Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Fluff

  1. Rest/Exhaustion.

    So in TFC we now have to look after our health, hunger, thirst, and nutrition. Much more realistic than vanilla, but our little guy still runs on food like a robot runs on batteries. I'd suggest a semi-realistic level of necessary rest. Most people can make it 48 hours before start to give to exhaustion for example. Resting in a bed would bring your levels back to normal, but if you went on long treks or neglected your bodies need for sleep you would eventually black out (die?) Early game this could create a need to be prepared before traveling, as you'll need to do more than simply bring some food and water. While later game you could unlock the ability to make a sleeping bag/tent of sorts that doesn't affect spawn but still allows resting. This could also tie nicely and logically into a stamina system I've seen suggested before. A human obviously isn't going to preform their best if exhausted, so rest could affect stamina the same way the food system does health. You have a bar, you can run until this bar depletes then you are stuck at normal speeds until you regain your energy. But if you were low of sleep for any number of reasons you could have the bar either a) re gen slower have less stamina in the first place or c) both. Stamina would also give an incentive to stay "well rested" rather than just resting right before death to avoid the only penalty. As being able to run can sometimes be important and you wouldn't want to be without that option. If these things are ever implemented I don't expect it to be done exactly as I envisioned, but I tried to think them out in ways that both fit the design language of TFC but were also realistic without being unfun, while these features would give the player a bit more worry.. particularly earlier in the game I tried to think them out in ways that wouldn't ruin or detract from anything else.
  2. Rest/Exhaustion.

    I may not have been clear. My suggest doesn't intend to make beds work even remotely like in vanilla. Just like in real life you don't rely on others sleeping to sleep. It wouldn't be something that affects the world, just your character so there should be absolutely no need for "syncing up" just like you don't all have to eat at the same time. It wouldn't be something to pass the night. I also didn't intend for it to be something that took an actual length of time. It would be a quick thing. As again, just like eating in game doesn't take an actual 5~20 minutes like in real life I wouldn't expect sleeping to take 8 hours. It would be a quick pass to regain yourself. and if you don't like my suggestion, that is entirely fine. I just don't quite understand your logic behind it.. as clicking on a bed for a second because you've exhausted your character wouldn't be nearly as tedious as features already implemented like the complex food system you have to watch after and take care of.
  3. Rest/Exhaustion.

    Your post was actually what got me thinking about the whole thing. Overall I liked your suggest of stamina, I just felt the rest could use some fleshing out. In real life there are obviously side effects to sleep deprivation, that get more and more serious the longer you go without sleep. I'd love to see this fully realized, but I'd still be willing to settle for a simple "end result" (like blacking out). Not only is it realistic, which suits the theme of TFC and what it is trying to achieve, but it would add a bit more challenge to early game that I feel is needed. Currently you can just run around willy-nilly with little penalty as long as you have some form of food and water. Having to establish a base out of necessity for something like sleep would make progression more gradual and less "run around until you find what you need" because until you progress far enough to make some form of portable sleeping arrangement you'd need to stay within some reasonable distance of your home. It would also add a small level of choice. Don't care if you can sprint like a champion runner? Then you don't have to worry about staying well rested, just sleep the bare minimum necessary to function. Want that extra level of vitality? Then you have to take care of yourself. (Basically the same design as how health works).
  4. Rest/Exhaustion.

    I never even really thought about that, thanks. I may use that until/if TFC ever has its own similar system.
  5. TFC is missing a goal

    I kind of agree, but not with your comparison. The end and the dragon are nothing but a "artificial" goal to make you feel like anything had any purpose when it really didn't. You achieve no more from it than you do from setting artificial goals for yourself. What I mean by this is killing the ender dragon doesn't unlock anything, doesn't prevent anything, doesn't help anything.. doesn't do.. anything. It was just there because it could be and it makes you feel like there is more content. I would like TFC to eventually have an end goal, but I'd prefer it be something with actual meaning not "KILL THE DRAGON" why? "CUZ DRAGON" Wasn't the End released back in 2012? Just because Mojang has gotten slow about updates I wouldn't really consider that new.
  6. Block Heads [0.79]

    I absolutely love this pack. I feel some go a little too far with the realism and it looks a little weird to me seeing as how everything is still a block. I think this is the perfect level of it though.