Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. Welp its been a while since we have had this thread and I think there may be something new that can be said about this finally Ancient/Ruined Villages/Buildings From what I can tell it seems that tfc2 is going to be using schematics to generate trees instead of the way its being done right now. If that's the case would it be possible to create very very rarely the ruins of some cabin in the woods or the ruins of a small settlement with about 2-4 houses? It could be coded as a insanely rare type of tree that only spawns in groups of 1-4 that takes from a pool of ruined houses that can be submitted by the players. They shouldn't have anything that can be used to further the tech level of the player such as tools, lanterns or anvils but could instead just have something like some colored pots or perhaps a old chest with a few seeds, some salt or dyes. They probably shouldn't also be built with a large amount of resources as if they contain a ton of bricks or somethings like that they could be sought out for resources instead of them being a cool thing you could find in the wilderness. There could be different pools of houses it could take from depending on the temperature so a colder climate might have different looking houses than would a group of houses on the equator. The houses could be takes from a subform contest like game where people can download and vote for their favorite house to be included in the game as well as give feedback as to if the house is too resource intensive/ contains items that powerlevels the player such as steel armor/ just looks awesome as for rarity I think they should probably be about three times as rare as strongholds are in vanilla minecraft so that perhaps you will be able to find one or two but not before going through at least 20-30km also didn't we used to have a tfc2 subforum somewhere? o.o