Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Cooking & Baking the Terrafirma way

10 posts in this topic

So when you venture out the world and find all that tasty bacon or tons of delicious fruit, they often end up as a fast snack instead of a tasty meal.

While the fast cooked pork and beef provide a good starting supply, there should be something more advanced for the later game.

So why not implementing a cooking system:

Since the firepit is to simple and doesn't provide enough room or heat and food from the forge gets that metal taste, the first thing you need is an oven.

But not the easy 8-stones-in-a-circle-type. First you have to get yourself 4 metal sheets. Place them as a + in the crafting grid without the middle to get the oven-inlay.

Next you need a piece of stone (no cobble) and you have to smooth it ith your chisel.

After that you can insert the inlay by right clicking on the stone and *tada*: You created your first oven.

It has 3 input and output slots, but accepts only food items. It can't be heated with a bellow, but due to the metal inlay it gives slightly more heat then the firepit, but you still have to choose the good wood types to cook your meal fast.

Now to make bread for example you have to make a dough first: someone doesn't simply eat 3 wheat in a horizontal row.

Take your wheat, look for an plain stone surface (like you would for an "stone anvil") and get your flail: a tool used to sort the wheat from the chaff. Now throw your wheat on the stone like sticks for an fire, and start to punch it with your flail.

The grain you get can now be grinded to flour by throwing it at a stone surface again and using a hammer on it.

Now collect the four and right click on some water to get your first basic dough.

Put this in your oven and heat it with some logs to get your first selfmade bread. Restores 3 or 3,5 hunger points (now harder to make).

But bread is not the final use for dough: what about combining it with those fruits to get a cake.

So take your dough and a bowl, put them together with milk, eggs and sugar and add some fruits on top to get a cake and place it in the oven. Restores 4 hunger points.

But now you are thirsty, so make yourself some juice.

For that you need a Squeezer: 3 wood vertical on the left and the right of the craftng grid a wood slab in the lower middle a piece of stone in the middle and a stick on top.

Place it down and throw some fruit of one kind in it, then press it a couple of times like the bellow and take out the juice with some bottles. Restores like 1,5 or 2 hunger points (better then the fruit itself but not to much).

And not to forget the new cooking pot: 5 bronze/copper sheets in the shape of an boat and you get the pot. Now place it on a firepit and you can make soup or stew.

Put in water, mushrooms and meat to get your meal and take it out with an bowl.

Maybe you can add some spices later on.

Gives you hunger points depending on the stew you mix, be creative.

So please tell me your opinions about those ideas and maybe add your own thoughts or what could be better or has to be tweaked.

Maybe I didn't find some obvious flaws.

Hope you like the ideas.


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I think TerraFirma needs more different ways of cooking, and it must be realistic as well. This idea is just amazing


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I agree that we should update cooking.

However, I really think you need to incentivise the advanced cooking. Why should I bother going through the massive bother of all that when I can just use regular vanilla methods to get reasonable food ?

Sure, I could hang upsidedown on my pullup bar every morning when I get dressed for work, but why should I when I can just get dressed the normal way ?

Give me a reason to go through the bother, then we can talk :P

There are some really creative ideas here though :)


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I agree that we should update cooking.

However, I really think you need to incentivise the advanced cooking. Why should I bother going through the massive bother of all that when I can just use regular vanilla methods to get reasonable food ?

Sure, I could hang upsidedown on my pullup bar every morning when I get dressed for work, but why should I when I can just get dressed the normal way ?

Give me a reason to go through the bother, then we can talk :P

There are some really creative ideas here though :)

Maybe we could add it so that you can get negative status rffects from raw ingrediences and bonuses for finished meals, for example: poison from raw berries (like mentined in the vegetation note) or when you grill meat over the fire it can either be to raw so you get the hunger-poison-thingy like from zombie flesh and raw chicken or the meat gets burned quickly so that it gets useless.

There could be even a illness if you eat to much meat only.

I came up with this idea because in my opinion,since you get stacks of meat from fully grown animals and even the wheat grows like hell if you have a big field (maybe tweaking the rate of growth) gives so such tons of food that it doesn't quite match with the rareness of ores or the hard steps you have to go through in order to get other stuff in TFC.

It should feel like a real achievement once you get yourself a stable food supply and the finished meals should be the final step out of the berry-gatherer and hunter ages into something that feels a little bit like medieval kitchen.


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honestly... I think you should be able to burn food. If I leave beef on a hot forge for 20 minutes, I should come back to find a shriveled foul smelling ball of carbon, not a tender steak dinner.

Just add a generic 'burned food item' and copy-paste the code in for ingots melting when they get too hot.


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honestly... I think you should be able to burn food. If I leave beef on a hot forge for 20 minutes, I should come back to find a shriveled foul smelling ball of carbon, not a tender steak dinner.

Just add a generic 'burned food item' and copy-paste the code in for ingots melting when they get too hot.

But i think all metals have only a point where they evaporate (which is already implemented)


I don't think that metals can turn into ash or something like burn into a black chunk, or can they?

Just my naiv chemisty knowledge, maybe the unpure metal parts or other material within the ores may turn to slag.


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But i think all metals have only a point where they evaporate (which is already implemented)


I don't think that metals can turn into ash or something like burn into a black chunk, or can they?

Just my naiv chemisty knowledge, maybe the unpure metal parts or other material within the ores may turn to slag.

You misunderstand I think. Eternal was saying that there is a state change when the metals melt, they go from an "ore" item to a "liquid" item. Using this code, it would be easy (possibly) to transition the beef from beef to "burnt" when it reached a certain temp


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You misunderstand I think. Eternal was saying that there is a state change when the metals melt, they go from an "ore" item to a "liquid" item. Using this code, it would be easy (possibly) to transition the beef from beef to "burnt" when it reached a certain temp

Ahhh, well yeah, I like that very much, because the amounts of beef and pork you get now are a little to much considering that all you need is a fire and some wood and you will be suited for days. With metal bars you also have look out so that they don't turn into unshaped metal by smelting so it would be great to implement that for food.


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By the way: Since I saw that vegetation note on the homepage I wonder if, or when vegetables, bushes and spices/herbs will be implemented to TFC.

Does anybody have an idea of that?


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I think its a fine idea, though I don't see why the oven would have to be metal. I'd think a brick oven would make more sense in general giving TFC's 'tech level' overall. If you wanted to make it more complex than having someone chisel up a few bricks, require it to be made out of actual clay bricks. Combined that with a suitable heating source into an 'arranged' structure (same way we do Bloomeries and Forges) and you're in business.

A stew pot would be nice also. I'm sure its been mentioned dozens of times before, but it would seem like an appropriate upgrade to the firepit - Or perhaps part of a new component to a 'fireplace' structure that works on coals OR logs and requires a chimney?

Lots of options all around. :)


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