Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Latias4Ever

  1. [SOLVED] Unable to start from Launcher

    Ahh, yup, they're there, then I think it installed like it should... But it doesn't want to start up... Should I perhaps change the installation directory? EDIT: Tried that, same result, installs game, doesn't start it. EDIT 2: I tried copy/pasting the folders to my .minecraft folder, and tried loading the game, it said the following: Failed to launch Fatal error occured (2): null Does it help? EDIT 3: Solved! Here's what solved the problem: I had to delete the installation folder, and the launcher, then redownloaded the launcher and installed the game again, FML loaded up, and the game works now!
  2. [SOLVED] Unable to start from Launcher

    I downloaded the Launcher and tried to install the game after logging in, it seemed to install perfectly, but once it finished, the Launcher just closed and the game wouldn't start, and it keeps doing it. The installation location is the default "%appdata%/tfcraft/minecraft", and the minimum memory allocation is the default 512 MBs and the maximum is 1024 MBs. I'm running Windows XP 32-bit, with 4 GBs of RAM, and the latest version of Java. I've searched for solutions, and attempted following advice in various topics, but the problem persists. Any help would be appreciated. EDIT: Solved! Here's what solved the problem: I had to delete the installation folder, and the launcher, then redownloaded the launcher and installed the game again, FML loaded up, and the game works now!
  3. [SOLVED] Unable to start from Launcher

    I reinstalled the game twice already, and updated Java. I also tried playing other versions of Minecraft, other modpacks, and they all started normally, but they were all 1.2.5, not 1.5.1. EDIT: Perhaps someone can give me a zip file with TFC fully installed from the launcher? I only see 3 folders in the installation folder, bin, coremods, and mods. Coremods only has the TFC zip file, no Player API, nothing, Mods is empty, but I think that's supposed to be that way. Maybe my launcher didn't install TFC as perfectly as I thought?
  4. [SOLVED] Unable to start from Launcher

    I checked the allocation, 512-1024, I click OK, and press login, it says "Logging in" for a long while, then the Launcher closes, game never starts, just like you said. Nothing else comes up. I have no idea what's causing this, I haven't played Minecraft in almost a year, and I last played in 1.2.5, but I doubt that's what's causing it.
  5. Can't get bronze?

    I don't know if this is a bug or not, or if I'm doing something wrong, but I can't get Bronze from the Metallurgy table, and yes, I'm using Unshaped Copper and Unshaped Tin, 3 of the former, and 1 of the latter, and I've tried with them in the respective working temperature and completely cooled off, but still nothing, can someone help me please? EDIT: Turns out I can't get any alloy at all! I tried using NEI to get Bismuth to try and make Bismuth Bronze, nothing, and not even when I tried to make Blue Steel! What do I do?!
  6. Unshaped Wrought Iron?

    The wiki doesn't have any information about Unshaped Wrought Iron, and I need that to make Steel, how do I make it? I put a Wrought Iron Ingot on my forge, and it just disappeared once it hit Brilliant White! EDIT: Nevermind... I found out what happened, I forgot to put a Ceramic Mold in the Forge. '
  7. Metal Rich

    Add as an attachment, that way it's not too big for the post.
  8. 46c Experimentation: Ores

    Can anyone help me? I can't get MCEdit to show me the ores, and I mean in the actual graphic part, not the table part, it just shows me one kind of stone, what do I do? EDIT: Nevermind, I know how to do it now. I'm gonna post a few tables of worlds in 47f, which honestly have terrible amounts of copper and other ores... <.<' Well, I don't know how to make a table... So I have to copy and paste from the notepad file... Volume: 34603008 blocks (213:0),Native Copper,120 (213:5),Cassiterite,2110 (213:6),Galena,1890 (213:7),Bismuthinite,66695 (213:11),Limonite,10 (213:12),Sphalerite,130949 (213:14),Bituminous Coal,1658 (213:15),Lignite,4990 (214:1),Gypsum,8786 (214:6),Petrified Wood,24 (214:8),Jet,2818 (214:10),Pitchblende,148 (214:12),Cryolite,217 (214:13),Saltpeter,179
  9. Great 47f Seed (a seed from the past)

    I tried to follow the posts you mentioned, but neither get my MCedit to recognize the ores, can you give me some help please? EDIT: By recognize the ores I mean the graphic part, like Truculent showed in his screenshot of MCEdit. EDIT 2: Nevermind, found out how to do it...
  10. Can't get bronze?

    Yeah, I had to get them as liquid, thanks Deviator, and thanks JAG for trying to help, I did install it carefully, everything else is working, I just didn't know that the metals had to be liquid, the videos on YouTube didn't have them as liquid, so it threw me off.
  11. Can't get alloys!

    It worked! Thanks!
  12. Can't get alloys!

    I got a Metallurgy Table, and got Unshaped Copper and Unshaped Tin, I've tried to make Unshaped Bronze following the Wiki's recipe, yet nothing pops up, then I tried making Unshaped Blue Steel thanks to NEI, and it doesn't work either. I attached a picture of the problem. Can someone help please?
  13. Can't get bronze?

    Tried it, but it doesn't work, tried using the recipe shown in the wiki, tried with a straight line, nothing, nothing pops up.