Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Teranz

  1. Fossils in sendiments

    That would be so cool if we could have pet dinasours... Kind of like wolves...
  2. Item weight and speed of walking

    Nope but all im saying is that i posted the idea about weight system so whats the point of posting it again?
  3. Item weight and speed of walking

    Yeah sounds good also i thought of another idea, what if your too heavy and you will try to swim? You will drown straight away. So your weight will also decrease swim speed or drag you down.
  4. Suggestion for the owner of TFC Forums!

    and you make words up so we are both aquel. Also i suggest one thing about the forums.
  5. Suggestion for the owner of TFC Forums!

    Also got another idea this time about like buttons and reputation...
  6. Suggestion for the owner of TFC Forums!

    I guess so, well tfc forums will just have to stay with the basic ranking system...
  7. RedPower Compatibility

    Yeah ok i get it, but siedge weapons and castles.
  8. Minecraft with Mead!

    Ok, normally i would say "i get it" but this time i dont... So i will just go with "Oh, yeah!"
  9. Recycling Anvils

    Wouldnt upgradable ancils be better doe? Like in the iron chest mod...
  10. Minecraft with Mead!

    Didnt know you have the POWERS to edit what people say...
  11. Minecraft with Mead!

    Not sure if anyone mentioned but the link to your channel is wrong, it doesnt work. It is because you have a dot at the end...
  12. Suggestion for the owner of TFC Forums!

    Arent like buttons for that doe?
  13. Suggestion for the owner of TFC Forums!

    conversations like PMing or like a conversation we are having right now?
  14. It could be just faulty instalation.... Getting the instalation in the wrong order and mods wont work...
  15. RedPower Compatibility

    Yeah, I get what you mean but Im just saying that big siegie weapons and wars dont suite TFC. I all ways think that TFC is about surviving, recreating the civilasation and making mine craft just alot harder.
  16. Suggestion for the owner of TFC Forums!

    Ok replyed to your thread...
  17. RedPower Compatibility

    Big war machines and sieging castles would be fun but i dont think it would suite the purpose of TFC... But in a separet mod it would do great so if you post the idea on mcf you might get some modsers to help you out with that. Also what about me?
  18. simple texture pack

    Cant he just use the default?
  19. Minecraft with Mead!

    Thanks, will do...
  20. Ahhh ok i get it now... Yeah that would be quiet a nice weather tweek to have in mc and it would probably reduce the lagg caused by rain and snow...
  21. Hi guys, Im here with another suggestion. I dont think it has been inclueded or suggested. So my idea is about weather and clouds as the title may suggest... As a lot of you maybe noticed we have clouds in minecraft, yay. But they are realy boring and useless, just plaing white shapes flying in the air. And the weather isnt much better, in split secound the sky darkens and it starts raining. So my idea is to change that and allow the player to tell when it is going to rain or snow... So my idea is for the clouds to build up slowly before if starts raining or snowing. There would be more clouds slowly appearing in the sky and the clouds would get darker, after like a minute or two it would start raining or snowing. So that is my idea and look the intro is bigger then the actuall idea... Also give feed back and tell me what you think of my idea or if you have addition or changes to my idea comment bellow...
  22. I can never understand understand what you mean.