Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by iced

  1. Username: iced_adams666

    Skype(Optional): aric0621

    Age: 16

    Timezone: EST

    Why would you like to join? Im looking for a small community to play with have fun

    What can you contribute? I'm a smith and like spending time making alloys and armor and tools, ect. I've been playing the mod upwards of two years and know almost every aspect

    How would you describe your play style? I like to explore, finding ores, animals, ect. Im not the best builder there is but I'm sort of decent!


  2. I think they mean something like the /spawnpoint command but without using cheats... So like permanently change your spawn point. Which is way over powered


  3. eh so long time after 78.17 update and people are still able to find new bugs

    I don't think there will be a time, atleast not in the nead future, where a tfc build wont have bugs two to three months later


  4. I think this is more of a thing where you have a single player world and you have a farm with lets say an 8x8 plot of land for each crop. You live near the equator so your crops can grow year round. Its time to harvest. You harvest all the food and store it in a chest. You cut off decay and eat as much and as fast as you can but youve got other things to do than cut decay, you come back from a mining trip that took you 5 days of traveling and mining and 5 days back, you go to your chest to grab your food and it all decayed... now all you have is the food in your inventory that you got while on the trip and or brought with you and continued to cut. This grainary could help slow decay just like salting and cooking meat, all things considered it should be primarily grain. and you can still use the ark underground room for veggies while you keep your salted and cooked meat in a chest. I think its a good idea, but the question of if its necessary? No its not, but it'd be a cool feature to have nontheless . 


  5. The slogan is the least relevant aspect of the elements actually. I agree :) But the logo and social network presence is quite important, and social network presence requires almost no effort, I can transfer control over the group immediately and there it is, a TFC FB group :) About the logo, it also requires almost no effort, since I will be playing around with it on the side, and devs don't have to be bothered too much, other than a short description of what they want, in broad terms. ---Let's PlaysIsn't it possible to promote certain LP's on the official page of TFC? That way TFC will show support, more people from the forums can flock over to the videos etc. 

    Promotng Let's Plays on the main page may sound like a good Idea in theory... but if they are already here you're promoitng the youtube not the other way around. The entire point of this thread is to promote TFC. Also even if they did do that then they'd be supporting the larger youtubers, Like Etho, Arkas, and Pak, Dunk already participates in Paks TFC Tuesdays live stream on twitch and if dunk were to promote his own videos that werent the update videos people would just think he's trying to promote his channel.


  6. I want to see someone who is having fun


    I want someone to have a goal in mind on how to finish the LP cause if it just keeps going forever it gets boring


    Change things up, Maybe one episode your mining / adventuring, the next your making tools, the next your building, but I dont want a five epsisode mining trip/adventure to find an ore, if it takes along time to find the ore or tree or whatever your looking for make a bunch of small clips of you find something interesting almost dieing, falling off a cliff, and put it into one episode but dont have random breaks in a continuous clip and call it an episode. Have something you want to acomplish that episode, weither its finding the ores for an alloy or just making armor, or maybe even farming. Have a goal and dont end the episode untill you complete the goal.


    Dont Ramble. I hate when people run out of things to talk about so that ust say everything that comes into their head. Tell a story while your mining or explain what your doing and why but dont just be like "Open the chest, Grab wool, grap planks, Craft bed."


    Set up the next episode at the ending give us a hint about what you have in mind for next time.


    Have multiple projects. If your building a town have one episode be building a wall, then a black smith, then a castle, I dont want to see the same building everytime you decide to build.


    Explain what you're doing in the mod as if everyone who watches your video knows nothing but what you have told them aready.


    Make a story, I like LP's that have a story behind them even if it is made up on the fly have a backstory to talk about follow a specific path you set for yourself, make it interesting.


    And just overall have fun, if you get worn out on the LP stop for a while play other games, take a break, but dont just stop it if youve got people watching.


  7. Minecraft Username: iced_adams666

    If a player was hacking, (which is against the rules and HIGHLY discouraged.) What would YOU do?: Well if it was suggested they were hacking I'd investigate, If it is found they were hacking I would confront them about it then ban them.

    If a player was using inappropriate language (includes Racism, Homophobia and profanity, all of which are against the rules and strongly discouraged.) What would YOU do? I would warn them to stop, if they did it again mute them, and again ban them.

    Skype(optional) iced_adams666

    Age: 16

    Applying for Admin or Mod?: Admin (Will accept Mod however)


  8. Age: 16
    Minecraft Username: iced_adams666
    Why would you like to join?: TFC single player gets really boring and I would like to have a community to play with
    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: Ive been playing minecraft since alpha and tfc since build 40 or so
    Any additional information that would help your case: Again I've been playing TFC since about build 40 and know almost everypart of the mod, I'm told I'm a great and mature guy to talk to and play with, and all around just want to have fun with the community
    Time zone, location, name(*Optional): EST., CT, USA, Aric
