Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Improved Anvil Interface

8 posts in this topic

the current anvil interface is too complicated. I never really feel like i'm doing anything other than clicking buttons and hoping i hit the mark.

how about this:

make the anvil interface look like the knapping interface, except, of course, there's maleable metal in the grid rather than rock. as you make your tool, (same patterns as the stone tools) if the metal is too hot, there's a % chance a part of the grid will fill back in with the metal, and you'll have to "hammer" out that square again. as the metal cools, the squares you've hammered out will fill in slower and slower until the metal can no longer be worked. if you time everything right, you'll have a proper tool head. if not, you'll have to melt the piece down again.


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oh yeah, i forgot to add....

if you have plans for the tool, you'll always get a usable tool head, but its durability will only be a % of your successful blacksmithing. then you'll have the option of using it (and eventually losing it when the tool breaks) or you can melt it down and try again.


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I think i prefer the current system, it's challenging yet rewarding.


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I think i prefer the current system, it's challenging yet rewarding.

Easier to code,and already coded. Maybe if Bioxx has time after completing all the parts he deems important, he may look into this, option, addond or change. Although I thinks this is cooler, it requires a bit of work from him

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The existing anvil interface is far superior to this idea.


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so, why do you think the existing interface is superior? to me, it seems like more of a puzzle-solving type thing rather than a hammer-out-molten-metal type thing. trying to imagine myself hard at work in a sweltering blacksmith shop by solving a series of logic problems is difficult. it's like my brain is saying..."ok...let's see...a draw third from the this...then this...then...this...crap!" rather than saying..."take that, molten metal! taste my granite god-hammer!"

so, in a nutshell...less thinking, more hitting. of course the entire interface doesn't have to change just for that. (i could only imagine the work involved.) it's just that, in other interfaces that tfcraft has created, i actually feel like i'm tapping out stone tools, or cooking on a campfire or forge. there's a intuitive logic to them. the anvil seems lackluster by comparison. so whatever leads to more interface or not...i'm for it.

i should admit, i've only used the anvil a handful of times. maybe i'll get the hang of it eventually and like it better. but for now, it's pretty frustrating.


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It's not a puzzle. Just read the instruction from the bottom up, and that's almost alway the correct order.


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yeah... no.

Current system works fine. You're making it more complicated than it really is.


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