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Everything posted by _syh
Which shaders are you modifying? For example, with the SEUS 10.1 Preview2, I had to change colorTorchlight = vec3 (line 257) in composite.vsh, instead of composite.fsh. I haven't looked into the shaders enough to know how to change the caves right now though, so maybe somebody else can answer that.
I've mostly seen people complaining about optifine and TFC not working together lately, so I haven't really bothered with it. On reddit somebody stated they tried the standard version (and it worked) but it didn't provide much of an increase with shaders. I haven't really tested it myself though, so I have no idea if that's really the case. I have tested FastCraft + Shaders vs simply Shaders and I received a 25-35 FPS boost.. so I didn't really feel the need to continue looking into it (not that I really was lagging without FastCraft anyway). Perhaps you can do some testing if you want, but I don't think I'll bother with it personally.
Keep using FastCraft, but usev2.3.20GLSL Shaders Mod instead. Worked for me. You'll want to readthisas well, to make the shader packs work with TFC's waters/grass/plants/leaves.
He almost burned down his starter hut in the B78 LP series he did as well, haha.
If anybody wants to mess with the light color themselves, you can refer tothis. You can do funky stuff like purplish light. I personally like0.8f, 0.4f, 0.0f.
I think I'd prefer ultra hardcore (no health regen as well as death = end of world) over just hardcore haha. I'd make a base with a hot spring built in, so I could heal up in my base.
You can use logs for building early on, which you only need a stone tool to get. You can also make cobblestone out of the stone you get, so there's 2 building blocks right there. I'd count thatch as one but spiders can climb up the walls and jump into your house if you build the roof strictly out of thatch. You can also dig down into clay and just hollow out a room leaving a layer of clay floating above and use that as a shelter which requires very little effort to do. As for metals, gold panning generally helps me get copper tools within the second or third day.
Vladp did come back and mess with what ECC had fixed. At the moment we have to wait for an admin to come and fix it permanently though because he seems pretty eager to continue screwing everybody over.
I'm not sure why he got banned -- but if I had to guess I'm assuming it was for being an a-hole (which would suggest why he would screw over the wiki, because he's an a-hole haha). He got his ability to edit prior to being exposed as one though, so that's probably why. No problem, I was surprised when I first saw that the pages had been overwritten too.
Yeah, Vladp (who had wiki editing rights prior to going postal) got banned and had a hissy fit. Here's the old main page:Click Here. Click on a page and if it doesn't come up normally then click "View History" and then click the date of the most recent edit that wasn't Vladp's. ECC is working on getting the pages back but he's not able to remove Vladp's ability to edit, so he could always come back and mess with it more. We'll have to wait for an admin to come on and fix it.
Did you ever find the solution for the gray color?
It says that when either of the dev's birthdays come up on the in game calendar; I'm not sure which days their birthdays are but it's likely not his actual birthday atm.. since the days in game are much quicker than in real life. xD
I was cringing when he first started using it and tried to heat up the ingot by hitting it. xD
Limonite is Iron, so you'll have to make abloomeryto smelt it into abloomthen split that bloomwith an anvil and work it into bars. You can watch the third episode of Memeporable's guides located in the guides section if you'd rather watch than read: click. I suggest watching the episode as well as reading those pages to get a better understanding of how it works.
That makes you 6 months late. D:
How do I get past the 'pic too big' thingy at the profile pic changer?
_syh replied to AllenWL's topic in Off Topic
If the image is too big as in height/width, resize it. If it's the proper dimensions yet the size is too big, convert the format from say .png to .jpg. -
The point of this thread is to suggest things that are easy to implement, in other words, things that do not require you to come up with completely new events among other things. epee1221 was merely making that point. In other words: yes, it's an 'easy idea' in the sense that it's easy to come up with (this isn't the first time it's been brought up), and it is also easy to say 'oh you just do this and this and BAM it's working!' but the reality of the matter is that it's not that simple. I'm not saying that it's a bad idea or anything by the way, I'm just saying I don't see how it fits in with this particular thread of 'easy to implement ideas'.Honestly, a lot of the suggestions in this thread really don't fit in with the theme of the thread, since a lot of people are talking about things being overhauled (for the most part) completely. This basically turned into a general suggestion thread extremely quickly IMO. As for the idea itself, it could add another level to mining, especially if they added ways to detect gas leaks, and a way to handle them. I wouldn't mind having them implement it someday, but I think there's other ideas I'd rather see being worked on such as the animal's requiring feed and water.
