Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Nighteyes

  1. Agriculture and Livestock

    I'd like to see cattle/oxen/horses usable for use with redstone, so rather than redstone being powered by switches, it's powered by literal horsepower and redstone just carries the current. So you tame a horse, then craft a... not sure what they're called, mill? Glorified hamster wheel? And when you right click the horse with the mill, it saddles it to the contraption. You can then whip the horse into motion to do whatever machine process you need done: Automated bellows, grinding flour, maybe the saddle could work like a sticky piston, so when the horse moves it drags a block/tool. Maybe even a wheeled chest as a wagon? The sky's the limit in theory. The animal would have to be fed (or "fuelled") wheat/fodder or it won't work. Of course it relies on a non-block entity manipulating I'm assuming that's a lot of coding to work.
  2. Environmental Dangers

    Good idea, salt could be used as a preservative for raw meat, or making jerky instead of cooking meat. But I sense a drift off topic...
  3. Environmental Dangers

    Maybe thunderstorms could increase the chance of collapses in caves, perhaps dependant on depth (i.e. closest to surface = bigger risk)? Or perhaps rain turns grass to mud (dirt) and thus collapses. As for salt water causing dehydration, I wouldn't mind seeing it get some use, like shortening the length of poison? (Very limited use though, unless you do find a nest of cave spiders)
  4. What would you find in the dungeons?

    Sequoia and Kapok saplings.
  5. Gemstones

    I imagine it'd go the way of jewellery if bioxx could implement more item slots on your character, these could then be enchanted. I'd personally like to see some cross-mod integration for these to be used in economy/villager mods, it seems beyond the scope of TFC as it is.
  6. Sequoia Saplings?

    Technically the Minecraft world is infinite, if you want more after denuding your jungle, go walking for a few days. IMO though anything to make resources rarer adds to the fun.
  7. Dead link in downloads

    I'll assume a new version is coming up and replace the pre2 with pre1 since I've got that on client. What a time to start a server. Trying to download the Core files for server and the link brings this back: Simple Download Monitor error Requested file files/ not found. Probably a good thing. If I set my server up now I won't sleep tonight.
  8. Hehe, Windows NT I'll hazard a guess at a mod conflict. Make a fresh .jar with only Forge and TFC, then try again. If it works, it probably is, if not I can't help.
  9. Dead link in downloads

    To answer my own concern it's just that the link now points to Pre2 rather than Pre1, but Pre2 isn't released yet, so just edit the link to