Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Deathbytac0

  1. I have been gone a lot, mostly because of my laptops inability to game. Help me choose computer parts that rock and fit my budget.

    Budget: $1750 (this is gonna be tough)


    Motherboard: Asus Z87-K ~$130

    CPU: Intel Core i5 4670K ~$250

    RAM: Kingston 16GB DDR3-1600 ~$120

    GPU: 2x NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 SLI ~$500

    Sound: onboard

    HDD1: Intel 335 SSD ~$200

    HDD2: WD Caviar Blue (7200rpm, SATA III) ~$75

    CD/DVD/Blu-Ray ROM:

    Case: Cooler Master HAF 912 ~$60


    CPU Cooling: Cooler Master Hyper TX-3 ~$25


    And Windows 8 +$100


     $1460 We are doing good, now lets see what we can ramp up. I may end up a little high in the end put as long as the main parts don't go too far over we are looking good.

    I need help getting substantial parts though, all this can be changed. If I need to invest an extra $100 in an i7, so be it, but that i5 is a monster.


  2. I am missing side block textures for the quern base item and the quern wheel handle block. I was using a texture pack when the base sides were missing, but it didn't change the handle. What files are the textures in so I can check them?


  3. I have never had clouds, I searched all through my options and they wouldn't turn on. I have optifine though, I don't recall Mead having clouds in his episodes and he had optifine, but I don't know his settings.


  4. That's why you build roads!

    blagh, you'll learn when they add in the horses...

    That's extremely advanced... I haven't even made metal yet in build 66 and *sigh* i have to upgrade yet again. I have to install mods twice in my personal server and client, guys I'm too lazy for this.

    #gonna cry

    Anyway, I expand about 2 kilometers. Do the math... 3 blocks wide over 2 kilometers and a 1 block railing with chiseled bumps. That is 10000 blocks, 6000 of which have the possibility to be chiseled. I like nice roads, but early on a rock every 10 blocks is nice... 200 blocks, getting better.

    Don't mark your way and you'll pay the price later!

    I can memorize my way in local parts, when I play without Rei's over long distances I either place a mark or find my way (and die...).

  5. Asus Rampage IV Extreme/Battlefield 3

    4 Asus Geforce GTX 680-DCT2-2GD5

    ROG 4way SLI bridge

    EVGA Power Boost

    ROG Xonar Phoebus (on a PCIe extender cord)

    4 Western Digital Velociraptors

    Corsair Neutron GTX SSD 480GB Sata 3 cache

    Asus BW-12B1LT

    Corsair Dominator GT 64GB 1866MHz

    Intel® Core™ i7-3960X Processor Extreme Edition

    Can't be overkill...


  6. NOOOO! lol. I just ranted on the thread about other mods people use with TFC, and went off on how Rei's minimap seems like something the devs wouldn't want you to use since it is very powerful (and I'm assuming way more power than anything they plan on implementing since there isn't anything for that currently anyways).

    Be an outdoorsman! Get clever! Thrifty? Don't use Rei's...

    It's an addiction much like Smart Moving. For a world where your resources are spread out I don't think it's so bad.

  7. Sticks, rocks, food, bed. Then I hide out in a 2x1x1 hole until day and carry on with what I was doing. On the way back I normally don't stop and run about 2.5-3 km in daylight hours, hauling ass is actually pretty fun.

    Really you don't need anything else unless you get caught up in a few skeletons and a zombie.

    Now the real question is how do you mark your path back?

    Lol... Rei's.

  8. Oh... no, I mean that was something Mojang did that fundamentally changed how MC operates. It completely rewrote the book on modding (and is why there are a lot of mods out there that stopped updating after 1.2.5). If a mod disabled it, then MC just wouldn't run - the server does everything now except rendering and naming. At best you'd have a mod that caused all other mods to stop working. Really the only way around it is to downgrade to 1.2.5 or earlier.

    In principle this should not have lead to the kind of lag that it did as many games operate in a similar fashion, but I suspect that it is due to the programmers at Mojang. This just is not their strong area, and they don't seem interested in hiring specialists to fix most of their serious issues.

    Oh, I had a break just before 1.3. I thought the server was just to set up LAN, now I get it. This is the exact reason why I don't want Mojang to make a modding api. Is that Spoutcraft thing still up, TFC really needs a port to that when it's done.

  9. i might have accidentally ilied,intentionally made a post on antvenoms forums on TFC, to see if he would do a mod review, should this ever happen, inspect an influx of players, and thusly, noobs, which makes me wonder, did i just perform biblical suicide or did i do something good for once? :D

    *entrenches with several lightsabers just in case*

    I totally agree with JAG... I don't want a bunch of assholes barging in our nice small community that can't do anything (not that that's true for all of them) , but then again I am always happy for developers.

    This mod is insanely hard to review though.


  10. When Mojang made it so even single player runs on a server system, they significantly increased the computing requirements. Ever since, minecraft has not been able to run as well, particularly with mods that send a lot of updates (since it's sending updates to itself as if it were another machine). This is probably what you're experiencing.

    Hmm. Probably. Are there any mods that can toggle it off?

    Perhaps you should consider getting a new graphics card?

    Can't I have a laptop... I might get a Toshiba Satellite (i think) with 8Gb of RAM and quad core, probably has a better graphics card too, at least enough for what I play.

  11. I make myself a server so I got rid of the stutter and lag. Earlier today I got on 1.4.5 and got 2fps on tiny render distance, but no mods, it is just getting worse through time.


  12. Instead of smelling all sorts of substances, I propose that only hostile mobiles are only capable of smelling blood. A modder, who goes by the name of Coros (you may know him from his famed weather modification), has already accomplished this. The modification he made is titled 'Zombie Awareness'. That's where I drew one of the inspirations from. Well... I am completely confounded on how hunger and smell would create lag. When most of the core mechanics are finished, maybe we could implement the complex features.


    I don't really know either I just know similar mechanics do and the create bugs like the nether crashing servers just before it was disabled.

    And use multiquote, multiposting melts people.


  13. There is no need to make it have something special guys...

    I like the idea of making bigger forges. BUT. I think it will be enough if it's just made of normal forge block, and they each have their own GUI.

    Besides, i'm not really sure this isn't already in the game. You can take out any block from the sides of the forge once you built it; it won't destroy it. I'm also not really sure if it specificially need for the blocks in the sides to be rocky... have you guys ever tried to place charcoial piles in the sides of the forge instead of rocks?

    It won't light unless you are in creative.

  14. There you are, you wierd... green... thing that walks and... isn't a creeper... yeah, that : where have you been?

    ... And why your location is in spanish? O_o

    I have been a school lol. I just felt like putting it in spanish.