Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by cornbread4u2

  1. iron/steel/bronze are the most commonly used arrowheads due to availability/hardness. being able to make a red steel arrow should imo be a waste of resources and shouldn't give much more than that. making maybe steel the max dmg on an arrow and leaving it at that dmg to just cap it at steel.

    basically the dmg should increase till steel and then cap there but you can still make higher grade metal/alloy arrows it would just be a waste of resources.


  2. i am actualy going to be starting a hunters update thread in the suggestions and this is one of my ideas, i am going to be expanding and explainging possible ways things could be done, when i get it up please check it out to expand on anything i say or you would like to see

    when you start post, link it here with an edit or a new post, idc, id like to have a reference to it, id prob edit my post and add it there.


  3. a lot of your idea in your post are from other members and they are all separate ideas. i am glad somebody finally took them all and said, "you know what, all of these work well together and are a great idea." its also nice to see our ideas thought out and paired up with other great ideas. i would love to see all of this in game and im looking forward to it.

    on to the real stuff, it is very possible for you to drag a cow home, with a few people. lets face it, a lot of people are going to be playing this in both smp and ssp, so making two people able to pull something would be awesome but unrealistic for the playability of the mod. i do however agree with being able to butchered on the field as a cake like block, and then just transporting the goods back. it makes it impossible to carry more than one at a time AND maybe it could be transported later for a more thorough cleaning/harvesting.


  4. You can use the chisel on cobblestone from your inventory, or you can use it on a piece of stone before you mine it to turn it into the "Smooth stone" variant.

    Also, you need to use smooth stone to make bricks, just like in vanilla minecraft.

    to clarify, you dont use the "smooth stone" version, its just the stone itself, the sames ones needed for an anvil


  5. yeah as easy as the durability is now, i personally dont think that changing the durability meter is needed. where would the durability indicator show up. cause right now its just on the item sprite as a overlay. but that said, i do think that the random, it just broke, or cutting off the handle cause it broke, kinds of things add spice to games like this. i like the idea


  6. well you could always make it so that food cant be stored in the chests unless they are a special type of chest, ie icebox, or maybe if it has been salted/dried beyond the point where it will spoil. the drier meats taking longer to eat/not as filling or something to make the game balanced or maybe even more interesting


  7. well because of the randomness that in the stone generation, it does take some searching to find the right rock deposit, so i can see like "mini migration" being possible if you happen to exhaust the area you are in.


  8. i wholeheartedly agree with this idea and with the changing of the mobs it might just fit right in. my only question is then do we only have to worry about nests? will we not have random spawns as well. would it change the idea of exhausting the resources that are around, ie the mobs as a resource


  9. So, I have chests full of Limonite and Magnetite, but I have not found any copper yet. How is this possible? Today, I just stumbled across useless ores like jet and gypsum. What do I have to do, so I can get the first tier tools? (I still use stone tools and I've hit the bedrock level)

    The other question is: How do you make stonebricks? I really want to start smelting all that ore, I have everything else except a bloomery now.

    I am inpatient and I don't want any other spoilers, so I don't watch playtroughs and videos.

    If the wiki was completed, I wouldn't have to post this topic to bother you guys, but I really have no other choice and I'm stuck in the game.

    copper can spawn everywhere so its really hit or miss whether or not you find it. use the prospectors pick to try and locate ores. the ore you need to create your first stone brick is a starting metal, tin(cassiterite), bismuth, or zinc(sphalerite). once you have the ores you need, smelt them on the firepit using the hotter burning woods. you have to create a scribe table to make the plans for the chisel, just put it into the anvil with the heated ingot and line up the arrows and viola you have a chisel. the chisel is used in the crafting interface with stone of any type to make it into stone bricks, which is used in the crafting recipe for a bloomery.

    i would suggest looking at the spotters guide cause he has everything in steps that you need to do.


  10. In case so one saw the bug report I placed...

    Clouds are still flying at 120 height. That's 32 blocks bellow sea level... my tunnels looks like London at that depth, I can't see nothing! :P:D :D :D

    yeah a beta 2 pre changed the cloud height to max height i believe and also, i use optifine and that can turn clouds off if you just want a quick fix


  11. im pretty sure that they are still in the game. they still dont have any real use as of yet tho. the gems that it finds dont have a use and you find golden nuggets as well, which i dont think have a use either yet.


  12. My cooking suggestion could start hear. The beginnings of gathering and hunting leading up to early aged meals and then into the full blown fireplace, oven, hand pump and icebox section once you do reach the metal age. Hurray progression!!!

    (my post is half bump sorry. I'd like to see more talk of leather so I also wanted to bring it to the first page.)

    lol well thanks for the bump. but yeah i included this topic cause of all the talk around the forums of new leather/armors/ flint tools are unrealistic. i also wanted to see if bioxx has this same idea when the agriculture overhaul is out.


  13. I'm starting to see a lot of Dwarf Fortress as influence comments and sorry to hijack a moment, did Bioxx say that? Or was that from where I just brought up playing DF in a thread earlier last week? Hehehe. Although I wouldn't complain if it is an inspiration for this mod. I'd feel like I'm a lone dwarf trying to make it on my own and build my own fort from nothing (literally!)

    Bioxx has said it before and the whole reason for TFC was from DF. thats why you see a lot of DF references


  14. Thx for answer!

    @Crysyn: I cant build a bloomery. First i need a chisel i think. Now i try the same with some cheated Ore (Copper) and what i got is some copper ingot that i cant use on my Anvil. On warm, hot red orange yellow white brilliant whit.....i cant form it to an chisel-head or pickaxe-head.

    @xAxis: i also try to reset the tools in the anvil. Nothing changed. If i try to convert to the new Beta all my Stuff transfor to blue- and red-steel.

    I think in the new Beta it is impossible to smelt ores in the forge (this Thing with the 9-Coal-Fire-Middle) because i cant put it in there (shift+klick or pull by mouse). So i have to find some ore that i can smelt in Firepit, make me a chisel, build a bloomery for the other Ores. That is the way of new versions or am i wrong?

    /edit: i also try it with some bluesteel and redsteel-ingot on a copper-Anvil with an copper-hammer and nothing changed. I cant craft some tools

    well you have to have a bronze anvil to make copper into anything. so it requires you to have tin, but you can use zinc or bismuth as a starting metal for a chisel to make your bloomery.


  15. i can see that, and i feel that the cobble being affected by gravity made it slightly harder to build your first shelter, but then again you can just shift click the logs and make a quick inexpensive building. maybe up the required amount in a log pile to actually create your house, but that only effects your first shelter, and everything else not so much.

    that aside, i think that making building be like it is now, with support beams everywhere so it doesnt fall until its finally complete.


  16. i love the idea, i do agree that steam may be as far as technology goes, but the things that dont require electricity and pumping are fantastic and i think they do have a place in this mod. but as i say to everybody, does it fit in with the feel of TFC, will it add to or take away from the realism and fun. if it doesnt, put it in.


  17. hmm, i definitely see what you are saying. But i think that it might make the game no longer feel like minecraft. i have also never played DF which TFC is supposed to be based upon, so maybe thats something that is in DF. nevertheless, i like the idea but i think it would just add tediousness to the game that isnt needed


  18. i stopped playing Evilmc because of this i would accidentally hit a block in a wall and would have to remove it to place a new one

    too time consuming and a real pain in the ass IMO

    if you add this give us atleast the option to turn it off......

    yeah that did get awfully annoying, thats y i think Crysyn's idea was great to have it "regenerate"
