Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Saberwulfy

  1. Rope ladders

    wood ladders stick on stone? You can use ropes instead a ladder, but u will move move slow going up and down add length to an existing rope ladder with more rope ladder You can tie a rope on fence. Unroll, extend, uncoil
  2. Rope ladders

    Place wood ladders on any surface are annoying, problematic and weird, so... Rope used in a pole to can be a slow solution and rope with rungs a good solution, either can be easily fully removed. Sizes of rope can be joined like the used for food Placing a rope or a rope ladder in a fence side, it will scan for "stretch". Look she was sad playing terrafirmacraft, but now she have a new rope ladder
  3. Mud/Clay Adobe Block

    i like the idea of wattle and daub house using this, with a beautiful straw roof and touching support beams for dont have holes
  4. Useless wood thing = fuel?

    Old tools and weapons, itens that u dont want anymore, itens that you did wrong, addons itens, terrafirma future itens. It will help today and in the future. its a entire medieval technique
  5. Withmore resistant alloys... - Pick with axe at back - Sledge hammer for destroy in area with low drop rate and fight - Two-handed axes for fight and chop Alcohol and a good alloy = lampion. lees problems with light end game Rope and planks = rope ladder. less problem with vertical holes Fishing with spear and net Stakes for trap (and or) spear barricades More options of fuel for fire pits, like wood based terrafirma itens.
  6. Grain storage

    What the methods already implemented to prevent decay of grains?
  7. Replace scythe with sickle

    I think we need a tool for gather sapling with more %, I'm getting sick of looking up and punch leaf for few saplings.Is not correct hand be the best way to get saplings.
  8. [Solved] Cheat spawning animals

    Thankyou, problem solved
  9. [Solved] Cheat spawning animals

    I was playing a old version of terrrafirma with mods, now im using the newwest version but i changed the mods because of incompatibility, my world cannot be tranfered so im cheating my old world itens with NEI.My problems is spawn animals because NEI spawning eggs is only giving vannila animals, anyway to cheat spawn a terrafirma creature?
  10. im playing 0.78.17 how do i make clay pot and clay vessel [large]? the wiki is missing recipes, ive tested some shapes without sucess.
  11. After make your creation with a chisel, you define a attribute like: crafting table, chest, light source, door. All this using the similar item using a new item like nails+hammer. I think it can be more easly than the deatil mode. What do the folks think about this?
  12. renadi Can u make the server spawn random? because cities can claim the spawn and rule it. I think the spawn is out of resources.
  13. this is just a advice to let people know that there are those who speak Portuguese
  14. Portuguese speakers are welcome in Fenris
  15. When I talked to TheMap at first time i entered the server said he could keep for a long time ... Damn liar !
  16. Can u liberate the "/t assignplot" command an create a forum space in Desolation fomrums for Terrafirma?
  17. Most servers have it free, but it decay without login and the protection will fade. Towns are formed naturally over time, some separated people will joinand thus are formed villages < cities < metropolis. Some people will want to live alone, so they have the right.
  18. I want create my own town, i dont want be part of a moderator city, when i tried it required diamonds.
  19. Renadi, can we have simply horses or small boats mods installed in ur server for help in interaction with towns or any far places?
  20. Please specify what ispaid and what is free.
  21. TFCraft-Universal-Core-B2-Build76Hotfix19
  22. This server is real survival, u are free and only "/mytown" protect you. there are many groups but the hours are not the same and sometimes it seems that this empty and sometimes full, but is growing.