Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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As Regards Light and Sources Thereof

7 posts in this topic

A way to place or ensconce a torch on a support beam.

Completely secondary and likely to earn me hate: finite torches. They go out over time, have a usage meter, something. Can be relit with another torch or a special knapping recipe. This opens the door to:

Other light sources: Basic Lamps, Candles, anything. I've played minecraft for years and if there's anyone who I believe can finally remedy the technological disparity between my ornate stone structures and a stick I caught on fire, it's Bioxx. Even without finite torches, just something.

To keep this simple and somewhat easy to implement at first, olives do exist and their oil can be burned.

Less simple method: Leather is now incredibly common due to increased animal drops, change the name of leather to skin and make combining skin and a knife in a crafting table or inventory to separate them into processed skin and animal fat. Animal fat in a campfire with a mold will render down to a tallow filled mold. Combine tallow filled mold with a piece of string and you have a candle, possibly two.

Causing hostile mobs not to spawn on constructed surfaces such as wood and worked stone regardless of light level would make this more viable of course.

As a final note: I have no idea how to create the graphics for minecraft, but I will learn and create some if need be for this concept.


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I believe almost all of these have been suggested many times before...


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A way to place or ensconce a torch on a support beam.

Completely secondary and likely to earn me hate: finite torches. They go out over time, have a usage meter, something. Can be relit with another torch or a special knapping recipe. This opens the door to:

Other light sources: Basic Lamps, Candles, anything. I've played minecraft for years and if there's anyone who I believe can finally remedy the technological disparity between my ornate stone structures and a stick I caught on fire, it's Bioxx. Even without finite torches, just something.

To keep this simple and somewhat easy to implement at first, olives do exist and their oil can be burned.

Less simple method: Leather is now incredibly common due to increased animal drops, change the name of leather to skin and make combining skin and a knife in a crafting table or inventory to separate them into processed skin and animal fat. Animal fat in a campfire with a mold will render down to a tallow filled mold. Combine tallow filled mold with a piece of string and you have a candle, possibly two.

Causing hostile mobs not to spawn on constructed surfaces such as wood and worked stone regardless of light level would make this more viable of course.

As a final note: I have no idea how to create the graphics for minecraft, but I will learn and create some if need be for this concept.

saw your original post and now this. You have some interesting concepts, but there are of course negatives associated with a change such as this. Tallow will not come from skins, but it is being discussed from other sources. Hostile mobs (undead, spiders) will have their spawns adjusted. Unfortunately, bears and wolves will soon want your guts in their guts. Their spawns won't be changed by block. More light sources might be added, but we'd like to be more innovative.

Thanks for the post! It gives a lot to think about.


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I agree with tallow in the fireplace, though fat will likely come from butchery updates in the future

Using olive oil is rather inspired, but would then require a press to obtain. I am not against that either.

Lamps would probably be something like:



Where S is a copper sheet (single), O is the oil receptacle, and W is the wick. I would have put string, but S was already taken. Wick = string for clarity.

Or perhaps there could be a lamp plan you work on the anvil from a double sheet, that you can craft the result with oil and string in a shapeless recipe. That's probably more likely...


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Would a press really be needed though? one could inneficiently get the oil by stomping on it, much like early wine production... or maybe a small version like a hammer, olives, and a bottle would fill them (terrible recipe design though :/ )

Edit: Don't get me wrong, i definitely like the idea of a press, but a first step ineffective approach appeals to be. then one can go to a press once they obtain metals.


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one could inneficiently get the oil by stomping on it

Many Olives -> unfinished barrel (has cracks in it) -> Large barrel -> Tap in side of large barrel -> Olive oil

Easy enough for new players, Hard enough to not have a large amount really early


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