Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Reinventing the wheel (Cobblestone/Rock)

9 posts in this topic

The way in which cobblestone and rock are currently implemented has some significant issues with rock placement (try clicking to place a rock on a wall you are standing next to, or on a carved stone block if your cursor is over one of the clear areas of the block side) and immediately breaks compatibility with any other mod (or future development in the main game) that depends on cobblestone as an item.

Instead of removing the normal cobblestone drops from mining and reinventing the wheel when it comes to block placement by making a 'rock' sprite item that can be used to generate a cobblestone block in world (buggily), why not leave the normal mined stone -> cobblestone system in place, but add a recipe to make 'rocks' out of cobblestone by placing them in the crafting grid with a hammer? (Rocks which could then be knapped as normal).

This leaves the whole knapping/stone tool system untouched, and surface stones/flint could still drop the same 'rock' items they do currently, but there would be no need to write and bug-fix all the code related to placing cobblestone from the 'rock' item (code which is going to be strikingly similar to what's already part of the main game for placing normal blocks).


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...I actually was about to say that to make the hammer you needed stone, for those you need the hammer, for which you need the stone... that letting the entire mod unplayable. Until i saw the last lines ._.

Now, if i get right what you said, you are asking for this because you want the mod to be more compatible -specially with those mods that depend on cobblestone to do some crafting stuff-. The thing is... even if what you said gets implemented, the mods will remain incompatible. The cobblestone from any of the TFcraft rock types can't be used as vanilla cobblestone in any crafting recipe, except if you change it to be that way -if you know about programing.-

Also, this mod tries to get far away from vanilla when it comes to survival mode, so most of the vanilla survival mode new features are likely to be intentionally disabled -as the villages and testificates are- if they just don't fit the mod. The creative mode, in the other hand, can -i think- give you the vanilla cobblestone...


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The reason why stone drops rocks and not cobblestone is because once construction is implemented, cobblestone will have to be made with several rocks and mortar. Compatibility is going to have to be broken in order to maximize TFC's potential, rather than intentionally limiting it to vanilla items like most mods do. It would be more difficult to have a lot of game-changing features work together if it was forced to stick to the same template most mods do(which is not modifying base minecraft functionality).


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Ah okay, I was not aware any specific plans for construction had been finalized (and that this idea might conflict with them). That said, the other part of my point (that the current system is reinventing the wheel when it comes to block placement, and is needlessly buggy/time consuming to code as a result) stands. I suspect that some of the basic ideas of construction could also be implemented without the need for this sort of workaround (for example, by requiring cobblestone to be broken down into rocks and combined with mortar to produce a finished block that is either free standing/self supporting, or can be made so with supports, then removing the ability to make normal cobblestone/dirt free standing with supports. Voila~ anything but very basic construction is working as intended, but there is no longer a need for the workaround.)

EDIT: Viola -> Voila... blasted typos.


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... i'm right now pretty close to fall asleep, so i didn't understood well what you said in the upper post...

A little note: i think what you tried to say is Voila, no Viola. In spanish, "viola" is like saying to someone "go to rape", kind of. So... yeah, doesn't sounds pretty well from here ._. Of course, as always, i may be wrong, but i just thinked it was something i should warm you about...


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Nope. The current system is temporary until the construction update comes in. When that happens, there will be mortar and a whole bunch of other things. Cobble WILL be craftable.


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Nope. The current system is temporary until the construction update comes in. When that happens, there will be mortar and a whole bunch of other things. Cobble WILL be craftable.



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*Shrug* Ah well, every idea isn't going to be a winner I guess.


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Nope. The current system is temporary until the construction update comes in. When that happens, there will be mortar and a whole bunch of other things. Cobble WILL be craftable.

i just hope that copplestone isn't going to end up being too difficult to get.

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