Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by cornbread4u2

  1. Farm Animals

    i would have to disagree with this idea, it sets you up for it to essentially be automated and you cant kill the mobs in the beginning for food if they dont spawn, i think that a spawn area is too focused and makes it too easy. leave them in the wild, lower the spawnrates.
  2. A new precursor age

    what i meant as precursor was a more gradual entrance to the metalurgy stage is all. maybe a little leatherworking, or some farming is needed for your first real tools for metal ones
  3. Punching Trees

    what i was saying is that you cant die from hunger unless on hardcore, it will drop your hp and stop at a threshold at the other difficulties, so you will literally be trapped in there forever, unless of course you are forced to kill yourself by hitting the stone over and over, and i don't think you should be able to kill yourself that way. i understand the idea and i like it, but i think that it would just be a nuisance if not PERFECTLY implemented
  4. Actual Age Progression

    essentially thats what tfc is atm. in order to make the next tier equipment, you have to create the lower tier anvil, and such. it already broken down into defined "steps." expanding that idea to a precursor or even a followup "age" for lack of a better word, would be just an expansion on what is already there. it would fit the flow nicely. would need some tweaking tho.
  5. Punching Trees

    unless your playing on hardcore you would be forever stuck in a cavein or maybe if you fell cause you have no way of making to tools to mine nor will you die from lack of hunger
  6. Actual Age Progression

    right, this idea has been kinda skirted around with the idea of a starting age and with maybe a hunter gather aspect before you jump into medieval metalworking. i do think that progression is a sign of a good comprehensive mod
  7. Agriculture and Livestock

    think about it this way, the ONLY other humanoid life besides you are in little packs of villages. did nobody so, "you know what, fuck it. i dont wanna be a testificate anymore, and run from the zombies, im gonna go live off in the woods alone." it would be kinda cool to venture from your starting point, only to meet somebody who is doing the same thing as you, surviving on the land, maybe he is friendly and talk/trades with you, maybe he isnt and will kill you on sight, kinda a cool idea, but it does add a human aspect tat im not sure is really right for this game
  8. Tanning Racks

    well there was leather, and then hardened leather, with studded eather as well. each had its own process, each becoming increasingly advanced. if maybe different grades of leather were added, then it would seem like the tanning rack would fit well into the game. I also think this could work as part of my new precursor age idea, it could be part of the hunter/gatherer aspect of the game.
  9. Dual Weilding

    i would have to agree, i think using one hand is outdated vMC stuff. using both hands is for men! naw, but i do think that it could add some interesting gameplay into the mix with this mod in particular.
  10. Servers?

    i know that some of the guys from irc had jumped in a personal server of theirs to try it out, im sure that there will be more popping up that you could partake in. just be patient, stay active in irc and people will prob invite you in anyway.
  11. A new precursor age

    thats were kinda where i was going with the idea. run around, find flint, make tool, chop tree, METALLURGY! kinda the progression and its not very forgiving. although people will still complain that they cant punch trees right away, imo i think it would add to the games kinda weak start, this mod has already gone above and beyond vMinecraft, y not take the extra step and make it that much more interesting.
  12. Landslides

    and that is what i was thinking with the fact that log piles, and maybe cobble could be moved cause it isnt a "stable" house. then again is does limit your creativity on houses, at least at ground level
  13. Tanning Racks

    "i need to make some leather armor... time to go pee on the tanning rack again XD" so redick if that was added. i think that might be a bit much, but i think it should be maybe a bit more complex, maybe like a gui like an anvil requiring multiple steps/ingredients to make it.
  14. Landslides

    well maybe its just only if you have like an underground house, or maybe if you dont have the stone flooring as like a structure, also it could be biome specific or even have a VERY low chance, just that it can and will happen adds a sense of omg... a landslide destroyed my house... i knew i should have used stone/brick as my flooring.
  15. Agriculture and Livestock

    well the simply horses mod uses the pack mentality AI with the stallion beating your ass if you try to fuck with his herd. also zombie pigmen do it, so i think it would be possible and even more fun to do.
  16. Alternate Brick source

    i think i get what your saying, using brick as an alternate crafting recipe to create the bloomery, forge can be made with cobble btw, thus it would negate the need to find tin/busmuth/zinc as early. the thing is, that you NEED tin to progress into bronze so all it would do is prolong the searching process. you can get to copper and thats it
  17. Agriculture and Livestock

    i was liking the idea of having biome specific flora, as in plains, you get prairie grass, which then could be used as a thatch block for a first makeshift shelter, or for starting a firepit. i think it would be cool to be able to make a thatch house if you spawn in a plains biome,
  18. Getting sticks

    actually i really like this idea, it seems to fit with the "chop tree, it falls down" idea. and it can be randomly generated and have maybe be less rng dependent. saplings would still be rare of course.
  19. Landslides

    this sounds like an interesting idea. i feel like it could be done with rain + dirt and a new flowing block like water/lava that "hardens" into dirt maybe moving objects like trees and certain size structures and make maybe that it cant move stone brick or something to make housing more sturdy
  20. Alternate Brick source

    i love how this mod encourages exploration as a first step, usually you first make a home and find surface resources and your set, if you get unlucky as of TFC, you will have to travel for miles before you find a good vein, maybe your just not mining in the right layer of rock. as for skipping a necessary step in the progression, it would like be spawning right next to the prefect conditions which is fun and all but it leaves you feeling lucky and not like you personally did anything. i have had no trouble finding zinc,tin,bismuth, just gotta get good at propicking
  21. Punching Trees

    i agree, caveins are as of right now just a hassle, they kill your ores and they drop unnamed cobble so as it stands it need a touch up. It would make mining feel like i need the vertical/horizontal supports. cause as of now, as long as i dig from the top down, i wont get a cave in. it should be a little more devastating imo
  22. Gear System/Equipment

    Im sure you could take the battlegear mod and use the coding for dualwielding and basically make it integrated into TFC, seems like its possible.
  23. Varied Mob Drops

    i do think this should be a factor as well, i my kill mobs drop corpses topic kinda shares a similar idea, where the corpse is dropped and you harvest ingredients from them, like the meat, or bones, or maybe leather or skin and feathers. but this would be a good option for the non neutral mobs maybe.
  24. Tree physics

    i think bioxx said something about the tree mechanics causing a lot of lag, so just scrapped it for now and did something with less lag. I wholeheartedly agree with a change to the leaves physics
  25. Dummy's Guide to Double Ingots

    Bioxx showed a change in the way it shows heat for the next beta, i believe it was * next to the heat, meaning 20% so after 4 * and a few seconds, it will be at the 90% threshold for easier welding, still some guessing involved