Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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abandoned mines

revamped acid drainage thread (still as toxic and hazardous as ever)

6 posts in this topic

new ideas to my acid drainage idea that would make coding easier. take from it what you will.

these are some of my ideas that could work (NOTE: these are not all one idea, they are several small ideas that require fleshing out.

mineral leaching

- mineral leach points found in nature could help the player determine if an ore body was close to the surface.

- mineral leaching could spawn in the same fashion as sulfur. when a metalic ore block is near water that has spawned naturally, mineral leaching will form on nearby blocks. this leaching has a LIMITED effect on the environment as the materials released are not as toxic as the refined "tailings" from mining.

this hole idea revolves around the chance that you could accidentally create acid drainage. you must try and stop it from forming before the problem is created.

acid drainage caused by man

- acid drainage is created after "tailings"are exposed to water. these spawn next to devices such as smelters, forges and stamp mills after a short period of operation. acid drainage could spawn as a tile like sulfur

(though i still like the idea of a liquid).

- acid drainage will harm plant life and could have a chance of contaminating crops, eating contaminated foods will poison the player in the same manor as rotten flesh.

cleaning (re-mediating) acid drainage

- acid drainage can be cleaned up by sand or crushed limestone (allowing plants to grow again) after it has been placed in the area of contamination.

sulfide rock

- this form of rock spawns around mineral veins.

- after this rock is exposed to water, it creates acid drainage at a slow rate

(depending on weather or not water is presant at all times).

- as time goes by this acid drainage will cause damage to surface crops and plant life.

- if naturally exposed to the elements, natural acid run off MAY occur

- when mined this mineral / rock has a chance of giving you sulfide rock, corroded iron nuggets, or sulfur.

- in an underground setting this rock is much less stable than its surrounding rock and will have a much higher chance of cave ins.

- sulfide rock could have a much higher chance of containing large metal deposits of gold, silver, hematite, sphalerite, and galena (causing people to hunt for it as an indicator mineral)

- after the sulfide rock has been exposed to the elements by a human, acid drainage will begin in the form of small yellow rusted water droplets from the roof of the mine (only in the section that contains the sulfide rock).

good day :)


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acid....can i burn a hole in the floor?

and wont yellow water coming from the ceiling look like pee >.>


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acid....can i burn a hole in the floor?

and wont yellow water coming from the ceiling look like pee >.>

acid drainage refers to the really bad stuff that comes out of heavy metal mines

these can cause alot of damage to the near by environment

i am trying to come up with a way to make mining have a draw back on your local area


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Sigh... there's already ways that mining has a drawback on the local area

There's big fuckoff holes everywhere janking up your view, and an increased likelihood of the ground caving in when you walk out your front door

I mean, maybe I could see tailing tiles spawning around lit forges and bloomery 'lava' blocks, but the rest of it just seems implausible and silly, in a minecraft setting. I mean, how the hell would you even start to write the code for it affecting plants? And you'd need an entirely different set of items just for 'contaminated' wheat, even if it's labeled the same. That means it won't stack with regular wheat and it would be easy to just isolate the contaminated stuff and use it to breed animals with no ill effect

And since you don't eat wheat directly, you'd need a contaminated bread item too, crafted with 3 contaminated wheat

But what if you try to use 2 contaminated and 1 uncontaminated wheat? Either you have to make the majority of these permutations not produce anything (which is just ridiculous), or you have to make various different contaminated breads with different crafting recipies


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How would a 32 block deep mine with a ladder entrance be affected by acid drainage.


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all i did here was try to revamp one of my old ideas to get input

o well seems no one really likes the idea, though sulfide rock (without the toxic effects) could be cool


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