Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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I'm having trouble figuring out the new breeding. I just updated from pre 39 to the lastest one earlier today. The change log says the pregnancy is 120 days. Is there a way to tell if they are pregnant? because I have no idea if the breeding worked? Is there a chance they might not get pregnant or is it a guarantee right now? Please help.


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I doubt your going to get many answers to this just yet, unless a dev or bioxx answers it. I'm pretty sure the patch hasnt even been out long enough for people to have played 120 minecraft days. than again some people can be.... devoted.

Iv not messed with animals much, but maybe if you can no longer give that animal wheat it might be pregnant? That is just a wild guess tho.

Edit: I penned 4 sheep in creative mode ( the egg spawned animals appear to still be van-minecraft ones) i gave 2 sheep wheat and the just walked around as if unaffected.

the 3rd I gave changed things, I guess that one was female because the other 2 targeted her and she targeted them. the 4th sheep must also be male.

now I can still give wheat to the 3 sheep that I'm assuming are males but the one sheep I think is female wont take it.

my early conclusion; animals are pre determined male or female tho there appears to be no easy way to tell. Males stay "active" after breeding and females dont.

two animals of the same gender will ignore each other if given wheat.

odd note: on my main world I found a group of pigs, I thought it was odd so many pigs be in one area but assumed random is random.

now on my creative world (that Iv used to test builds and the like) iv found a group of sheep. maybe random is random or animals can auto breed?

Edit2: After a few days The female will now take wheat and get the hearts around her, when a male is given wheat there attracted once again. how ever that seems to be as far as it can go. both sheep will headbutt each other until the hearts wear off over time.

Edit3: strike Edit2, it appears they sheep where not attracted to each other but rather the rock on the ground found in the new female's pen, that they keep jumping on for some reason. Iv noticed this happening before with rocks and even campfires.

With the rock removed from the females pen (and with the 3 sheep now all mixed up) I gave them all wheat, while all 4 sheep did get the heart effect they didnt seem to care. So once a female is pregnant she no longer tries to breed?


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I had eight cows and apparently only one was female, I tried to seperate her from the rest but that did not work. I lost her in the crowd and now have no way to find her. True Xel 120 minecraft days is a long time, I'm not sure if I have every come close in a TFC game before I updated and started over.


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You can pass the time very quickly by using mods like NEI or TMI, so you can keep clicking the "midnight" of "noon" button, and everytime you pass a day instantly. That's easier to just wait, to test that. Try on a a creative mode world, of course. I can't test it right now, though. :(


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I'm having trouble figuring out the new breeding. I just updated from pre 39 to the lastest one earlier today. The change log says the pregnancy is 120 days. Is there a way to tell if they are pregnant? because I have no idea if the breeding worked? Is there a chance they might not get pregnant or is it a guarantee right now? Please help.

for debugging, I made a feature where right clicking on animals tells their sex, and i think I might leave this in. (In the future, genders will have more distinct differences, like lack of utter for example) There is also no way to tell if an animal is pregnant, but iirc, it gets pregant 100% when it mates atm

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So If you have a pregnant animal does it no longer accept wheat?

Also, for selective breeding is there going to be an interface for all the cows in a pen? Or will we have to keep track of them by trying to seperate the pairs we want. If it's the latter can we have a leash or lasso to pull individuals around with?

Damn cows are unruly.


Oh also how much grass does an animal need to have access to so it can feed itself? Is it only the long grass you can break for seeds or do grass blocks it has access to "feed" it.


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So If you have a pregnant animal does it no longer accept wheat?

Also, for selective breeding is there going to be an interface for all the cows in a pen? Or will we have to keep track of them by trying to seperate the pairs we want. If it's the latter can we have a leash or lasso to pull individuals around with?

Damn cows are unruly.


Oh also how much grass does an animal need to have access to so it can feed itself? Is it only the long grass you can break for seeds or do grass blocks it has access to "feed" it.

There is no interface, it's up to you. It's probably best to separate your animals by the breeding pairs, but at the moment, breeding takes a very long time. We might make it more rewarding in the future, I think most wild animals will attack you but properly bred animals will be pretty docile. (to clarify, wild animals will retaliate when attacked, but will not initiate combat)

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