Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Deathbytac0

  1. Don't get me wrong, I totally understand--for me it's wonderful and easy as pie. But I've literally sat on Skype for 45 minutes with these people, telling them how to do it step by step, and they still can't figure out how to install Forge. I made a tutorial video on YouTube, and they still couldn't figure it out. It's mindboggling, but there it is.

    True, true. And half of them won't be able to figure out a built in API.

  2. The only reason I care about the API is that I have a number of players who simply do not have the knowledge to install Forge and TFC. Yes, I know, "noobs lol", but some are kids, some are not skilled with computers, etc. The only thing keeping me from implementing TFC on our survival server (besides the potential to have to restart worlds with new Builds, I'll wait until TFC itself is ironed out a bit first) is that I will lose 3/4 of my server population switching to TFC unless they can download it easily through the client. Sigh. I've been hoping for a good API 2 or more years now.

    Forge is good, I think, and it's simpler now. You would be amazed how many kids have modded correctly, but they installed all there mods at the same time and didn't run Minecraft after installing APIs and it blackscreenes.

  3. I'm scarred, they have managed to screw everything else up. I'm pretty sure they admitted to not being able to code as good as some modders like the guy who made Optifine, Risugami, and Bioxx. I would really like to see them try to best Optifine. All this is going to do is break stuff and why does modding need to be simpler, I know few people now that can't mod.


  4. Fix'd

    Blown away once again...

    Anyway I think this is good... modify books a bit and you might be able to keep it in game. Nobody likes remembering recipes and it's even harder on a server. You still have a little work to do on this, maybe..., anyway you could make an in game version and drop it in your server temporarily and present it to Bioxx if you want to.


  5. You have a very good idea now. Although good, it's probably way too complicated and monsters don't need to be right out of a horror game. Some may be doable, like creepers, but a lot would create a lot of lag, take up too much time coding (we want more than just mobs), or just can't be done. Mobs with hunger and all that is one of those things along with smell. The way smell would be implemented would most likely make gamebreaking lag for us low end computer guys.


  6. I actually enjoy the idea of day/night being based on the month. Obviously don't go to extremes with it. I'm also slightly annoyed by the fact that every server uses 8-day months, resulting in a whole year passing by in just one day.

    I would actually enjoy if the following would be standard:

    -30 day months.

    -30 minutes a day.

    -Day/Night ratio based on month (1.3 : 0.7 in total summer and 0.8 : 1.2 in total winter)

    Without sleeping or Server downtime this would result in 7.5 weeks for one year. Which I would call the perfect speed for this game.

    What if we go far north or south and days are short nights are long and it really never gets to full sunlight.

  7. Dry grass makes the world look better and more believable.

    I have to disagree with you there. :)

    Actually, according to the change-log for the newest build, beta 67, dry grass now most certainly has a use. That use is to indicate areas of low rainfall. Additionally, dry grass is by no means a permanent thing and can be eliminated by placing a water - source near it. According to the change-log:

    • Dry grass will now turn into normal grass when there is a local source of water.
    • Normal grass will now turn into dry grass if the rainfall of the region is below 500mm and there is no local source of water.
    Hello more description on the new build. (I think... Was it that long yesterday?)

  8. followed ur thing wrong.... and i got 100,000 more K of RAM! almost halfway there!

    Toy with that, it's not giving me the best results anymore, but with it my memory usage was about 1300000K.

  9. So last night I got MiltiMC and I played with the allocated memory, found default works best, and my optifine settings and put render distance tiny, load far on, preloaded chunks on, smooth fps on, dynamic updates on. That got me to a more stable a 20fps in a small area, but when I move my fps stutters a lot down to about 17, but can often drop to 8 and lag hardcore. I can't close my door at 35fps!

    I did not try to run MultiMC in high, but before I ran at high with 4gb allocated memory. Also I did not update java or anything and it should be alright because I updated it last time I was coding.


  10. When I had build 49 or whatever I had a bearable 20fps now it's 8-15 and stutters at 2-5. I can hop up to 50 on use normal minecraft memory if I hold still and let the memory go up to about 50%. Normally I play with this

    start /high javaw -Xmx4096M -Xms4096M -Djava.library.path=bin/natives -cp bin/minecraft.jar;bin/jinput.jar;bin/lwjgl.jar;bin/lwjgl_util.jar net.minecraft.client.Minecraft Deathbytac0
    It doesn't really make a difference. Most of the lag is coming from TFC and maybe a little bit of Minecraft 1.4.2. I have Optifine ultra and it works good I keep my settings way down. It may be my world but I've had worlds that should have been a lot worse.

    Any suggestions, all I want is my stable 20fps back.


  11. I have yet to mess around with weapons, I haven't got to make any. Bioxx multiplied their values though to make damage more precise; scratch limbs and do the rest on paper and you have a bunch less coding just a change of value. Your hand needs to do a lot more damage though, for a guy that mines and chops wood all day while carrying a heavy inventory all day he hits like a child. Ten hits on a zombie to kill it is a lot better than thirty.


