Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Existing Feature Suggestions

6 posts in this topic

Here are some things I would like to see:


-3D campfire textures, like saplings/grass/flowers etc.

-Campfires that repel mobs like RL fire keeps predators away.

-Ashes produced after long use.


-More accurate mechanics for Prospector's Pick. PROSPECTOR'S PICK IS NOT BEING MODIFIED

-Stone type restrictions on tool crafting. I don't think a slate pickaxe could effectively break any kind of stone, for example.

-More tools that are specialized for specific elements. I like the use of axes to split logs into planks, and more tools can be made for similar things.


-Zinc/Tin is far too difficult in some cases to find. I'd like to see some tweaks to "Starter" metals that can be smelted in the fire pit.

-Bad ores. Useless ores. Variety. Although there are so many types of rock, caves and tunnels can be so bland. I'd like to see some variety to break up the monotony.


-Longer day/night cycle. Maybe just double the day/night lengths.

-Sand types.

-New mobs.

-Dangerous weather.

-Injuries. If you fall off a cliff, you're gonna break your ankles. However, you can bandage wounds with wool, splint your limbs with wood, etc.

-More mob drops. Spider venom, wolf pelts, cloth from zombies...

Everyone feel free to add to this, as I'm sure Bioxx would rather have a bunch of suggestions in one place!


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Nice topic, hope Bioxx likes it.

Knife to peel bark from birch and other fitting trees to use as tinder of for crafting/relighting torches.

I would like to see torches gaining an interface like the firepit so that you need to supply fuel, perhaps sticks or some other burnable material like bark from birch, so that the torches gain a more realistic feel.

Saltwater barrels for the forge, I know he is planning water and oil, but they did also use saltwater for the more intense stuff.

Mobs more fitting the mod, feels odd killing skeletons, zombies and creepers, would rather see something in the lines of roaming neanderthals. Although if there is compatability one might use mo' creatures?

Food cellar for storing food so that they last longer


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All of these suggestions are awesome. May I add:

*A Repair tool that (instead of going FUSION and smelting two tools together) will sacrifice part of it's durability for the cause

*Fishing rods made of metal (More Durability)

*Silk trees/bugs/whatever to make string or something along the lines of it

*Expanding on xAxis27 "More Mobs" idea, a few of ideas:


**Moose/Deer/Bison etc.

**Mongoose or other predators

**BIRDS (Eagle, Vulture, Parrot etc.)

*Oxygen levels for deep underground, possibly renewed by plants or an opening into the sky.

Thanks for the consideration.


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um you do know there are other topics for about half of the things you just suggested, not trying to be mean or anything but...

although i do love the idea of keeping mobs away with fire but instead of a kind of barrier that just blocks them, it more makes it so mobs just woont aggro on you and will try and stay out of the fire radius but wont exactly be reppelled like a force feild


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Here are some things I would like to see:


-3D campfire textures, like saplings/grass/flowers etc.

-Campfires that repel mobs like RL fire keeps predators away.

-Ashes produced after long use.


-More accurate mechanics for Prospector's Pick. PROSPECTOR'S PICK IS NOT BEING MODIFIED

-Stone type restrictions on tool crafting. I don't think a slate pickaxe could effectively break any kind of stone, for example.

-More tools that are specialized for specific elements. I like the use of axes to split logs into planks, and more tools can be made for similar things.


-Zinc/Tin is far too difficult in some cases to find. I'd like to see some tweaks to "Starter" metals that can be smelted in the fire pit.

-Bad ores. Useless ores. Variety. Although there are so many types of rock, caves and tunnels can be so bland. I'd like to see some variety to break up the monotony.


-Longer day/night cycle. Maybe just double the day/night lengths.

-Sand types.

-New mobs.

-Dangerous weather.

-Injuries. If you fall off a cliff, you're gonna break your ankles. However, you can bandage wounds with wool, splint your limbs with wood, etc.

-More mob drops. Spider venom, wolf pelts, cloth from zombies...

Everyone feel free to add to this, as I'm sure Bioxx would rather have a bunch of suggestions in one place!

what do you mean by "bad ores" ?

because i have a hole thead on minerals that cause pollution to nearby areas

in general, i like many of your ideas though srgnoodles is right about how there are multiple theads that discuss these sorts of things.

perhaps we shold create a thead about different but spacific ideas that are similar to each other?


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I love the 3d campfires. Love them.

RogueHydra, you lurking around anywhere?


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