Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Deathbytac0

  1. but you should get the option, (ok ill admit it, i want skyforge to be made :D)

    Lol good luck with that, Bioxx probably wouldn't put in anything that doesn't make sense or oversized(and overpowered). Actually I know he won't... Dunk always talks of him shooting down ideas.

  2. I like 3x1 an extended GUI for a 3x3 forge would be huge. In reality a forge being 3 meters long would not be good, you cant reach the back safely.


  3. Terraing generation needs a bit of tweaking, Bioxx is aware of that.

    And the dry grass is just a visual indication of low rainfall. Trees and crops DO grow there.

    Sweet, that might explain the Douglas Fir near the border. Now there is no point of it, any known plans?

  4. I'm pretty sure fruit trees will do it, but that's not the best idea. If this is implemented then our orchards will never get too ridiculously large and our chests won't be filled with sticks and saplings because we aren't trying to find saplings in leaves to replace them and it will remove the chance of them not being able to be replaced if we don't get a sapling. The only reason for them to not be replaced is if they die like a crop because that's probably how they will behave.


  5. I know dry grass doesn't let trees planted on it grow, what about crops though and can you get rid of it? If I could fertilize it all it would be a nice empty field for me to grow stuff in. Other than that why is it there?


  6. Grammar Nazi LEVEL UP!!!!

    Did Just_Another_Guy :) just correct English. Last time I was on he was just learning. :o

    Anyway I don't know where you got the idea you need to use dirt, on the wiki it just says it needs to be covered. I think nice, deep, circular, brick charcoal pits with a window on top make great yard ornaments.


  7. plz, allow make forge near another forge on side. cuz it's fine

    mad paint skillz:

    Posted Image

    I like that, wouldn't it increase temperature too. The GUI should be combined and has 3x the space and can be restarted with 1 charcoal because that just makes sense.

    And those are insane paint skills, holy cow.


  8. The npcs will still be lifeless entities and could never come close to real people, I don't know how you could get them to work for everybody's survival without a routine or a controller.


  9. Did you check out kingdoms brainstorming? I don't know what might happen with it, how do you have a kingdom without npcs so what you get later on may get close to what you want. I'm scarred to check that thread, I followed the topic and took a almost 4 month leave and had 700 some notifications mostly from that thread, so there's no way I'm going in there.


  10. Would an updated TFC Official pack from 1.2.5 (or whenever, just got back) work or do you want a new one with better textures like on ores. I don't know if the previous textures are considered cartoony. I will gladly make it over the weekend, nothing better to do.


  11. Villages used to be pretty awesome, I remember making super rich villages in early millenaire. I started to realize npc villages are pretty much lifeless, they can make things way too easy. All you have to do is make a bed and deposit all your resources in the village and you are at the top in no time. It makes half the stuff you do in this mod pointless like forging. Go play on a server; twice as productive and not lonely and still doesn't make it easier it's just teamwork.


  12. How would you rate Smart Moving for this mod? I was thinking about getting it... it would make my BPB-LP alot more interesting

    Its great, a little more realism and travel speed but still pretty fair. I don't know what I would do without it, especially because I live in big mountain ranges. Be warned though once you get used to it you probably won't be able to stand not having it on any mods :) .

  13. Can anyone get Tectonicus to work with TFCraft level? Everytime I try, I get:

    Error while trying to load chunk at (-12, 13) from region C:Minecraftv125 TFCraft 47mcp_data.minecraftsavesTest Worldregionr.-1.0.mca

    java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 2048

    at tectonicus.raw.RawChunk.parseAnvilData(

    at tectonicus.raw.RawChunk.init(

    at tectonicus.raw.RawChunk.<init>(

    at tectonicus.Chunk.loadRaw(

    at tectonicus.Region.loadChunk(

    at tectonicus.TileRenderer.preProcess(

    at tectonicus.TileRenderer.preProcess(

    at tectonicus.TileRenderer.output(


    at tectonicus.TectonicusApp.main(


    at tectonicus.TileRenderer.findSigns(

    at tectonicus.TileRenderer.preProcess(

    at tectonicus.TileRenderer.preProcess(

    at tectonicus.TileRenderer.output(


    at tectonicus.TectonicusApp.main(


    at tectonicus.TileRenderer.findPortals(

    at tectonicus.TileRenderer.preProcess(

    at tectonicus.TileRenderer.preProcess(

    at tectonicus.TileRenderer.output(


    at tectonicus.TectonicusApp.main(


    at tectonicus.TileRenderer.findViews(

    at tectonicus.TileRenderer.preProcess(

    at tectonicus.TileRenderer.preProcess(

    at tectonicus.TileRenderer.output(


    at tectonicus.TectonicusApp.main(

    I have a partially completed custom blocks xml file, but I can't test it because the stupid program fails hard on me. Works fine with vanilla maps, but not on anything useful. :angry:

    I get the same thing and I have partially completed the blocks, I didn't do much though, caught up in other stuff.