Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Biletooth

  1. Hello, I would like to apply with 3other friends, ill link their responses on the format aswell

    Me Kasper

    IGN: Biletooth

    Age: 19

    Why this server?: I was looking for a dedicated whitelisted stable server and I think I found it!

    2 sentence description of yourself/interests: Hello I am Kasper, mostly a casual gamer. Interests include heavy metal music, everything thats green and games.



    IGN: Gintu

    Age: 23

    Why this server? : I wanted to play on a server together with Kasper as it was not possible to do it lan.

    2 sentence description of yourself/interests: Hi my name is David, Im very into redstone and automating vanilla wise the world, I know tfc is not about automation but I like to try some experiments!



    IGN: Mistergrave

    Age: 19

    Why this server? : On small modpacks I try to host my own server but running tfc for a lot of people demands a very good computer, thats why we chose to apply to a dedicated server.

    2 sentence description of yourself/interests: Hello my name is Hannes , same as David I want to be able to play together on a server with friends which is the most appealing part for me of minecraft the multiplayer!

      I like messing around and trying to build nice stuff!





    IGN : Thomachee


    Age : 19


    Why this server? To be able to play together with friends on a lagg free server!


    2 sentence description of yourself/interests: Im Thomas, Im also a casual gamer that fell in love with minecraft, this mod made me rediscover my old minecraft love.


  2. Gonne test that out as soon as my friend is home! I must clarify that the server host is another friend (3ppl total), living in belgium, me and my roommate have the same home in Spain. I can reach the server and see it online, roommate cant. As soon as I have tested what you mentioned above I will post the results here!


  3. Necro post but I have the same problem friend in belgium is hosting the server, I can connect to it, but my roommate sitting right next to me cannot, he doesnt even see the server online, however on other servers we plqyed together perfectly fine (tried offline mode, didnt help...) anyone an idea?


  4. Hey guys,


    Was wondering if anyone of you has some tips in how to improve the lagginess on a local lan?

    Im playing at home with a friend so we just open a SP world to lan then I join. Our computers both run terrafirmacraft solo pretty well (no lagg although not the best machines) but when we start the server, the host of the server (mainly) gets horrible 20second laggspikes, sometimes rubberband and sometimes no lagg but no interaction with the server.


    Is there anyway to solve this? lower graphic settings, dedicate more memory (but how to a local lan server).


    Would it be better on a non local lan, so on an online multiplayer but hosted on the same comp?



    Appreciate all answers!


    On a side note, on a local lan, is the host able to OP me? I have a problem with Reis minimap that I can not acces the options of the map for the rader (player rader) but the host can. (I can aswell in e.g. singleplayer world, settings dont stay when I connect to server).




  5. I am doing it with signs aswell, was thinking of making a book, I hope its not disabled on the version I use (1versions older than current live).

    I think the Idea of a cooking recipe book is nice :D We already have an in game calender, it would be nice to maybe expand it by placing a book somewhere? then you could add notes, and see exact date and time when you wrote it. (see it as expanding the crafting grid from 2x2 to 3x3 by placing a craftingbench in the 2x2, but then with the calender, placing a book somewhere in a slot there that adds an option for notes, if you would die the book would drop and you could try to get it back, it might also be funny to find the dead body (and his notebook!) of somebody else and use it to your advantage :P




  6. I like the idea of the ruins but it would have to be really well designed, maybe some way that if you find diffrent parts of a certain old civilisation and then you find one of their old machines and use it construct some kind of ancient wep/tool? would be nice! It might not fit in directly into the core of TFC but it would always be nice as an addon mod, NPCs are a no go, so I find it very appealing to find little hints of old civilisations.




  7.  I heard Dunk (I believe) saying in a video that he likes stuff having more than 1 purpose for mod cohesivness, this would certainly fit in! the rope itself might actually need some more uses aswell, only reason I have it is to be able to ride horses and to move single animals ofcourse. With the gras though It would have to add some kind of drying and weaving production proces, aswell as use a lot of grass to balance it compared to jute.






  8. They pop up out of the ground at around 5degrees I thought, though they stop growing below 10. When I read that I finally knew why it was taking months for my jute to grow. it was just warm enough for them not to pop out, but to cold to actually grow.




  9. Just plant a lot of Dougles Fur RIGHT next to each other on a line, so not 1block space next to each other, where X is a sapling , just like this : XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX , with dougles fur (not sure if it works with anyother) they actually grow next to each other so you can cut 1 trunk and get ALL the trees in a line, also douglas fur is quite a tall tree and grows rather quickly : over 9000 logs





  10. How does this work with newly-generated terrain? If I travel into new terrain, at warm latitudes, in winter, can I expect to find crops which have "survived the winter"?


    (I'm suspecting the answer is no, because I've been on a long expedition looking for wheat and found nothing).


    Wild Crops

    Crops spawn randomly in the wild, with each individual typed spanned out over an 8x8 chunk grid. This means the player will have to explore quite some distance in order to gather every single type of crop. Wild crops only generate between the seasons of Spring and Late Summer, and have a chance to regenerate during those seasons every year.





    So if youre lucky there respawned some and those you can gather! although they might be gone if they popped out of the groudn and despawned already, ussually when I do expeditions I find tons of popped out seeds on the ground :D




  11. If my assumption is correct you would have to microblog design it 4times for each diffrent type (angle) of corner, as you can not rotate microdesigned blocks, I am gonne make a suggestion post later with this included, it would be very nice to have maybe some kind of tool(?) or just "A" way to rotate those blocks.




  12. Hello readers of Terrafirmacraft Forum,


    Just quickly wanted to say hi as I registrated in this forum, been playing a lot of TFC at home together with a friend ( same computer 2 singleplayer worlds) and I totally love the mod, currently Im building some stuff but I already have the bronze anvil and more than a stack full of bronze ingots. I am not looking forward to blacksmithign armor from it though, I tried to make leggings and it took me ages to find the right smithing rules, burned trough tons of coal and at the end I forgot the greaves (stage 1) were in the forge and they melted.....


    Anyway, Ill be posting some bugs/helpfull tips/suggestions later as Im still gathering information to be able to make a nice post. Also I might include some pictures ( mainly of the house of my friend, as it a chisel heaven, his house i quite a lot smaller than mine but his chiseling is next level (imo) he didnt even have an anvil yet but he did have 12bronze chisels.. haha


    Anywayyyy to come back to the original goal of this post,


    Hi!(gh) everyone ! :D :D


  13. Is there anyway to make stairs detect each other in a corner so they turn in a special stair that doesnt look derpy? Only way I imagine doing it is chiseling it all way, but you would have to start from a full block, which is quite annoying.


