nice smooth surface that would increase speed (even if only by say 15 percent) would greatly improve your time management, as long as the road is traversed often. Which makes sense, why make a road other than making travel easier? About tar and pitch.... i suppose it is possible, considering ships were treated with it, but the quantities of it needed would be quite large, Feasible, but unless we cook up other uses for Pitch/tar than i doubt there is sufficient reason for it to be added. Hmm... perhaps it could be used as a form of hermetic seal, for containers of liquids? orrr.... since the construction is being over worked, what if pitch was used in that process?
  9. Dirt Roads

    I agree with the Road idea, especially the use of a Tamper, and having to flatten land to place some block it would be like the swamp king in Monty python's holy grail other wise XD I know other ideas should go in a separate thread, but, i think that there should be higher tiered roads as well, Tier 0 Flat ground Tier 1 Dirt/gravel? (slight increase to tier 0, such as flood protection, by adding channels.) Tier 2 Cobblestone road, by cobblestone i mean the real deal, and these were used vastly across much of the developed world, before metalled roads. Tier 3 Metalled Roads, the name is deceptive, basically what it is, it a road that has a system of large rocks on the bottom, and progressingly smaller rocks nearing the surface, this is the closest to modern roads that can be constructed without Petroleum.
  10. Sticks Vs Handles/Rods

    Or just a thought, instead of solely using wooden handles, why not use Metallic handles, having the whole of the tool be durable would increase the strength significantly, historically, i believe many weapons and some tools had this, so if i go through the trouble of getting steal, why oh why, would i want to throw a stick as the handle, especially with the no-repair currently. But, otherwise i completely agree with the Suggestion. + 1
  11. Charcoal Pit Change Ideas

    Sorry, just saw the post earlier, delete this post please.
  12. Beasts of Burden

    Sorry jed, didn't see that it was strictly western europe, although i would like to point out that italy is probably considered West europe, and that was in the 14th century or so, that they emerged there.
  13. Beasts of Burden

    Jed, while rail systems where not documented well until 1767, there were rudimentary systems, and let's face it, what civilization had access to all the materials that are present within walking distance in TFC? i think it would be logical to allow some systems including rail. Of the top of my head, i can think of a few systems. The Egyptians used a system of sleds, which were able to be pulled by hand, Canals, while not widely used until the middle ages, were used in the 1st century BC in Nan yang. which makes me think that a barge + lock and canal system would be very challenging, and fun. Which could be coupled with beasts of burden, if the locks are not used, as ponies, and mules were used to pull craft upstream. the Rutways you mentioned in the other post was interesting, and i think would be within the bounds of the mod. but definitely something i think should be added, is a pack system, backpacks are able to distibute weight across your body well, increases how much Volume and weight are feasibly carry able.