Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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ideas regarding fortifications

2 posts in this topic

okay, first i guess it would be only used on mp pvp server or to defend against mobs, but hey, i dont care^^

fortification blocks are simple, craftable blocks, you can place them and take them again with the right tool without any problems, but when you secure the blocks with a special tool, you cant remove them without destroying them. (explosives or weapons [maybe siege weapons?])

supportbeams behing the walls reinforce the walls and you can use the horizontal beams to walk on them and defend the walls.

fixed fortification walls are 1,3 blocks high.

there should be some tiers in fortification.

you have 3 types: walls and entrances.

tier one: dirtwalls

craftable in a crafting table with some cobblestone and dirt around it. place a 2 blocks high wall around your home. you can remove the wall with a shovel quite fast (just dig it out), but when you rightclick with a shovel on it, it will get fixed.

tier two: palisade

craftable with wooden logs. removable with a shovel and fixed with an hammer.

tier three: cobblestone walls

craftable with cobblestone and clay. removable with a pickaxe. fixed over time (drying)

tier four: brickwalls

craftable with stone bricks and concrete (new material?) removable with a pickaxe, fixed over time (drying)


tier one: wooden gate

craftable with logs. removable with shovel, fixable with hammer.

tier two: palisade gate

craftable with logs. removable with shovel, fixable with hammer.

tier three: enhanced wooden gate

craftable with wooden gate and some double metal ignots (more start durability with better metals) removeable with shovel, fixable with hammer

tier four: Metal grille gate

craftable with any metals. start durability depens on metaltype. removable with hammer, fixable with hammer


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There is already another topic like this, and yours seems related to how it started.

The other topic developed into: Materials such as cobblestone, stone bricks and smooth stone should have increased breaking times and explosion resistance depending on the number of 'solid' blocks above and below it. (By 'solid', I'm referring to raw, cobble, bricked and smooth stone)

This would cause tall walls made out of stone become quite strong, while ranged siege engines (which can hit high points on a wall) would still stand a chance. Cave-ins would also become far more deadly depending on their size.

Raw stone would not be effected by the breaking time and explosion resistance, allowing you to mine through it without further difficulty, but would support constructed stone structures.

Gates could be made using supports, and can be deconstructed on will (closing the wall).


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