Press F3, at the end of the X and Z lines there's something that looks like "(#)". The number inside of the parentheses can be used to tell if you enter a different chunk (or find out the borders of chunks). Look at both the (#)s on the X and Z lines, say they're(15) (15) and you moveto (0) (15), you'll have entered a different chunk. Whenever one of the numbers goes from 0 to 15 or 15 to 0, you'll be in a different chunk, so watch either the X or Z's (#) and when it switches from 0 to 15 or 15 to 0, you can begin gold panning in that chunk. It doesn't have to be (0) (15) for you to be in a new chunk, it could be (0) (12) for example. This might take some getting used to on your side, but it should do the trick. To find the border, you'd mark (0) (0) and (15) (15) with blocks, then just make a square like: (I was running low on blocks so I improvised, excuse the WiP house ). I hope this isn't against the rules of posting numbers since it's not really a part of the mod but instead a part of the debug screen. If it is against this rules, feel free to edit it out, or tell me to and I will. If you haven't seen it yet AllenWL, and they have edited it out, feel free to PM me and I'll tell you about it via PM.
I like the idea of a new compact logo (and/or image kit) that everybody could use. I'd like to end up seeing a few examples in the future.
I don't think he means that mining the ore will increase your skill because you mined it, but rather as a means of leveling it up. I think that he's saying if you find ore, you basically should be rewarded for your efforts by making it easier to find ore the next time as there will be less false negatives. One problem with that is exposed ore, so they would have to make it so all ore under a specific level gives the XP while the surface/exposed ores do not. They could make it reduce the chance for it to be a false negative by a rather low amount, lets say 5% or so. That's assuming the stones that give false negatives aren't determined upon terrain generation. I have no idea how it works currently so it may be way too much work to be worth it, anyway. It might be determined upon clicking the block, so who knows.
If anybody's having trouble reading this, he's saying that his rocks (debris that's scattered all over the world) aren't flat with the ground but instead they're standing up right. Anyway, protestthehero, this occurs when your graphics are set to Fast. Switch to Fancy and they should be flat with the ground.
I think the reason he posted this is because of the fact that he crashed, not that he believes it should work this way. It could have been a mistake where he didn't mean to place it there and then when he crashed he decided to report it. I'm going to go test it real quick and see if it's happening to me. Edit: This doesn't occur for me either. It must either be something to do with your config files or something to do with a mod.
Advanced smithing technique (always tools with full durability)
_syh replied to gufferdk's topic in Outdated Guides
That might be true for some people, but I'll put it this way... do magicians stop loving a magic trick after they know how it works? I'm willing to bet that in some cases magicians love and appreciate the trick to an even higher degree simplybecause they know how it works and what it took to accomplish it. I understand though, not everybody is a 'magician' so for some people it will ruin their fun. That's why I think there should be a way to discuss it here where people can decide if they would like to read it, whether it's a specific forum, thread, or required spoiler tags. Either way, it's something that seems to have been being censored for quite a while now, so I'm not really expecting it to change. I understand people will just have to respect that the mod authors don't like them posting numbers, but I still feel like it's a shame because I'm sure for some people it's restricting them from talking about what they would like to. It is what it is, though. At least they allow us to dig through the numbers on our own if we have the desire to, I do appreciate that. -
You can cool it with a barrel of water currently. Might be worth having one near your forge area.
Advanced smithing technique (always tools with full durability)
_syh replied to gufferdk's topic in Outdated Guides
I don't agree with censoring numbers as well, because it's restricting a portion of their community that do like to see numbers on everything. As you said, though, it's a free service. If they don't want you to know about the mod down to the numbers (or at the very least share that information) then they can censor it if they want. I'd personally like to see a thread or forum where people can talk about it and people who don't want the 'magic of the mod' to be ruined for them could simply not read it. I mean honestly, if I know one way is more efficient than another but don't have the resources, I'll use the less efficient way until I have enough resources. It wouldn't stop me from using the less efficient way. The only thing it would do is make me aware of the best way, so I wouldn't have to figure it out myself and waste time unless I do the research myself. Oh well, though. It's entirely up to them and since they don't want the numbers on here we have to respect that.