  12. I'm sure he wants to play eventually, am I right? Stop bashing him. We would all be doing the same if our computer was broken. Sda209 you seem like you have thought this post through quite a bit, my problem is, is that this so far is a tweak and is yet to add any real content beyond what taco could probably do in paint. After the introduction you gave I excepted you to give a full set of tweaks aimed at making combat more engaging or exciting. Although as I'm sure you know we have already had two of those though. Knowing that you have thought this through and have read through those threads I lie in wait for a true overhaul that I can only assume you are capable of.

    Not bashing, just confused. I'd love to see him play. I assume he cares now because he watches somebody on youtube, has played, and is a huge aesthetics fan. I have (sorta) been getting at textures are a ridiculous suggestion for such a great presentation.

    I too want to see what you come up with later.


  13. Thank you for the link, Mr. Deathbytac0. Unfortunately, this laptop has a broken space bar and escape key (I damaged them by accident a few years back) which somwhow causes the bracket key to go haywire, which forced me to use a seperate keyboard just to remedy the damage. Also, the laptop does not play Minecraft well... The true purpose of my post is to not simply change the color of the eyes, but to change the textures of ALL hostile mobiles. Apparently, I wasn't able to think up of the textures for several of the mobiles.


    P.S. - I am going to bed as we speak. I will be here tomorrow.

    ... ... ...

    What? if you can't play well, how are you playing at all and why are you worried?


  14. I don't use a launcher (not even vanilla lol) so I don't know some of the errors, the only thing I can see is other mod conflicts. I don't know much about them I don't know what they are doing. All I can say is install forge, start MC, install PlayerAPI, start, install TFC, start, install other APIs, start, install other cores, start, install the rest. Try it with the vanilla launcher first then Feed the Beast (truth is I have no idea what that is). It may seem long but it's really not. Start from a clean install and back up each time, once something goes wrong install each item one by one until you get an error.


  15. Try this:

    start /high javaw -Xmx<exact Mb of RAM>M -Xms2048M -Djava.library.path=bin/natives -cp bin/minecraft.jar;bin/jinput.jar;bin/lwjgl.jar;bin/lwjgl_util.jar net.minecraft.client.Minecraft <username>
    Paste it in a .bat and it will run double click it. Replace the stuff in <> and delete the <>. You may not be able to play multiplayer if you launch with it but multiplayer should be a bit less laggy.

    If it doesn't work go to control panel/system/advanced system settings/advanced/environmental variables/. From there add a new system variable with the path to java. For example my path is C:Program FilesJavaJdk1.7.0_05binjavac.exe, name the variable javac. Look for CLASSPATH and QTJAVA in the list, I don't know if that's what makes it work but hell, you might need java in there, I use it.

    You also need to go to control panel/java/java/view/user/ and on the latest version edit the runtime parameters and put in xmx <exact Mb of RAM(MUST BE SAME AS IN THE .bat)>m delete the <> just like in the .bat.

    Also if you don't have 64bit java you need to download the latest version of it.


  16. sure, but a 3x3 forge block can look so much more appealing than 9 seperate forges ;)

    Not that I would get 9 forges but it's survival vs looking good.

  17. i said round, not circular, round = blocks placed in a circle like formation = the perception of round (and with the chisel, who knows how smooth you can make it go) and btw, any circle on a computer, eventually, if you zoom in close enough, will end up to be squares

    also, dont exponentially increase the slots per forge block, make it like a 1 block = normal slots, and a 3x3 have 10 slots or more fuel slots or anything like it ;) (i can nearly physically feel dunks NO incoming)

    If a 3x3 had 10 slots I would just go make 9 separate forges.

  18. *cough*texturepack*cough*

    Why does it really matter? It works and looks fine, classic Minecraft textures; TFC textures are based on vanilla textures, but some changed for variation and just to blend a bit.

    oh, let me mention, every single mob in the overworld right now WILL become dungeon confined later and be replaced with natural predators: so for the future reader, my opinion is that this would be perfect, the mobs get confined, sure, make em helluva lot scarier too, make players afraid to go into the deep (although not horror afraid, make em easier noticeable by sound or something) because then, you truly have the best of 2 worlds, the overworld, with its natural predators and all that,

    and the deep, dark cave systems with scary monsters behind every corner.

    dunk, once you read this, open fire on what you know and i have forgotten / dont know

    Before I read the link and take a while I would just like to say zombies and spiders should be on the surface too and hand damage needs a big increase, fighting a zombie and skeleton is sure death.

  19. well i dont mean overpowered, i mean a visual version of skyforge in Skyrim, the gigantic round forge in the open sky :D which'd possibly have more slots (if this goes on for too long i'll make a metathread)

    Well I just said that because 3x3 would have a lot of slots, too much to fit on a normal Minecraft GUI actually. And ever speak of circles in Minecraft again I'll break your jaw. :P