Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Deathbytac0

  1. Placing dirt, sand and cobblestone into stacks

  2. Larger Biomes - Realistic Biome Transition

    I hope not a flat square. It would be a rectangular prism, it is an area allowing full world height and a length and width the same size as each other. It will not be a cube because 256l and w would suck and I guarantee the world l and w will be longer than 1km, 1km world height is laggy for most people. Chunks would have to be rewritten, and still you get lag because there are more chunks.
  3. Larger Biomes - Realistic Biome Transition

    Will it be ~160300km from spawn? that might be the easiest place to code it in. Will it be somewhere in a ~26312796160000000000block rectangular prism? If a minecraft world were exactly 8x the size, sadly nobody counted.
  4. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    You can always plan for mutiny.
  5. How to Start Mining?

    There it is. *high five*
  6. How to Start Mining? You have 2 guides. Both in left column, one at the top, other at the bottom. And yes you have to get a bunch of those nuggets and make zinc, bismuth, or tin items, preferably tin because it's going to get you places later.
  7. Rock Piles

    When you mine cobble you get cobble. They are big chunks, easy to move and collect with the leverage of a pickaxe, not hands, no need for actual breaking (although that's what the game would suggest). Piles of rocks are small and can be collected with hands.Also when you mine stone I doubt you will pulverize it into the gravel you see scattered around the world on the surface. I thought the little rocks were the ones to be able to made into storage when placed. Also we could have a pickaxe mode to break the stone into small pieces for storage, but we need a way to cement them to take them out of their storage state and into usable state. Possibly 4 rocks in a crafting table.
  8. Your chisel creations!!

    Alright, that's scary, it's like a shrine to a 2m green dick that explodes. I don't care if it's stone I wouldn't sleep at night knowing a creeper is staring through that really nice expensive window.
  9. Larger Biomes - Realistic Biome Transition

    Minecraft worlds have an end. Just go in 1 direction about the same distance from the north to south pole irl, do this 8 times and you will crash. Load your world again you will be staring at a cliff, the end.
  10. Your chisel creations!!

    I know that, I asked why.
  11. Placing dirt, sand and cobblestone into stacks

    "Modding API" -quote from Mojang That scares the shit out of me.
  12. Your chisel creations!!

    Cool lol... but why did you put the off color one there?
  13. Placing dirt, sand and cobblestone into stacks

    Not necessarily, some mods change core files. If rewritten correctly, everything will be there. Changed core files does not mean incompatibility, maybe with some things if you actually make something that will effect them, bad move.If that's not what you are talking about... What the hell are you talking about?
  14. Rock Piles

    Why would cave ins give rock piles. Cobblestone is practically a rock pile, just not for storage. Make rocks place rock piles for storage and leave cobblestone as it is.
  15. Placing dirt, sand and cobblestone into stacks

    That was a joke lol.
  16. Placing dirt, sand and cobblestone into stacks

    You can always rewrite the game, right?
  17. Lock Boxes

    I liek dis... My yard would be full of dogs. While you are add it, lets change them to German Shepards and give them the ability to latch on to you. Jk, I may reskin them to a German Shepard with a police coat though.
  18. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    Because people are giving feedback, unlike me who seems to keep posting random shit then feeling like a troll a few seconds after.
  19. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    I know just playin... Welcome Olaf./ quote name='EternalUndeath - fucked up by tac0 I DIDN'T SEE THIS SIZE!
  20. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    WHY IS YOUR FONT SO BIG?I'll be nice here too and say welcome. #imnotatroll
  21. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    I'll admit... Their noses piss me off. brcause I don't have one...
  22. winches, pules and cams, water wheels and pumps (move your ores)

    I see more people asking to have it gone, no resistance. I'd try it. You can use it to make 8-bit computers! (useless) and have this these logic gates I made! http-~~-// (also completely useless, and my video is shitty)
  23. Placing dirt, sand and cobblestone into stacks

    My gpu can't calculate shit, that gpu is the worst up to date gpu out now. We want animals because it's not like an animal can spawn per block in this mod, and there will be 1 entity per block here. We only want a few animals, and a chupacabra or something to eat you at night. By the way, I like the idea of a chupacabra, no werewolves like you've seen me post about.