Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Goliathos

  1. Server Not Spawning Ore

    Hey guys, is it possible for a server not to spawn underground ore? Because a friend and I couldn't find any, so we changed to creative mode and mined for hours, prospecting every 25 blocks, and we found nothing. So, I was wondering if there was a bug that made servers not spawn ores... I already looked in the bug reports section...
  2. Server Not Spawning Ore

    Yes, I'm using the latest version, and yes, we have found surface ore. Just absolutely none underground.
  3. Can't make a bloomery block...

    Hey guys, I mined 8 smooth stone (rhyolite I believe), and I have charcoal, I've tried crafting a bloomery like the Wiki said, but alas, It did not work... Ideas?
  4. Can't make a bloomery block...

    Ahh crap, the wiki said I could use smooth stone for a bloomery, and I used all my metal on a pick, guess I have more hours of rock collecting ahead of me...
  5. Good way to get stone bricks/blocks?

    Thanks again fellows.
  6. The title says it all, how do you guys go about collecting actual bricks as opposed to rocks?
  7. Can't put ore into my forge.

    Okay, thanks for the advice.
  8. Can't put ore into my forge.

    I've got clay molds on the left side where they are supposed to go. But I can't place any ores in the heating/fire spot... any suggestions?
  9. Forge Doesn't Work

    Is there a specific reason why I can't operate this forge? I right click and nothing happens...
  10. Can't put ore into my forge.

    Sorry, when I said clay I meant ceramic, may bad. So you're telling me the forge serves no other purpose than to heat up already made bars? Do I need a bloomery then? To actually make bars? Because I've got a ton of native copper nuggets and I want to make stuff with them, and I couldn't get my fire hot enough, even with maple and a bellows.
  11. Forge Doesn't Work

    Sweet, thanks man. And sorry about the wrong place of posting, I've only been here for a day
  12. Charcoal Pit Functionality

    Hey guys, I'm brand new to this forum so bear with me. When I try to make a charcoal pit, two things happen, no smoke is emitted from the cover, and it seems to burn forever... any suggestions?
  13. Charcoal Pit Functionality

    Damn, well I built another one, still no smoke. And it still seems to burn for ever, is there any other way to power a forge efficiently?
  14. Charcoal Pit Functionality

    Thanks guys, I guess I'll try tearing it down and starting over.
  15. Charcoal Pit Functionality

    Okay, I tried it on SP on creative, and it worked. I guess I justcan't get charcoal on my server :/ Really a downer...
  16. Charcoal Pit Functionality

    I sincerely appreciate the quick response, but I already knew all this, I built my pit exactly the same as on the wiki, knowing that instead of finding charcoal in the firepit, I would find it just laying on the ground. So, first of all, when I start the fire and finish the covering with dirt, no smoke comes out of the cover at all. Secondly, I can sit there and hear burning sounds literally for days. So after about three in game days I got impatient, uncovered the dirt, still found logs... I'm really at a loss.